- Update/Refine Mission Statement; Post variety of content (policy + media + stories…?)
- Generate audience: share pages (social networks); contact local/campus groups
- → Over weekend (from last week): Continue/increase group-consulting activity
* reminder: participation credit; plus, need 10 posts for annotations by 10/31
Stage II Network Engagement
— Project: Beyond “Clicktivism”
M 6-Oct Read/Discuss: “Interview with Rita Raley” (on “tactical media”)
- Group task/activity: select Case Study from several options identified (organization / media campaign)
- — skip to 7:28 for Raley
W 8-Oct View: Critical Art Ensemble — tactical media examples
- » Group task/activity: discuss Case Study (organization / media campaign)
- — Mini-lecture on CAE & Tactical Media model
- key topics/chapters: “the virtual condition,” “Recombinant Theater, “the Performative Matrix“
— Cultural Resistance, “the bunker,” “nonrational strategies”
from The Electronic Disturbance (1994) + Electronic Civil Disobedience(1996) ebooks
» Blog entry:
- — discuss modeling from Case Study 1 tactic/technique in your posting this week
F 10-Oct Read/Discuss: Ridolfo & DeVoss: “Rhetorical Velocity and Delivery” Kairos 13.2 (2009)
— read pages: “intro,” “remix,” “amplification,” & “velocity“
(other pages optional; “history” recommended)
- Discuss/Focus: group-consulting posts/writing as Ephemeral (tactical) or Circulation (for recompostion) or both?
Due (S 11-Oct): Exercise 2 — Prompt below
- “Tactical Media is situational, ephemeral, and self-terminating. It encourages the use of any media that will engage a particular socio-political context in order to create molecular interventions and semiotic shocks that collectively could diminish the rising intensity of authoritarian culture.“
— Critical Art Ensemble
Exercise 2: Apparatus Reflection (“experienced image”)
- Due S 11-Oct (11pm); 10 points, 500 words (minimum); media: required (3 instances)
→ optional, for extra points: include custom/original media instance
» Prompt:
- Describe your experience of each apparatus (Orality, Literacy, Electracy) specifically
- Add media instance for each category (illustration and/or expressive)
→ optional, for extra points: include custom/original media instance (e.g., edited image, GIF, short video like Vine, audio edit) that expresses 1 of your apparatus experiences
(additional mode, beyond representing description in text)
» protip: fast/easy Media Tools (from Project 1) - Try composing in the communication mode (discourse) unique to each (i.e. the mode respective to the style of apparatus).
Can use variety / combination of narrative, scene/dialogue, non-textual exchange, rational/academic description (in brief) — with concrete and representative examples from experience, for each. Suggest: perhaps think in terms of daily/weekly routine.
→ Main goal is self-reflexive understanding of your experience — behaviors, rhetoric, “mood of thought” — respective to distinct situations.
Include insights from these reflections, either in each discussion (paragraphs) or in conclusion (separate).
Criteria from syllabus:
Posted to personal blog, these informal compositions illustrate attentive reading of assigned texts, progress toward project, and engagement with class topics relative to schedule.
Credit is assigned for (1) submitting on-time; (2) demonstrating attention to class topics, content knowledge, and critical thinking, particularly by describing insights and connections; (3) providing thoughtful and relevant responses to prompts, through specialized discourse; (4) with specific examples from personal knowledge and/or respective readings, (5) while extending rhetorical knowledge and mastery of writing conventions, practicing efficient prose (i.e. minimizing /avoiding summary, repetition, digression, and unnecessary discussion).
» Notes / Tips:
while Project 1 examined and presented examples of networked identity and visible community, this Exercise further considers our experience and behaviors in each apparatus — with reflection and representative examples — for insights about different conditions for possibility (for instance, this week’s discussion of engagement, spectacle, routine, and disruption).
Consulting Ulmer’s Apparatus Chart — but not limited to his examples: for instance, I don’t experience Orality in Church (any more); I would choose a new specific site/occasion, etc. (e.g. talking with friends & family members at home or at bar, about non-academic topics).
The understanding here is Orality : Group : Ritual. Through example and reflection, I want to consider — what is mindset, feeling, attitude, language, desires, affects, possibility, limitation? — in a lived example, especially at level of discourse.
The discussion is straightforward in three parts. Beyond simply describing examples for each, try composing in the mode of each experience with representative examples. We want to draw insights about the unique experience as we’ve probably not considered before: especially, what it is to “be an image,” now, in the network of mediated identity (spectacle, disconnected from my image? engaged, experiencing circulation and/or “curation” of my mediated identity? “virtual condition,” performative?)
Also, perhaps any sites or instances of overlap, connection, division (disruption/disturbance?) — whether discourse, culture, mindset, behavior — in my common experience? These are only a few ideas you might speculate in your conclusions drawn, insights from your understanding in the specific cases documented.
Finally, an important objective for multimodal composing and digital rhetoric: we want to include media (any type/form) for each of the 3 instances — representation (illustrate, document); or better yet, expressive (aesthetic logic) of my experience.
“Spectacle has become the site of mediation” //
“The economy of desire can be safely viewed through the familiar window of screenal space.
Secure in the electronic bunker…” — Critical Art Ensemble, The Electronic Disturbance