Tactical Velocity

      → Over week­end (from last week): Continue/increase group-consulting activity

      • Update/Refine Mis­sion State­ment; Post vari­ety of con­tent (pol­icy + media + stories…?)
      • Gen­er­ate audi­ence: share pages (social net­works); con­tact local/campus groups
      • * reminder: par­tic­i­pa­tion credit; plus, need 10 posts for anno­ta­tions by 10/31


Stage II          Net­work Engage­ment
Project: Beyond “Clicktivism”


M 6-Oct    Read/Discuss: “Inter­view with Rita Raley” (on “tac­ti­cal media”)

  • Group task/activity: select Case Study from sev­eral options iden­ti­fied (orga­ni­za­tion / media campaign)


      skip to 7:28 for Raley


W 8-Oct    View: Crit­i­cal Art Ensem­ble — tac­ti­cal media exam­ples

    » Group task/activity: dis­cuss Case Study (orga­ni­za­tion / media campaign)


    Mini-lecture on CAE & Tac­ti­cal Media model
    from The Elec­tronic Dis­tur­bance (1994) + Elec­tronic Civil Disobedience(1996) ebooks

    • key topics/chapters: “the vir­tual con­di­tion,” “Recom­bi­nant The­ater, “the Per­for­ma­tive Matrix“
      — Cul­tural Resis­tance, “the bunker,” “non­ra­tional strategies”

» Blog entry:

    — dis­cuss mod­el­ing from Case Study 1 tactic/technique in your post­ing this week


F 10-Oct    Read/Discuss: Ridolfo & DeVoss: “Rhetor­i­cal Veloc­ity and Deliv­ery” Kairos 13.2 (2009)

    read pages: “intro,” “remix,” “ampli­fi­ca­tion,” & “veloc­ity“
    (other pages optional; “his­tory” recommended)


  • Discuss/Focus: group-consulting posts/writing as Ephemeral (tac­ti­cal) or Cir­cu­la­tion (for recom­pos­tion) or both?


Due (S 11-Oct): Exer­cise 2Prompt below


        “Tac­ti­cal Media is sit­u­a­tional, ephemeral, and self-terminating. It encour­ages the use of any media that will engage a par­tic­u­lar socio-political con­text in order to cre­ate mol­e­c­u­lar inter­ven­tions and semi­otic shocks that col­lec­tively could dimin­ish the ris­ing inten­sity of author­i­tar­ian cul­ture.“
        Crit­i­cal Art Ensem­ble




Exer­cise 2: Appa­ra­tus Reflec­tion (“expe­ri­enced image”)


      Due S 11-Oct (11pm); 10 points, 500 words (min­i­mum); media: required (3 instances)
      optional, for extra points: include custom/original media instance

» Prompt:

  • Describe your expe­ri­ence of each appa­ra­tus (Oral­ity, Lit­er­acy, Elec­tracy) specifically
  • Add media instance for each cat­e­gory (illus­tra­tion and/or expressive)
      optional, for extra points: include custom/original media instance (e.g., edited image, GIF, short video like Vine, audio edit) that expresses 1 of your appa­ra­tus expe­ri­ences
      (addi­tional mode, beyond rep­re­sent­ing descrip­tion in text)
      » pro­tip: fast/easy Media Tools (from Project 1)
  • Try com­pos­ing in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion mode (dis­course) unique to each (i.e. the mode respec­tive to the style of appa­ra­tus).
    Can use vari­ety / com­bi­na­tion of nar­ra­tive, scene/dialogue, non-textual exchange, rational/academic descrip­tion (in brief) — with con­crete and rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples from expe­ri­ence, for each. Sug­gest: per­haps think in terms of daily/weekly routine.
    Main goal is self-reflexive under­stand­ing of your expe­ri­ence — behav­iors, rhetoric, “mood of thought” — respec­tive to dis­tinct sit­u­a­tions.
    Include insights from these reflec­tions, either in each dis­cus­sion (para­graphs) or in con­clu­sion (sep­a­rate).


Cri­te­ria from syl­labus:

    Posted to per­sonal blog, these infor­mal com­po­si­tions illus­trate atten­tive read­ing of assigned texts, progress toward project, and engage­ment with class top­ics rel­a­tive to sched­ule.
    Credit is assigned for (1) sub­mit­ting on-time; (2) demon­strat­ing atten­tion to class top­ics, con­tent knowl­edge, and crit­i­cal think­ing, par­tic­u­larly by describ­ing insights and con­nec­tions; (3) pro­vid­ing thought­ful and rel­e­vant responses to prompts, through spe­cial­ized dis­course; (4) with spe­cific exam­ples from per­sonal knowl­edge and/or respec­tive read­ings, (5) while extend­ing rhetor­i­cal knowl­edge and mas­tery of writ­ing con­ven­tions, prac­tic­ing effi­cient prose (i.e. min­i­miz­ing /avoiding sum­mary, rep­e­ti­tion, digres­sion, and unnec­es­sary discussion).




» Notes / Tips:

while Project 1 exam­ined and pre­sented exam­ples of net­worked iden­tity and vis­i­ble com­mu­nity, this Exer­cise fur­ther con­sid­ers our expe­ri­ence and behav­iors in each appa­ra­tus — with reflec­tion and rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples — for insights about dif­fer­ent con­di­tions for pos­si­bil­ity (for instance, this week’s dis­cus­sion of engage­ment, spec­ta­cle, rou­tine, and dis­rup­tion).
Con­sult­ing Ulmer’s Appa­ra­tus Chart — but not lim­ited to his exam­ples: for instance, I don’t expe­ri­ence Oral­ity in Church (any more); I would choose a new spe­cific site/occasion, etc. (e.g. talk­ing with friends & fam­ily mem­bers at home or at bar, about non-academic top­ics).
The under­stand­ing here is Oral­ity : Group : Rit­ual. Through exam­ple and reflec­tion, I want to con­sider — what is mind­set, feel­ing, atti­tude, lan­guage, desires, affects, pos­si­bil­ity, lim­i­ta­tion? — in a lived exam­ple, espe­cially at level of discourse.

The dis­cus­sion is straight­for­ward in three parts. Beyond sim­ply describ­ing exam­ples for each, try com­pos­ing in the mode of each expe­ri­ence with rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples. We want to draw insights about the unique expe­ri­ence as we’ve prob­a­bly not con­sid­ered before: espe­cially, what it is to “be an image,” now, in the net­work of medi­ated iden­tity (spec­ta­cle, dis­con­nected from my image? engaged, expe­ri­enc­ing cir­cu­la­tion and/or “cura­tion” of my medi­ated iden­tity? “vir­tual con­di­tion,” per­for­ma­tive?)
Also, per­haps any sites or instances of over­lap, con­nec­tion, divi­sion (disruption/disturbance?) — whether dis­course, cul­ture, mind­set, behav­ior — in my com­mon expe­ri­ence? These are only a few ideas you might spec­u­late in your con­clu­sions drawn, insights from your under­stand­ing in the spe­cific cases documented.

Finally, an impor­tant objec­tive for mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing and dig­i­tal rhetoric: we want to include media (any type/form) for each of the 3 instances — rep­re­sen­ta­tion (illus­trate, doc­u­ment); or bet­ter yet, expres­sive (aes­thetic logic) of my expe­ri­ence.


“Spec­ta­cle has become the site of medi­a­tion” //
“The econ­omy of desire can be safely viewed through the famil­iar win­dow of screenal space.
Secure in the elec­tronic bunker…” — Crit­i­cal Art Ensem­ble, The Elec­tronic Dis­tur­bance


About GHink

-- Gary Hink, Ph.D. Digital Composition Faculty Program for Writing & Rhetoric
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