Discussion Leader Schedule


Pro­posed Schedule/Format Revision


    » Each stu­dent will start class dis­cus­sion by iden­ti­fy­ing a key topic from day’s read­ing — e.g. new term, impor­tant con­cept, project instruc­tion — or pos­ing ques­tion for discussion/consideration.

    — Ide­ally, post this discussion-starter to blog before class

    → Class­mates should dis­cuss before+during+after class: exam­ples (from expe­ri­ence, obser­va­tion, topic); con­nec­tions; instructions/approach (method) for Emer­A­gency and MEmo­r­ial; ques­tions; and, espe­cially, top­ics not discussed.


* Please post requests for date/s — 1st & 2nd choice, read­ing class­mates’ posts first — in  com­ments below. *
  • Note: you may start dis­cus­sion 2 days option­ally for extra par­tic­i­pa­tion credit.
    — Also, not every date needs two students.


Stage III                     Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony—Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”

Week 11
W 05-Nov        Elec. Mon­u­ments Chp. 1 “Metaphoric Rocks (Found­ing Tourists)”    Dis­cus­sion Starters 1 + 2

F 07-Nov          E.M.Chp. 2 “The Traf­fic Sphere (A MEmo­r­ial Pro­to­type)”    3 + 4
Due: Blog entry


Week 12
M 10-Nov        E.M. Chp. 3 “The Call (Abject Mon­u­ments)”   5 + 6

W 12-Nov        E.M. Chp. 4 “Trans­ver­sal (Into Cyber­space)”    7 + 8

F 14-Nov        TBD — work on Exer­cise 4   (away at con­fer­ence)
Due (S 15-Nov): Exer­cise 4


Week 13
M 17-Nov        E.M.Chp. 5 “Form­less Emblems (Tes­ti­mo­nial)”    9 + 10

W 19-Nov        E.M.Chp. 6 “The Agency of the Image (Upsilon Alarm)”    11 + 12

F 21-Nov       Logo­rama (2009) + other online cul­ture exam­ples (TBA)    [19 + 20]
Due (S 22-Nov): Exer­cise 5


Fall Break  No Class (Mon 24-Nov – Fri 28-Nov)


Week 14
M 01-Dec         E.M.Chp. 7. “Jus­tice Miranda (A Con­ceit)”    13 + 14

W 03-Dec         E.M.Chp. 8 “Soft Wish­ing Y (A Col­lab­o­ra­tion)”
+ E.M. Con­clu­sion: “The Web of Changes”    15 + 16

F 05-Dec   Carter & Arroyo (2011): “Par­tic­i­pa­tory Ped­a­gogy and YouTubeU in 2020”  (PDF)    17 + 18

    + Dig­i­tal Media relays (stu­dent examples)

    + optional  Papa­gian­nis: “Work­ing towards Defin­ing an Aes­thet­ics of Aug­mented Real­ity”
    or Gure­vitch: “Google Warm­ing: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima”
    Con­ver­gence 2014   (PDFs avail­able in Drive & D2L)



    » Exam­ple (post requests briefly like this)

    1st choice — W 10-Nov
    2nd choice — M 17-Nov

    * Can not lead dis­cus­sion W 19-Nov

    * Would like optional 2nd day: W 03-Dec

  2. 1st choice-W 19-Nov
    2nd choice-M 17-Nov

    *can not lead dis­cus­sion F 7-Nov or M 10-Nov

  3. 1st: wed. Novem­ber 12
    2nd: wed. Novem­ber 19

  4. Wed. nov. 10-1st choice
    Mon­day nov. 17– 2nd choice

    *Can­not lead dis­cus­sion on Fri­day nov. 21

  5. 1. Wed Novem­ber 12
    2. Mon­day Novem­ber 10

  6. 1st choice Decem­ber 3rd

    2nd choice Decem­ber 5th

    also will­ing to do Novem­ber 10th and 12th

  7. 1st: Wed Nov. 5th
    2nd: Wed. Nov. 12th

  8. 1st choice: 7th of Nov
    2nd choice: 19th of Nov

  9. 1st choice– Mon Dec 1st
    2nd Choice-Wed Dec 3rd

    *Would like optional sec­ond post Dec 05

  10. 1st: Wednes­day Novem­ber 5th
    2nd: Wednes­day Novem­ber 12th, 19th, or Dec 3rd

  11. 1st choice: Fri­day Novem­ber 14th
    2nd choice: Fri­day Novem­ber 21st

  12. 1st choice: Wednes­day Novem­ber 19th
    2nd choice : Wednes­day Decem­ber 3

  13. First choice: Novem­ber 5th
    Sec­ond choice: Novem­ber 7th

  14. 1st choice nov 21
    2nd choice Dec 1

  15. I’ll lead this Fri­day the 7th!

  16. 1st Choice: Wednes­day Decem­ber 3rd
    2nd Choice: Fri­day Decem­ber 5th

  17. 1st Choice: Wednes­day Novem­ber 5th
    2nd Choice: Fri­day Novem­ber 7th

  18. 1st choice– Wed. Novem­ber 12
    2nd choice– Mon. Novem­ber 17

  19. 1st choice: Nov 21st
    2nd Choice: Dec 3rd
    I will be unable to lead on Nov 12th and Nov 17th

  20. 1st Choice: Novem­ber 14th
    2nd Choice: Novem­ber 21st

  21. 1st: Nov 19th
    2nd: Dec 5th

  22. 1) Dec 3
    2) Dec 5

  23. 1st choice W Decem­ber 3rd
    2nd choice F Decem­ber 5th

  24. I can do a sec­ond day, pos­si­bly any day in Nov?

  25. I can do Novem­ber 19th and Decem­ber 3rd!

  26. Choice 1: Nov 19th
    Choice 2: Dec 1st

  27. 1st Choice — F Decem­ber 5th
    2nd Choice — M Decem­ber 1st

  28. 1st ~ 19th Nov.
    2nd ~5th Dec.

  29. Ist choice: Decem­ber 5th
    2nd choice: Novem­ber 21st

  30. I can do the 17th or the 21st or both!

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