Project 2



Project 2 Dig­i­tal Iden­tity Expres­sion — mul­ti­modal assem­blage (1000 words, 25 points)


Chal­lenge: How to use the cul­tural forms medi­at­ing expe­ri­ence to express our dig­i­tal iden­tity (subjectivity)?



  1. Start­ing with “Screen Self-Portrait” exer­cise, apply the lessons and insights about par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture from the semes­ter in mul­ti­modal composing.

  3. Beyond “curat­ing” or rep­re­sent­ing, use mul­ti­me­dia to con­vey your expe­ri­ence of the present net­worked media con­di­tions

      This “assem­blage expres­sion” will include diverse ele­ments in mul­ti­ple modes; net­work rhetoric and cul­tural logic (e.g. humor, play); and mate­ri­als from your entire “per­sonal data­base”: sto­ries and details from auto­bi­og­ra­phy, school, com­mu­nity, and enter­tain­ment.
      The mul­ti­me­dia used—audio, video, images of all sorts—will be com­bi­na­tion of found & original/created, digitally-manipulated.
      We will test and prac­tice using var­i­ous soft­ware through­out the term; no prior expe­ri­ence with dig­i­tal author­ing is necessary!



» Poet­ics page (5 pts; 300–400 words of total)

Two-fold pur­pose: 1.) describe the process of com­pos­ing, your method and ratio­nale
— employ­ing spe­cific lessons from your study of Par­tic­i­pa­tory Cul­ture and Net­work Rhetoric. Pre­cise & con­cise, dis­cussing directly how in com­pos­ing you exper­i­mented with mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing to address/attempt assign­ment (and course) goals)

Addi­tion­ally (2): most impor­tantly: con­sid­er­ing your project poten­tial for Pub­lic Ped­a­gogy as Par­tic­i­pa­tory Cul­ture — present a Guide for Par­tic­i­pat­ing, using Dig­i­tal Media and Net­work Rhetoric explic­itly (Elec­tracy form/s of think­ing & expres­sion in new mode). Ide­ally, some­one else could emu­late your project and Poet­ics, want­ing them­selves to com­pose a work of “assem­blage expres­sion” (although the project is not com­posed for any imme­di­ate audi­ence but our­selves)
More directly, describe your method of think­ing and com­pos­ing with approach of Par­tic­i­pa­tory Media — using all your “per­sonal data­bases,” as an active creator/pro­ducer (rather than consumer/“multiplier”) of media to express per­sonal iden­tity / expe­ri­ence be spe­cific, rel­a­tive to your project).
Note that this sec­ond objec­tive should be main focus, with sim­ple poet­ics tasks (first instruc­tions above) inte­grated within dis­cus­sion as exam­ple (ref­er­enc­ing spe­cific deci­sions and ele­ments of final work).



» Reflec­tion page   optional extra credit

    500–700 words; 5 points; due Sat. 09-Aug


1) Eval­u­ate your project (briefly), from per­spec­tive of assign­ment objec­tives and class topics/issues:
— com­pos­ing in mul­ti­ple modes (tech­niques & effects)? per­form­ing + pre­sent­ing idea (theme/topic), besides “writ­ing about”?
— apply­ing lessons of Par­tic­i­pa­tory Cul­ture (dig­i­tal media “relays” inspir­ing ideas, approach, sim­i­lar tech­niques)?
— using dig­i­tal rhetoric for self-expression in Elec­tracy (sam­pling per­sonal data­bases; play, sim­u­late, vir­tual; re-purpsosing content/media; assem­blage logic & structure)?


    Note: this can/should be con­cise & pre­cise — need not sum­ma­rize / explain; still should include spe­cific of project to illus­trate aspects of assess­ment (includ­ing any shortcomings/limitations and exem­plary parts).

2) (most impor­tant) New/expanded under­stand­ing — espe­cially “self-reflexive” knowl­edge — from com­pos­ing and read­ing your project.

  • Ideas about “Tech­nol­ogy + Cul­ture” con­nec­tion? (over­all course focus)
    — Impli­ca­tions for roles?
    (recall oppo­si­tion / tran­si­tion of “TV age” : pas­sive receivers/consumers and “Inter­net age” : active pro­duc­ers of cul­ture…)
    Par­tic­i­pa­tory Cul­ture, con­cern­ing dig­i­tal media & net­work rhetoric?
    — as Pub­lic Ped­a­gogy? (e.g. how/where you learned tech­niques for project; and how “read­ers” could learn from your project and cre­ate their own Assem­blage Expression)

  • Insights / spec­u­la­tion about impli­ca­tions or sig­nif­i­cance for
    institution(s) and/or sub­jec­tiv­ity (iden­tity expe­ri­ence)
    oper­at­ing in / between / toward Elec­tracy?
    — Prospec­tive appli­ca­tion or poten­tial:
    of “assem­blage expres­sion” as dig­i­tal writ­ing com­po­si­tion and net­work rhetoric?
    (work­ing with entire par­a­digm, using all “per­sonal data­bases”)
    — Advan­tages or lim­i­ta­tions of this type of work?

  • New under­stand­ing of your “medi­ated iden­tity” and/or net­worked sub­jec­tiv­ity expe­ri­ence
    — as result of course focus and specif­i­cally from com­pos­ing project?


      Note: need not address all ques­tions, and should not answer in “list” fash­ion; con­sider as many of these ele­ments as you can, and address in reflex­ive fash­ion (orga­nized and pre­sented thoughtfully)


2 Responses

    » Exper­i­men­tal Work by Past Stu­dents

      Note these are linked only as exam­ples of dif­fer­ent arrange­ment approaches (hyper­text, non-linear, assem­blage)
      Your project need not resem­ble these — and should not espe­cially in terms of con­tent (stu­dent work for sev­eral dif­fer­ent assign­ments and courses!)

    » Here are some exam­ples using Word­Press that show the “looser” (assem­blage) orga­ni­za­tion enabled by Posts & Tags/Categories


    » Here are some project exam­ples using alter­na­tive sites:

    Remem­ber these projects were all made for dif­fer­ent courses and assign­ments — not our prompt — and are pre­sented here mostly as exam­ples of var­i­ous effec­tive approaches to arrangement/layout (dig­i­tal rhetoric) and mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing (hyper­text, non-linear, media effects, assem­blage)

    *** Any projects re-using / copy­ing ele­ments found in past stu­dents’ work auto­mat­i­cally will not pass ***


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