Project 1 — Overview

Project 1: Dig­i­tal Nar­ra­tive of Belief—multimodal video


video: 15 points; due 19-Sept
sum­mary: 10 points; due 20-Sept 

Objec­tive: Con­vey through cre­ative non­fic­tion nar­ra­tive a belief rec­og­nized, in video form online for pub­lic audience.

  • Con­tent: rather than descrip­tion, present a non­fic­tion nar­ra­tive that con­veys belief of some­one other than your­self. The story will com­mu­ni­cate this con­tent for pub­lic (non-academic) audi­ence imag­ined, posted to Web platform(s) for wider view­ing and circulation.
  • For­mat: a mul­ti­modal video, in genre of “dig­i­tal sto­ry­telling,” apply­ing con­ven­tions of nar­ra­tive (stud­ied & discussed).


Once a story is launched directly into the Web, deter­min­ing its begin­ning and end is not always an easy mat­ter.” (Alexan­der, New Dig­i­tal Sto­ry­telling 42)



Composing Summary (Poetics)


  • due Sun 20-Sept; post on your blog (WordPress)
  • 10 points (of 25 total); 500 words

Con­cisely and thought­fully, dis­cuss your video com­pos­ing of the mul­ti­me­dia story:
1. your nar­ra­tive approach, includ­ing tech­niques and your ratio­nale (or intended effects); par­tic­u­larly con­cern­ing this story and the belief/value to convey.
Be spe­cific, iden­ti­fy­ing nar­ra­tion choices con­sid­er­ing con­ven­tions of genre, expec­ta­tions by public/social audi­ence (for oral story), and pur­pose of our project (com­mu­ni­cate someone’s belief through story mode).

2. Your com­pos­ing deci­sions and ratio­nale (dig­i­tal rhetoric) cre­at­ing the video, a mul­ti­me­dia story with sev­eral ele­ments and effects. Be sure to dis­cuss your video in spe­cific ways, any/all media ele­ments, in terms of choices / decision-making and intended effect (not a recap of tech­ni­cal process or dif­fi­culty). You might want to identify/explain any cre­ative tech­niques or choices less obvi­ous, for instance ratio­nale for relation/balance (or not) of media com­po­nents. Finally, be sure to note at least briefly your con­sid­er­a­tions and/or deci­sions for mul­ti­me­dia con­cern­ing genre, audi­ence, mode, and pub­li­ca­tion — hav­ing com­posed intend­ing to post to Web platform(s) for wider view­ing and cir­cu­la­tion, in ways suit­able to and apply­ing con­ven­tions of public/social communication
(or “world­view”: belief/value & oral/personal storytelling).

    note: this prompt asks for more thought­ful responses than summary/description (min­i­mize and/or frame as exam­ples). as well, it is not yet a reflec­tion (sub­se­quent blog entry) — just dis­cus­sion of your com­pos­ing (process/techniques/decisions) and rationale.