Project 3

Project 3 Screen-Self-Portrait (mul­ti­modal web­pages)   

25 points; part 1 (15 points) due 4/24, part 2 (10 points) due 4/25

Objec­tive: Use aes­thetic forms & tech­nol­ogy that medi­ate expe­ri­ence to ex­press your dig­i­tal iden­tity (per­sonal & pub­lic)

Part I Expres­sive web­pages: ap­ply lessons and in­sights about aes­thetic mode and cul­ture forms. Com­pose mul­ti­me­dia expres­sion (“screen self-portrait”) of your expe­ri­enced iden­tity, public/private & quantified/qualitative, strictly for per­sonal reflec­tion. Omit­ting descrip­tion in fa­vor of cre­ative logic, dis­cuss in Poet­ics the de­sign at­tempts and ra­tio­nale.

  • This “self expres­sion” will in­clude ele­ments in mul­ti­ple modes, be­yond sim­ply illus­trat­ing; aes­thetic logic and net­work rhetoric; and mate­ri­als from your “per­sonal data­bases”: sto­ries and de­tails from auto­bi­og­ra­phy, school, com­mu­nity, and enter­tain­ment (no research/sources). The mul­ti­me­dia used — au­dio, video, im­ages of all sorts — will be com­bi­na­tion of found & original/created, dig­i­tally manip­u­lated (sam­ple, remix, mash-up). We will test and prac­tice us­ing var­i­ous soft­ware dur­ing and out­side class; no prior expe­ri­ence with dig­i­tal author­ing is nec­es­sary!

    » see De­sign Guide

Part II (Page on your blog)

  • Poet­ics (400500 words, 5 points): dis­cuss how address­ing key aims and us­ing me­dia forms pur­pose­fully (dig­i­tal rhetoric)
  • Reflec­tion (500700 words, 5 points): in­sights from com­pos­ing, includ­ing aes­thetic mode and self-knowledge (most impor­tant)

» Instruc­tions page