Disaster (Categorical)


    • Reminder: update “net­work wit­ness” with revised issue/focus & tasks (blog­ging)
    • Exer­cise due F 11/21 (choose prompt 4 or prompt 5)

Stage III   Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony
Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”

M 17-Nov   Read/discuss: E.M. Chp. 5 “Form­less Emblems (Testimonial)”

      Activity/Discuss: toward MemeMo­r­ial tes­ti­mo­nial — project focus & dis­as­ter (method)

W 19-Nov   Read/discuss: E.M. Chp. 6 “The Agency of the Image (Upsilon Alarm)”

    Focus/Discuss: assem­blage tes­ti­mony (chor­ag­ra­phy) — event-disaster as fig­ure (image category)

» Blog Entry: dis­cuss project focus + spe­cific con­cept (con­nect key point) — use/reference net­work wit­ness update

    • class­mate com­ment optional; sug­gest — respond to classmate’s entry in terms of praxis (applied the­ory),
      MEmo­r­ial tes­ti­mo­nial (assem­blage), regard­ing key point from chp 5 and/or 6 (also could dis­cuss her/his idea in con­text: Emer­A­gency con­sult­ing, col­lec­tive unconscious/blindspot, disaster-event as fig­ure, “chor­ag­ra­phy” [think-write par­a­digm], etc.)


      Reminder: pro­pose by 21-Nov to present at PWR Diver­sity Con­fer­ence
      — Group Emer­A­gency Net-Work (project 2) would make for great presentation/panel!
      “Pro­pos­als can be from any dis­ci­pline and in any genre – nar­ra­tive, analy­sis, mul­ti­me­dia, etc.
      *Pref­er­ence will be given to pro­pos­als that involve dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy* 100 word abstracts“

F 21-Nov   » Due Exer­cise (prompt 4 or prompt 5)

Apply by 11/21 to present!

Fall Break   No Class (Mon 24-Nov – Fri 28-Nov)

      » Reminder: com­pose optional exer­cise for extra credit over break
      (choose either ex 4/5 or optional prompt)


About GHink

-- Gary Hink, Ph.D. Digital Composition Faculty Program for Writing & Rhetoric
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    Form­less Value-Page 132: “Form­less gives access to the aban­doned, neglected mod­ern sacred, and the MEmo­r­ial fol­lows up by artic­u­lat­ing the unac­knowl­edged val­ues to be found at this level of experience”

    Kindertitenlieder”—Page 134: “A first step of a Memo­r­ial is to notice an abject loss that the com­mu­nity acknowl­edges is a prob­lem but that is not accepted as a sac­ri­fice on behalf of a belief or value struc­tur­ing a group sub­ject… The Memo­r­ial addresses abjec­tion in both indi­vid­ual and national iden­tity, hav­ing to do with a lack of fit, a cer­tain dis­par­ity between the two sides of what is com­pared in an iden­tity condition”

    Sub­lime Abuse—BLINDNESS
    • Page 136—“The pur­pose of a Memo­r­ial is to wit­ness and tes­tify regard­ing the event of a pub­lic prob­lem, to shift it from the pri­vate, indi­vid­ual sta­tus of one at a time, each case in iso­la­tion, to a cumu­la­tive pub­lic sta­tus of sac­ri­fice on behalf of an unrep­re­sented national value. A Memo­r­ial attempts to bring such abject losses to the atten­tion of the pub­lic with­out trans­port­ing them into abstrac­tions or ideals”
    • Page 137—Testimonial (mys­tory applied to a pub­lic pol­icy issue) dra­ma­tizes the blind­ness… names a feel­ing that the Memo­r­ial exposes, exter­nal­izes, artic­u­lates”
    **Through com­po­si­tion of an indi­vid­u­als story that reflects the col­lec­tive value, a tes­ti­mony states what we (the col­lec­tive) are overlooking

    Pulsation—Page 140 “a MEmo­r­ial is a car­tog­ra­phy of ATH, trac­ing the paths join­ing symp­tom of a value (until it is given col­lec­tive recog­ni­tion as such) there is no hope of alter­ing the behav­ior. The goal of cumu­la­tive Memo­ri­als is col­lec­tive self-knowledge. In the tes­ti­mony, the maker gives evi­dence, tes­ti­fies to the eth­i­cal expe­ri­ence, the feel­ing of duty that abuses me (if it does). My iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with (recog­ni­tion of) this dis­as­ter out­side me as a frac­tal mea­sure of the dis­as­ter within makes writable the cat­e­gory of jus­tice, and is the point of depar­ture for an elec­trate post­na­tional identity”.

  2. Ch. 5 Notes:

    This chap­ter mainly talks about MEmo­r­ial as an event and how it is val­ued in a spe­cific way or by cer­tain peo­ple. We need to deter­mine what we are “over­look­ing” in our event and why some events are not gained by a col­lec­tive sta­tus. We need to link indi­vid­ual iso­lated inci­dents with a col­lec­tive per­spec­tive. Events need to have this group affect and influ­ence in order to gain the acknowl­edge­ment that this event may need in order to “stand out.” We don’t need to con­vince the com­mu­nity that an event is hap­pen­ing but instead show the value of the topic.

  3. Chap­ter 6
    –Y as idea or eidos, shape
    –Ensta­sis: a dialec­ti­cal pro­ce­dure in aristotle’s logic by which one adduces a counter expam­ple to refute a claim of uni­ver­sal­ity for a rule.
    –Egency: an insti­tu­tional entity cre­ated to orga­nize the MEmo­r­ial pro­gram with­ing a vir­tual con­sul­tancy.
    –The image of the Y from the chal­lenger
    -“A graphic depic­tions of vast power gone berserk… seen by mil­lions and inspir­ing one” (156)
    –What does “Y” spell?
    –The ques­tion of why the pre­ventable tragedies were allowed
    -”These deaths are a sac­ri­fice made on the behalf of Amer­i­can national iden­tity” (157)
    –Michael Jack­son and O.J. Simp­sons’ attempt to help was $incere
    –The wish switch
    –What is the tra­jec­tory of pain through me?
    –the idea that tragedies define soci­ety
    -“I don’t explain Bradley’s abuse, it explains me”

  4. Pg. 147 ”  I am think­ing not about Bradley McGee but with him.“
    – Get a sense of mood or feel­ing rather than think­ing about the sit­u­a­tion
    – Tran­si­tion­ing from think­ing to feeling


    The let­ter Shape of Y
    – ‘Y’ pro­duces mean­ing effects in the col­lec­tive beyond intent, with­out under­stand­ing, with­out indi­vid­ual con­scious­ness
    – Every dis­as­ter for every per­son raises the ques­tion “why“
    – The ques­tion of why the pre­ventable tragedies were allowed
    -”These deaths are a sac­ri­fice made on the behalf of Amer­i­can national iden­tity” (157)
    ○ Ex: Michael Jack­son and O.J Simpson

    – “insti­tu­tional entity cre­ated to orga­nize the Memo­r­ial pro­gram within a vir­tual con­sul­tancy“
    From text to felt

  5. To define a thing (bes­tim­men) is made pos­si­ble by attune­ment (stim­mung) of state of mind through mood.

    MEmo­r­ial: does not define or ana­lyze the dis­as­ter, rather it dis­cov­ers its mood.
    –Can be dis­cov­ered by look­ing at reac­tion of peo­ple online, as well as your own reac­tion to it
    –Addresses gap between the dis­as­ter, and the abil­ity of the pub­lic to respond (not the gov­ern­ment, nec­es­sar­ily)
    –Does not offer a rea­son for the dis­as­ter, but a hypoth­e­sis of why soci­etal val­ues allow the dis­as­ter to reoccur

    The basic act of MEmo­ri­al­iz­ing: accept an event — any event that I rec­og­nize (that looks at me) — as the vehi­cle in a fig­ure whose tenor is soul, sub­ject, spirit. Explore the prop­er­ties of psy­che by means of the inven­tory of attrib­utes — acci­dents– avail­able in the vehi­cle. Learn every­thing about this event as a pro­vi­sional con­tainer that per­mits the feel­ing of Being to come to aware­ness. Com­pare these attrib­utes with those pro­duced by other online. Nego­ti­ate. Are we enraged today?

  6. Ch. 6 Notes:

    This chap­ter talks about this pat­tern effect and gath­er­ing effect and the “mood of the dis­as­ter.” If there is a col­lec­tive sta­tus toward a cer­tain sit­u­a­tion the mood might be that they agree or dis­agree toward the MEmo­r­ial pre­sented. We need con­crete details to con­duct the mood and spirit of the event. We need to make this event vis­i­ble to the pub­lic by dis­play­ing these sen­sory details to con­vey what is happening.

  7. Ideals of Soci­ety: things that we accept as a whole as okay even though we know they are morally wrong

    The inter­ac­tion between the two cop Miche­lin men: the boss cop used a lot of pro­fan­ity and was rude and demand­ing of his fel­low cop/understudy. Stereo­types of cops: rude, eat a lot of junk (“salad and water” walks out with soda and fries”), are allowed to break the law with­out reper­cus­sions (crash­ing into other car– “he was in my lane”). Seen again when they run over the MandM char­ac­ters with­out bat­ting and eye
    The Pringles face: the Stigma of the “pedo stache” any many who has a mus­tache like that is some sort of crazed, sex-focused many”. maybe less directly related to the idea of lost inno­cence– I relate the idea of pringles to child­hood and fun fam­ily events and by mak­ing him slap a “woman’s ass” its tear­ing that inno­cence away from me.
    The wait­ress: I’m not sure what brand she rep­re­sents, but it refers to the stereo­type of all wait­resses are sluts/ bad girls who smock cig­a­rettes and flaunt there bod­ies. “the way she says “oh my christ” makes her sound dainty and frag­ile. The rea­son they have her com­ment­ing on the crash scene makes her involved/interested in the drama.
    The lit­tle boys: always get­ting into trou­ble– relates directly to my con­cept of pub­lic edu­ca­tion reform– stigma that lit­tle boys are ram­bunc­tious and look for trou­ble to cause “look at all the guns, we need to get our­selves one of those” also in the zoo
    Ronald McDon­ald: hold­ing the lit­tle boy hostage– fast food is the cause of child­hood obesity

    The earth­quake and specif­i­cally the fall of Ronald McDon­ald– rep­re­sent the fall of the effec­tive­ness of adver­tis­ing and logos because of the infor­ma­tion over­load. There are so many dif­fer­ent sym­bols and emblems sat­u­rat­ing the cur­rent soci­ety that they are no longer hold­ing the atten­tion of the population/becoming irrel­e­vant. The adver­tis­ing game needs to take a major step up if it wants to main­tain the effectiveness.

  8. Some thoughts on “Logo­rama” and how it con­nects to the text.

    From chap­ter six we have the “mood of dis­as­ter.” In Logo­rama it seems that there are two dis­as­ters. The dis­as­ter of the preva­lence of adver­tis­ing, and the fact that we accept this dom­i­na­tion of adver­tis­ing in our world.

    The mood of these dis­as­ters is totally over­whelm­ing. Every­thing from the build­ings, to char­ac­ters, to cars and guns are all some sort of logo.

    Not nec­es­sar­ily related to the text, but there was also a good bit of sym­bol­ism in Logo­rama. The most strik­ing was Ronald McDon­ald tak­ing the kid hostage. It seems to be a com­men­tary on the state of fast food and con­ve­nience on children.

    A lit­tle race com­ment too, int’s inter­est­ing that only the “black” cop gets shot. With a lit­tle stretch you could see that as Ronald and cor­po­ra­tions in gen­eral tar­get­ing minorities.

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