For next class:
- We will register our blogs during/after class;
feel free to create, modify, and update yours as soon as you’d like—
instructions below.
Once you create your blog, please post your link in a comment below.
*This is important so I have your URL! (to update the blogroll ASAP, as well)
In your first entry (a “post,” not a comment), briefly introduce yourself: flexible parameters for this, but please include your major and grade level, as well as any other writing courses you’ve taken; your rationale for (or interest in) taking this course, and any questions at this time (e.g. from reviewing the Syllabus); your idea (“working definition”) of “Participatory Culture”; plus, any other interesting information or media you’d like to share (e.g. maybe a favorite image or video, meme from past or present? favorite or most-used “social media” platform?)
Register @ WordPress | WP Support site |
Technical Instructions for Blog Setup:
Click →
Blog Setup:
- WordPress Register
- Complete registration, using CU email account. Note: username will become URL (address) by default. e.g.
- However, you can rename domain on next page:
e.g. Username: GHink. Domain: “”
And then (re-)title blog — Blog Title: for example, mine would be “Participatory media | Summer ’14”
(title yours whatever you would like!)
- (Then click “signup”).
- Next, choose Theme. Many to browse/select; choose a theme you like!
(one expressive of your personality, aesthetically pleasing, relevant widgets, etc)
Browse or search; preview or activate—you can always choose new themes without any permanent changes to your blog. I suggest two– (or three-) column layout.
Once you’ve created your WP account/blog:
—your username is your URL (e.g.
— login in order to post/edit:
The “Dashboard” is the page to create content and edit appearance. This page presents full control of your blog — including appearance, entries/pages/content, and all administrative functions. Look around — the navigation is fairly intuitive.
Next, you’ll probably want to change a few Settings (Dashboard, left sidebar):
- “General Settings“: Blog Title (if you’ve not already)
- “Users” — “Your Profile”: Name, avatar, etc
- “Appearance” — “Themes“: (if you’ve not already)
- “Appearance” — “Widgets“:
– All optional, yet I strongly suggest:
“Search,” “Pages,” “Categories,” “Tag Cloud,”
“Links” (add classmates to your Blogroll).
Note: “Meta” is a key widget, in order to login directly on your page; (faster than
Now you’re ready to add content.
- “Pages” (Dashboard, left sidebar :
First, edit the “About” page (required); at minimum, suggest Name, Course, Semester (like my current About page). Use privacy logic; do not post your email address, to avoid receiving spam.
Next, create a page for tracking your group project work (annotations).
— You’ll create pages later for Projects 1 and 2.
Any additional pages are up to you. I will be able to distinguish your “official” class entries (weekly, for credit) by the tags and categories that you add to Posts (required) - Entries (“Posts”)
First, edit the initial / default entry.
Here, briefly describe your blog; additionally, I would like everyone specifically to introduce themselves in their first entry.
— Once you edit the text-field, add Tags and the Category (right sidebar).
Then click “Update” (for new entries, “Publish” button).
In the future, click “Add New” under “Posts” (left sidebar)—this is how you’ll add entries (and your response assignments).
Note on Tags and Categories:- these are important for readers (me, primarily), especially as the semester progresses (and you accumulate ~15–20 entries). This is how I’ll distinguish your class entries — Group Annotations, reading notes, project preparation — plus any personal entries that you might post (optional).
More on “Posts” at WordPress Support - “Links” (left sidebar):
- — “Edit” (delete default links)
— “Add New”
(at minimum, the course blog; plus any others you’d like to add, such as your classmates’ blogs and relevant web sites).
For further technical help, you can find answers/instructions to most issues in the
- WordPress Support section as well as the
Support Forum
(both of which you can search with keywords).
- test out (“explore”) the interface controls, and you’ll likely intuit the functions fairly quickly (more quickly, I’d say!).
Specifically, when creating an entry, you’ll see two rows of formatting commands at the top of the text field, when in “Visual” view—these cover most functions, (basic and otherwise!). The “visual” view is the actual design/formatting (“what you see is what you get”)—this is how your “post” will look.
More about this later and/or by request, (and as always, email me with Qs/problems).
Lindsey Reid
Speech, language and hearing sciences and education
Topic choices:
TV shows and Film
Blog URL:
TV and ‘Visual Culture’ with Lindsey and Maria
Blog URL:
Video Games
Blog Url:
Group Preference:
TV and American Culture Group Tumblr