
Unit III: Experience – Affect – Electracy 

Project 3: Screen Self Portrait

» Part 1 (mul­ti­modal web­pages) due 24-Apr
Part 2 (Poet­ics & Reflec­tion) due 25-Apr (Mon­day night)

Week 15

M 18-Apr Work­shop: Project 3 In­tro & Overview

  • fo­cus: Screen­Self­Por­trait in­tro & overview (objec­tives & method)
    — aesthetic-affective par­a­digm, medi­ated expe­ri­ence, Elec­tracy
  • activ­ity: expe­ri­ence avatars & mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing with me­dia ready­made and cus­tom
    — “per­sonal data­base” sam­pling for discovery+invention (Blog en­try 5)
  • look­ing ahead: sketch/map project (out­line pages/segments)
    — be­gin com­pil­ing & cre­at­ing mate­ri­als for com­pos­ing
    → con­sider web­site to use for part 1: Wix​.com, Wee​bly​.com, Word­Press pages
    (oth­ers? Jimdo? Moon­fruit?)

W 20-Apr hy­brid work Work­shop: mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing, me­dia edit­ing, expres­sive page/segment de­sign (dig­i­tal rhetoric)

  • fo­cus: us­ing me­dia ready­made (sam­pled), edited, cre­ated
    → prepa­ra­tion = have com­piled, con­sider uses (sketch/map), be­gin editing/authoring
  • activ­ity: peer feed­back & assis­tance with key com­pos­ing tech­niques: 
  • discuss/review: select­ing site for com­pos­ing; arrangement/organization fo­cus
  • look­ing ahead: con­tinue sam­pling, edit­ing, cre­at­ing me­dia; be­gin cre­at­ing site…

F 22-Apr Work­shop: mul­ti­modal / expres­sive web pages

  • fo­cus: arrange­ment / orga­ni­za­tion; work­ing in Elec­tracy (aes­thetic mode)
    prepa­ra­tion = work-in-progress (web­site started)
  • activ­ity: peer feed­back & tech as­sis­tance
    — dig­i­tal rhetoric (pur­pose, style, modes, ap­proach, strate­gies, ra­tio­nale)
    → take notes dur­ing dis­cus­sion, for Poetics/Summary (part 2)
  • look­ing ahead: Part 1 (mul­ti­modal web­site) complete/finalized 04/24 — link from your blog (or in D2L)
    » Part 2 (Poet­ics & Reflec­tion) due 04/24 (Mon­day night) 

26 thoughts on “ScreenSelfPortrait

    1. » re­minder from work­shop (email re­ply)

      The pages should not be split by the 4 “per­sonal data­bases,” which are the sources for ma­te­ri­als to use on every page: au­to­bi­og­ra­phy, major/career, community/social, en­ter­tain­ment.

      Each page is a segment/topic of your dig­i­tal iden­tity;
      for in­stance, the top­ics from Ret­tberg as I men­tioned to­day (pub­lic visual/textual, curated/performed, pri­vate, quan­ti­ta­tive, etc).
      Each seg­ment has a cer­tain “look and feel,” the mood of thought of your me­di­ated ex­pe­ri­ence and dig­i­tal identity—the over­all project theme/topic,
      as Screen­Self self-portrait (not just a col­lec­tion of pho­tos, quotes, etc. like I said).

      → Key prepa­ra­tion be­fore de­sign­ing pages is sketching/mapping the seg­ments, keep­ing in mind the collage/mosaic method for all pages — us­ing your Blog En­try 5 col­lage to re­mem­ber to use all per­sonal data­bases to cre­ate your avatar (affin­ity, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, af­fect).
      see De­sign Guide for more

    2. an­other email re­ply

      re­mem­ber, the “Screen Self Por­trait” is a com­pos­ite re­flec­tion of our present Dig­i­tal Iden­tity: me­di­ated ex­pe­ri­ence and persona/identity in dif­fer­ent ar­eas or top­ics (e.g. Pub­lic, Net­worked, Pri­vate, Quantified)—as you heard some class­mates dis­cuss to­day. You aren’t lim­ited to Rettberg’s top­ics by any means; but each page, as seg­ment or theme/topic, should evoke the “mood of thought” for the me­di­ated iden­tity ex­pe­ri­enced.

      More di­rectly, the pages should all be com­posed with mul­ti­ple modes, us­ing ma­te­r­ial from all four “per­sonal data­bases” (au­to­bio, discipline/field, community/social, entertainment/culture)
      —par­tic­u­larly with the “sam­pling” strat­egy for collage/mosaic.
      Sim­ply stated, you need not use ma­te­r­ial from all four on each page; but, more than one at least is needed for the as­so­cia­tive and com­pos­ite ef­fect.
      (If it helps, think of them akin to Rettberg’s “fil­ters”; each has a mode, lan­guage, mood, set of ref­er­ences, sys­tem of mean­ing…)
      on a con­crete level, a key strat­egy we dis­cussed was us­ing mul­ti­ple me­dia (in­clud­ing text, mu­sic, video) along with images/GIFs — all with per­sonal affinity/identification, al­though not “mak­ing sense” (or say­ing some­thing) to any­one else.

  1. » 20-Apr Dis­cus­sion:

    Com­ment (by 12:15) with
    1. site you plan to use and why
    2. link to your test image(s) and GIF posted on your blog
    3. spec­ify any ques­tions/difficulty or re­quests for ex­pla­na­tions
    4. in­clude ex­am­ple (ref­er­ence, in­clude, or link to) of your fa­vorite dig­i­tal me­dia form
    Re­ply (by 12:45) with ei­ther tech­ni­cal help or suggestion/feedback about tech­nique (es­pe­cially dis­cussing what you did and how/why).
    * You might also link to tu­to­r­ial page or ex­am­ple to model.

  2. I am plan­ning on us­ing weekly be­cause I am most com­fort­able and most fa­mil­iar with it af­ter us­ing it with project 2, I am able to nav­i­gate and or­ga­nize my pages and other fea­tures eas­ily.

    ^^^ link to my test im­ages

    On wee­bly I have re­al­ized that you are not al­lowed to post an au­dio clip it­self on the free ver­sion, but you are able to post youtube videos, so I think I might work around that in that way.

    I have this lay­out app on my phone, ac­tu­ally called lay­out, and since I have a mac I am able to share pho­tos from my phone and it ap­pears on my com­puter, I think that I have de­cided to use that for my col­lage, and for pic­ture edit­ing I think I might use pho­to­bucket, but I am not set and stone on these ideas ei­ther. I am still mess­ing around on dif­fer­ent sites.

    1. → about mu­sic on Wee­bly, Wix, Word­Press…

      yes, a good “workaround” is mu­sic from YouTube most eas­ily.
      A sug­ges­tion for every­one (which I can show dur­ing video­con­fer­ence): you could also “trim” a short clip (us­ing Au­dac­ity), up­load to Sound­cloud, then em­bed that stream.

    2. I can­not wait to see what the rest of your im­ages and GIFs turn out to be. The Mod­ern Fam­ily one is hi­lar­i­ous. I have learned with the GIFs that it is very im­por­tant to choose a font eas­ily leg­i­ble and fits well with the mov­ing im­age. I think if you changed the color of the Kanye type to white it would stand out more an leave a last­ing im­pres­sion.

    1. John Oliver is awe­some. Maybe you could in­cor­po­rate more video into your Self Por­trait, or more hu­mor, to cap­ture the qual­i­ties of Last Week Tonight that you like so much.

  3. 1.) I in­tend to use Word­Press since I’m quite fa­mil­iar with it at this point. It’s easy to post Youtube clips and pho­tos and that kind of thing.
    2.) As an ex­am­ple, just take a look at my “sam­pling” blog post from a few days ago:


    3.) I’ve never tried putting au­dio on a Word­Press page/post. Any­one know how?
    4.) I sup­pose my “fa­vorite dig­i­tal me­dia form” is prob­a­bly im­ages. With an im­age, left un­ex­plained, I can force a viewer to make of it what they want, leav­ing it slightly mys­te­ri­ous and per­sonal. For ex­am­ple, if I post a pic­ture of a cof­fee mug that re­minds me of an event in my life, it has no mean­ing for a dif­fer­ent per­son, but they will know it has mean­ing to me, which makes it mys­te­ri­ous and cap­ti­vat­ing, in my opin­ion. Check this out:


    It prob­a­bly doesn’t mean much to you, but it sure does to me. This equa­tion and Einstein’s Gen­eral Rel­a­tiv­ity might be a com­plete de­scrip­tion of all of phys­i­cal re­al­ity.

    1. I think it’s awe­some that you used an im­age of an equa­tion as some­thing that means a lot to you. I find that no mat­ter what if an im­age or any source of me­dia is per­sonal to you, than it doesn’t mat­ter if it means any­thing to any­one else–that’s what makes you, you and that you can add to your per­sonal data­base

    2. — au­dio ques­tion: see my re­ply to Jhead­eaux above

      — re: Word­Press pages for site lay­out → have you seen the Past Ex­per­i­men­tal Projects that used Word­Press in more/less cre­ative ways? (links in the Google Doc above)

  4. 1. I plan on us­ing Word­Press be­cause we’ve used it in class and it’s quite easy to nav­i­gate as well as that I’m very fa­mil­iar with the site al­ready
    2. Here is a test page from my web­site:
    3. None so far
    4. I per­son­ally love gifs be­cause not only is it an im­age, but a mov­ing one, giv­ing more con­text and most of the time that is needed

  5. Af­ter look­ing at the al­lot­ted op­tions for web­sites, I have de­cided to go with Wix​.com be­cause of its user-friendly set up and the cre­ative flex­i­bil­ity.
    https://​emth4242​.word​press​.com/​m​e​s​s​i​n​g​-​a​r​o​u​n​d​-​w​i​t​h​-​p​i​x​lr/ This is the link that you can copy and paste into to web browser to view my GIF as well as the be­gin­ner col­lage I put to­gether.
    I am still hav­ing dif­fi­culty in­cor­po­rat­ing words into my col­lage us­ing Pixlr so if any­one has any tips please let me know! I think the use of GIFs is one of my fa­vorite me­dia forms as of now… https://​lh3​.googleuser​con​tent​.com/​-​i​2​w​u​w​n​x​l​T​V​c​/​U​f​c​w​m​6​R​o​M​b​I​/​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​1​Y​U​/​Y​E​75​-​S​_​A​E​g​Y​/​S​p​o​n​g​e​b​o​b​.​gif

  6. Hey every­one! So the where of this project seemed rather sim­ple, while i looked at the other blog op­tions of­fered i de­cided now that we have some ex­pe­ri­ence and projects un­der our col­lec­tive belt i think that us­ing word­press will cre­ate the best project. I have some ex­pe­ri­ence now and am com­fort­able with link­ing parts of the site and not only mak­ing it look vi­su­ally ap­peal­ing but also what i have in my mind for how i want this project to go. Now the GIF took me a lit­tle longer than i had planned, much harder to cre­ate a GIF that isn’t too silly and still feels re­lated to you, i de­cided to not go too goofy and off track but rather to do one per­sonal to me. I am feel­ing rather swamped and not at the top of my stuff as the se­mes­ter draws to a close, wor­ries of grad­u­a­tion, even my fa­vorite sports team isnt do­ing well. So i fig­ured to tie into my own per­sonal iden­tity and even cheer my­self up a bit to cre­ate this GIF, which hope­fully in­spires me to keep work­ing as hard as some of my idols do. For some rea­son i am pes­simistic this wont post so i will keep the link up!

    via GIPHY

    1. I want to edit my own post but i guess i can­not. I hope that i have cov­ered all the bases, no ques­tions, a few dif­fi­cul­ties with in­spi­ra­tion for sure on the GIF as stated, and my fa­vorite dig­i­tal me­dia form is for sure pho­tog­ra­phy, i love ridicu­lously high qual­ity pho­tos that bring places alive. Such as this one, https://​wall​pa​per​scraft​.com/​i​m​a​g​e​/​h​o​n​g​_​k​o​n​g​_​h​i​g​h​-​r​i​s​e​_​b​u​i​l​d​i​n​g​s​_​r​i​v​e​r​_​b​a​n​k​_​44130​_​2560​x​1024​.​jpg

    2. I agree that word­press is the eas­i­est op­tion be­cause we have been us­ing it all se­mes­ter and have learned how to op­er­ate some of the fea­tures on word­press. I like how you try to re­late the GIF to your iden­tity, when I made mine I made the cap­tion kind of ran­dom. I’m go­ing to try and think of a bet­ter cap­tion.

  7. I plan on us­ing wee­bly for my project 3, be­cause l like that I can do a va­ri­ety of things with it, and it’s fairly easy to use. I think some of the dif­fi­culty I will have with this project is mak­ing some of my im­ages as col­lages, be­cause I have not done a lot of this. I might use pixlr and play around with it and maybe in­clude some ex­am­ples on my project.

  8. » Items from today’s short “we­b­cast” (video­con­fer­ence):

    I showed quick “walk­through” of 3 pro­grams and me­dia forms:

    1. us­ing Pixlr to col­lage, par­tic­u­larly blend­ing im­ages and adding text
    pro­tip: change opac­ity of lay­ers for bet­ter blend­ing

    2. us­ing GIPHY to cre­ate GIF from YouTube clip
    pro­tip: save your new GIF file, to then up­load / add to your site (Wix, Word­Press, etc)

    3. us­ing Au­dac­ity to trim au­dio clips to 1030 sec­onds
    pro­tip: up­load to Sound­cloud, in or­der to add to your site (em­bed)

    I also showed great site where I found the au­dio clip, FreeSound​.org
    (we looked at this for Project 1, par­tic­u­larly for background/ambient sound record­ings)
    pro­tip: most files are quite long, and .wav — so, key to down­load, edit, up­load to Sound­Cloud then em­bed on your page
    Any fur­ther ques­tions or tech­ni­cal dif­fi­culty, let me know!

  9. https://​kir​by​brazel​ton​.word​press​.com/​2016​/​04​/​20​/​g​i​f​-​a​n​d​-​c​o​l​l​a​ge/

    For my GIF I used Gi­phy and used the youtube video of Soc­cer coach, Louis Van Gaal, com­plain­ing to a ref­eree over a call. This over drama­ti­za­tion is per­fect for a GIF be­cause the emo­tion can be ap­plied to many dif­fer­ent sce­nar­ios that are fa­mil­iar to a broad au­di­ence. I made a col­lage of dif­fer­ent in­ter­ests I have that re­flect how I try to re­flect my­self in every­thing I do, in­clud­ing dig­i­tal me­dia. I am try­ing to think of cre­ative ways to com­bine these pic­tures with the Opac­ity tool in pixlr.

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