GroupSite Work



Group­Site Work:   Curat­ing Dig­i­tal Cul­ture (20 points)


Part II: Dig­i­tal Rhetoric


  • 3 sec­tions (Anno­ta­tions, Reflec­tion, Pro­posal)
    — present on sub-pages on your blog (cre­ate new Par­ent page, “Group­Work” or how­ever named)
  • 20 points total; due S 8/2 — S 8/3
  • Com­po­si­tion: crit­i­cal prose with advanced con­tent knowl­edge & per­spec­tive
    + media to illus­trate (one instance per page)

Anno­ta­tions (page): Par­tic­i­pa­tion Log + com­men­tary about your posts to group’s site

    • Due S 8/2; 8 points


  • Choose 6 posts (of your entries)
    link to your posts –or– col­lect via Use Storify (or video, optional)

  • Dis­cuss (2−3 sen­tences for each post) your ratio­nale
    — using spe­cial­ized dis­course of key terms (4 min­i­mum) from class dis­cus­sion and read­ings (2 min­i­mum).
    Sav­ing insights for the Reflec­tion page, dis­cuss in terms of your curat­ing activ­ity on the group site.

    Optional: you may cre­ate a video with com­men­tary about your posts.
    This can take the place of 3 anno­ta­tions — or earn extra credit if included in addi­tion to the 6 entries (e.g. overview)


Reflec­tion (page)

    • Due S 8/3; 6 points; 400–500 words


  • Dis­cuss thought­fully and pur­pose­fully your ideas result­ing from the group site activ­ity: insights about dig­i­tal media, par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture, pub­lic ped­a­gogy, cura­tion, Inter­net plat­forms and social activ­ity; most of all, what you’ve learned from the new/emerging cul­ture forms related to tech­nol­ogy.
    PROTIP: this is more for­mal than a blog entry; also, while you can gen­er­ate ideas by review­ing your blog entries (and Project 1) avoid repeat­ing points. Instead, dis­cuss crit­i­cally — using spe­cial­ized dis­course and apply­ing advanced con­tent knowl­edge — in terms of media ecol­ogy, insti­tu­tions, con­nec­tions of the above top­ics, and con­tem­po­rary con­di­tions (Elec­tracy / appa­ra­tus the­ory per­haps?)

Pro­posal (page)

    • Due S 8/3; 6 points; 400–500 words


  • From your obser­va­tions and insights, dis­cuss the impli­ca­tions and/or tra­jec­tory for par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture and net­worked soci­ety: con­sid­er­ing what you’ve learned from your study, pro­pose pos­si­ble inno­va­tions for dig­i­tal com­po­si­tion and net­work rhetoric. Avoid description/sum­mary in favor of effi­cient prose, pre­sent­ing and dis­cussing ideas effec­tively (entire sec­tion).
    PROTIP: As in prior activities/discussions, rather than ana­lyze the cul­ture forms for “mean­ing,” use them as “relays” for inven­tion
    (the way Rice, Brown, and Arroyo do, draw­ing upon “cul­tural logic” of exam­ined forms, fol­low­ing Ulmer).
    » While spec­u­lat­ing about poten­tial devel­op­ments in Elec­tracy beyond enter­tain­ment (or profit), try being spe­cific about your appli­ca­tion:
    for instance, con­cern­ing institution(s) (school? work/industry? Web/network groups?);
    and/or iden­tity (medi­ated expe­ri­ence? per­sonal expres­sion?)
    → Be sure to directly dis­cuss at least 1 idea for appli­ca­tion (tech­nique) in Project 2, assem­blage expres­sion (mul­ti­modal com­po­si­tion).




Part I   Col­lab­o­ra­tion:

  • Main­tain blog (weeks 1–4) post­ing exam­ples of dig­i­tal cul­ture (net­work prac­tices and media forms).
    • Plat­form options: blog (sug­gested) on Word­Press; Tum­blr; social net­work account (decide as group)


  • Observe & dis­cuss new prac­tices & cul­tural forms across Inter­net plat­forms, par­tic­i­pant activ­i­ties, Web media
      Use Storify to “curate” (on blog)
      Doc­u­ment with “screen­caps” and/or videos


  • Audi­ence: Web-networked dis­course com­mu­nity; plus social networks—readers within and out­side class.



  1. In con­text of net­work media and dig­i­tal culture—e.g. memes, viral videos, social-media activ­i­ties
    — exam­ine new/current types of com­pos­ing & com­mu­ni­cat­ing.
    Start with one cul­tural form (e.g. film/TV, music, games, lit­er­a­ture)…
  2. Doc­u­ment emer­gent exam­ples with per­spec­tive of Par­tic­i­pa­tory Cul­ture & “Pub­lic Pedagogy”(Portman-Daley)
    — observ­ing technology/media, forms, prac­tices, and “insti­tu­tions”(?) of elec­tracy, within net­work (out­side school)

      → Dis­cuss explic­itly with this frame in your Reflec­tion & Pro­posal sec­tions (indi­vid­ual work for Part 2).


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