Project Composing Guide

Act III   Post-Internet Art
Project: Praxis Proposal
  • Upcom­ing: Project 3 due M 4/27
  • Dis­cuss ideas through­out work­shops week in com­ments
    prepa­ra­tion: please review inven­tio activ­ity & coor­di­nate (post topic/idea you will dis­cuss dur­ing class)

Project Devel­op­ment (Wed-Sun) — see guide/notes below


» Project 3 due 4/27 (start of class) for Pre­sen­ta­tions (informal)

  • Illus­trated Pro­posal (website/pages) due 4/27 (20 points); post link on your blog

  • Poet­ics (5 points, 400–500 words; due 28-Apr; post on your blog)
  • Reflec­tion (5 points, 400–500 words; due 28-Apr; post on your blog)

look­ing ahead:

  • Exer­cise 4: CraftScreen (artist web­site) due 5/2
  • Optional Exer­cise (Extra Credit points): due 5/3
    — Rhetor­i­cal Analy­sis (Genre & Audi­ence) of Class Writ­ing (3 Projects)


Project 2: Illus­trated Pro­posal for New Art Praxis

  • Mul­ti­modal Assem­blage (20 points; due 27-Apr)

      — dig­i­tal rhetoric: use Word­Press, Wix, Wee­bly, or another website

    • Vari­ety of writ­ing styles and mul­ti­ple media to sup­port — illus­trate, sim­u­late, con­vey, express — your pro­posal update/innovation ideas
  • Poet­ics (5 points, 400–500 words; due 28-Apr; post on your blog)
  • Reflec­tion (5 points, 400–500 words; due 28-Apr; post on your blog)

Overview: From research, obser­va­tions and expe­ri­ence, spec­u­late and illus­trate idea(s) for updat­ing cre­ative praxis and crit­i­cal dis­course in your medium/discipline.


1) Apply lessons and insights from the semes­ter and your course/field work
about tech­nol­ogy, media, and art in net­work media ecol­ogy:
pro­pose new praxis for art dis­ci­pline (your field/medium/major) con­sid­er­ing data­base media, dis­trib­uted aes­thet­ics, “post-Internet,” embod­ied, etc.

2) Beyond spec­u­lat­ing in dis­cus­sion and show­ing exam­ples, use mul­ti­me­dia pur­pose­fully to con­vey, illus­trate, express your inno­va­tion ideas and expe­ri­ence of the chang­ing net­worked media conditions.

  • This “assem­blage expres­sion” will include diverse ele­ments in mul­ti­ple modes; dig­i­tal rhetoric and cul­tural logic; and mate­ri­als from your entire “per­sonal data­base”: details from autobiography/experience, school/field, social/community, and art/entertainment.
    The media used — video, audio, images of all sorts — will be com­bi­na­tion of found & original/created, digitally-manipulated.

    Com­pos­ing Activ­ity — Devel­op­ing Project (22–26 Apr)
    • Develop & refine/focus your ideas..
    • Start by reflect­ing upon your “first-person” (direct) expe­ri­ence
      of art-making given tech­no­log­i­cal (mediated/networked); con­sider spe­cific roles of artist, audi­ence, critic/scholar, etc. (insti­tu­tions? chang­ing con­di­tions?)
      con­sider how these roles might be presented/simulated in the project…
      to illus­trate your pro­posed inno­va­tion praxis (hypo­thet­i­cal, by artists)
      focus your the idea as theme/subject to perform/present
      (rather than just to explain, argue, ana­lyze) in mul­ti­ple modes, through assem­blage com­po­si­tion (per­for­ma­tive hybrid)


    » Start plan­ning, design­ing, draft­ing → sketch / sto­ry­board pages (sections)

      * Plan/draft pages (4–6?); sto­ry­board how to arrange (navigation/organization scheme?)
      aes­thetic mode hybrid dis­course (cre­ative deliv­ery of crit­i­cal think­ing); audi­ence = artists; pur­pose = illus­trate ideas (mul­ti­modal: rep­re­sent, show, demon­strate, sim­u­late, con­vey; con­sider thoughtfully)

    • If using Word­Press as plat­form:
      — cre­ate new Project 3 par­ent page, then 4–6 sub pages.
    • Alter­na­tively you might pre­fer fea­tures of (rec­om­mended), Wee­bly, or another website


    • Collect/compile & create/edit media (“ready­made” and original/personal source mate­r­ial) to use
      — from any “per­sonal data­bases”; plus, media (images, video, audio, GIFs, etc.) you find as well as create
      — test design/media appli­ca­tions<
      → con­sider how to use media & web­text arrange­ment in mul­ti­ple modes: explain, spec­u­late doc­u­ment, rep­re­sent; illus­trate, demon­strate, sim­u­late; con­vey, evoke, express
      — con­sid­er­ing pur­pose and effects (use tech­niques and logic of aes­thetic forms)
      For instance, as dis­cussed: dis­tinct effects cre­ated by edited phở­tos, videos, GIFs, screen cap­ture images/video, media both per­sonal & found
      ** Use com­bi­na­tion of text and mul­ti­ple media in var­i­ous ways, apply­ing insights from study (par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture & dig­i­tal rhetoric) and exper­i­ment­ing with mul­ti­modal composing

    Assem­blage Com­pos­ing starter tips (from the­ory & objects of study):

      try­ing leav­ing your­self out (in terms of explic­itly explain­ing), in favor of illus­trat­ing & express­ing with “ready­made” details sam­pled from “data­bases”.
      Anal­ogy Guide: the DJ or Film Direc­tor is respon­si­ble for arrange­ment — sequence; focal­iza­tion & jux­ta­po­si­tion — while remain­ing absent, in terms of “voice” (artic­u­la­tion).
      The method (and goal) tries to arrange an assem­blage of het­ero­ge­neous details, from your Per­sonal Data­bases, in style of “sam­pling” and re-purposing;
      mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing as new form of expres­sion suitable/adequate to objec­tive,
      not to (just) explain/document your ideas, but as well to but to present, per­form, sim­u­late the cre­ative praxis and con­di­tions (net­work media ecol­ogy) within which you are sit­u­ated as first-person artist — con­ven­tions and chang­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties of art field in 21st century.…?