Exercise 5
- Due: (TBA)
500 words (minimum)
10 points; see general criteria.
Media: include image documenting detail (“material signifier”) or expressing choral mood (atmosphere, link, gap, etc.)
» Extra credit (optional): Create composite image, signifier patterns from Popcycle (2 or more dimensions); compose as personal emblem (impresa); draft form acceptable.
» Additional tips below (plus, review any instances of “popcycle” or “mystory” chapters 5–6)
» Prompt
Assignment (from Electronic Monuments)
“Popcycle Linking“
» Attempt an initial “practical procedure for a mystory, applied to some features of the career and family quarters of the popcycle. Use the procedure as a means to connect any selection of documents from the two discourses.”
→ “The assignment is to find the point of conduction (electrate inference) where the two series cross.” (p.183)
- “To write an intuition […] is not to recognize a pattern but to make one. And this pattern formation functions in choragraphy the way concepts functioned in literacy, determining how particulars are gathered into sets for classification and categorization.” (p.188)
- First, consider how you classify / categorize the details of your popcycle materials, how items in your “personal database” are presently sorted.
→ What is the “mood of thought” of the link between the two dimensions, evoked in the pattern recognized?
- Additionally consider: “What distinguishes this procedure is not the gap filling, since interrogation also has been described as a gap or hole opened by a question that is then filled by an answer” (183). Rather than “fill the gap” by accounting for (explaining, interpreting) the popcycle connection of the pattern, “open a gap yourself in the information you have gathered so far”…”a gap in signification that may produce knowledge” (184).
In other words, what exists in the gap/hole between, which is not accounted for? Identify this in terms of your experience, not by filtering but by including (chora logic = gathering) — the “blindspot” or uncategorized aspect is also part of the popcycle, of which you should recognize at least one specific instance.
- First, consider how you classify / categorize the details of your popcycle materials, how items in your “personal database” are presently sorted.
» Goal: Find your reflexive “attunement” (“mood of thought,” stance) grounded in experience through chora logic (holistic gathering versus rational filtering). Recognize an “image motif” for your (eventual) emblem through the pattern that appears in your popcycle — across discourses, in concrete forms (signifiers, images, instances), possibly in multiple modes.
This view, starting with the family/autobio. and career dimensions, should enable connections (via “conduction”) with the other dimensions as well, consequently — community and entertainment/culture (with their respective languages, codes, and references).
» Task: Most importantly, thoroughly examine with the reflexive perspective instructed. Present your “discoveries” (insights) in a propositional fashion, not needing to worry about argument/proof; rather, address each prompt with potential (rather than definite) answers as an exercise in the type of thinking Ulmer instructs. The main objective is to demonstrate, through your “findings,” reflexive popcycle consideration and applied choral logic: omit descriptions of the process in favor of specifically presenting the resulting ideas in precise and concise fashion.
Finally, follow the instructions closely as prompt instructs a deliberate sequence: essential to theorize your attunement (“mood of thought”), relating your stance (disposition) to your object of study (career / school); do not forget to articulate (provisionally) ideas about what exists in the “gap” or “blindspot,” which remains part of your popcycle.
Optional Exercise
- Due:
500 words (minimum; 800 maximum)
» Media: one instance, any form (image, audio, video, animation) — original/custom (edited), expressive mode (conveying “mood of thought”)
* Note: feel free to share in Google Docs (or email) if preferring not to post to your blog.
Assignment (Electronic Monuments):
- Write a Disaster (middle-voice memory, experienced; pastiche)
» “compose a pastiche of Blanchot’s primal scene, writing your own version of a moment of revelation you may find in a childhood memory. What were the circumstances of a scene in which you passed from the immediacy of daily living into a condition of self-awareness, a recognition of your own apartness and isolation from every other being?” (pp.143–4)- The objective in composing this fragment is to evoke the atmosphere of the scene, recalling the mood of the epiphany (affective-intellectual condition). This is less a narrative than a glimpse, serving to recall and express the “mood of thought” via the concrete details of the childhood scene (thus, sensory details are paramount).
- see Blanchot’s quote pp. 138–9; Ulmer’s example pp. 144–5 (model this style of writing)
» Key tip/strategy for starting Ex 5:
Make an inventory of Autobio/Family and Major/Career databases: reflect and compile a short list of significant items from memory — details (the more specific the better), objects, phrase, name, place, any references.
*Do not include this list in the exercise.
What item do you notice in both lists? The correspondence (likely) might not be precise match; use associative thinking.
→ this is your pattern image
(like the “Y” in Chp 6)
— Subsequently & Consequently, once you have the pattern of intuition (identify the image):
Most of the exercise should discuss what is the “mood of thought” of this association: your sensibility, perspective, stance, attitude, feeling, mindset, etc.
What is the new perspective or insight — about yourself & perspective (e.g. philosophical/existential orientation), not about the items/databases. Do not “close the gap” by explaining the connection of unrelated items.
Instead, explore by intuition and association.
(Note, this is warm-up in “pattern recognition,” associative logic / conduction, before looking at your network-witness archive. Need not discuss your project/topic at all; we’ll observe a pattern and write with conduction in project 3.)