

Wel­come, Writ­ing in the Visual Arts students!


This is our course site, which I will update reg­u­larly (blog func­tion); be sure to check frequently—especially for posts supplementing/amending our class sched­ule.


There sev­eral ways to stay up-to-date with class using this blog (our course website):

    book­mark the main page; sub­scribe to the RSS feed (reader required); view course con­tent on your mobile or tablet (site opti­mized for lat­est mobile/touchscreen plat­forms); Sub­scribe (via your Word­Press account)


» Look­ing ahead (com­ing soon):

  • Overview and detailed expla­na­tion about blog­ging indi­vid­u­ally (var­i­ous tasks & ben­e­fits) and for group work.
  • Con­tin­u­ing brief overview from class, instruc­tions for group work and research, con­cern­ing visual cul­ture across dig­i­tal media plat­forms — with sug­ges­tions / guid­ance for groups by topic.


» Most imme­di­ately, closely review
the syl­labus and sched­ule of class ses­sions, read­ings, and assignments.