Posts with Tag ‘taxonomy’

First Hybrid Activity

» For Fri­day 16-Jan

  1. Read Droit­cour, “Why I Hate Post-Internet Art” (2014) blog entry

      (also check out the com­ments respond­ing to the entry)

  3. By end of class time Fri­day, post com­ment below

    (brief, 1–2 sen­tences; respond­ing to read­ing and/or dis­cussing with classmates)

    — dis­cus­sion prompts, respond­ing to read­ing and each other; any (not all!) of these top­ics, along with other points of inter­est for you:

    • Droit­cour’s main argu­ment? dis­cus­sion about art itself or the dis­course (the way it is described/talked-about)?
    • any spe­cific art-discipline writ­ing? most thought-provoking point or sen­tence? how dis­tin­guished as a “blog entry” vs. a “schol­arly arti­cle”? (and does this matter?)
    • what does the post do or accom­plish or gen­er­ate? (check out the com­ments; what are respon­ders react­ing to?) does this get you think­ing (newly) about art + tech­nol­ogy con­nec­tion? (if so: impli­ca­tions? if not: is this debate rel­e­vant to artists?)
    Bonus / Optional check out Droitcour’s arti­cle “The Per­ils of Post-Internet Art” in Art in Amer­ica mag­a­zine (30-Oct 2014)

  • Not to compare/contrast, but we read a blog entry by Droit­cour (a cura­tor and critic) — which he cites in his arti­cle. what do you think of the dis­tinct writ­ings in terms of pub­li­ca­tion, purpose/message, audi­ence, impact (note the com­ments on the mag­a­zine arti­cle ver­sus blog!)…?
