Project 3

Project 3:        Screen Self Portrait



Overview: Expres­sion of your dig­i­tal iden­tity (“screen self”), medi­ated expe­ri­ence in present net­worked con­di­tions               
— cre­ate across sev­eral expres­sive web pages, using Wix​.com (rec­om­mended) or another free platform/site (see design guide).
Audi­ence & objec­tive: self-knowledge, reflex­ive knowl­edge about expe­ri­ence + tech­nol­ogy + cul­ture through “por­trait” (not com­pos­ing for/to any­one else)


1)     Apply lessons and insights about dig­i­tal rhetoric and mul­ti­me­dia com­pos­ing: use var­i­ous forms and modes to con­vey expe­ri­ence, cre­at­ing “Screen Self-Portrait” for dig­i­tal identity.

2)     Beyond representing/documenting (“show­ing”), con­vey your expe­ri­ence—any/all dimen­sions; “vis­i­ble” and “invis­i­ble,” “pub­lic” and “pri­vate”through visual media (image/video), story (nar­ra­tive mode), and sam­pled details (remix & mash-up)

  • This “mul­ti­modal expres­sion” will include ele­ments in sev­eral modes; net­work rhetoric and cul­tural logic; and mate­ri­als from your entire “per­sonal data­base”: sto­ries and details from auto­bi­og­ra­phy, school, com­mu­nity, and entertainment.
    The mul­ti­me­dia used—audio, video, images of all sorts—will be com­bi­na­tion of found & original/created, dig­i­tally manipulated.
  • Media skills attempted/applied: Image edit­ing, col­lage; music / sound effects (sam­pling; edit­ing optional); screen record; video edit & pub­lish; Web layout
  • See detailed design guide page 



Task: Cre­ate a mul­ti­me­dia and mul­ti­modal com­po­si­tion, “assem­blage self-portrait,” to attempt/accom­plish goals; work in Elec­tracy appa­ra­tus, with respec­tive mode of aes­thet­ics and cul­tural (expres­sive, play, per­sonal, affective)—rather than explain­ing crit­i­cally or pre­sent­ing objec­tive account (as in an ana­lytic essay).

  •  “screen self por­trait” mini-website is an aes­thetic fig­ure for your medi­ated expe­ri­ence, dig­i­tal iden­tity in con­tem­po­rary net­worked media ecol­ogy (tech­nol­ogy + media + cul­ture + social). 
    Use modes other than Lit­er­acy (ratio­nal, crit­i­cal, ana­lytic argu­ment), includ­ing story and aes­thetic expres­sion; cre­ate a com­pos­ite sketch using mate­ri­als selected/“sampled” from your per­sonal data­bases: auto­bi­og­ra­phy, school/career, com­mu­nity, pop culture
    (see com­pos­ing guide page).
  • Remem­ber you are the only “audi­ence,” as self-portrait for reflec­tion: it is process and “prod­uct” to explore and exper­i­ment, to reflect on screen back to your­self. Be sure to present spe­cific instance(s) of your expe­ri­ence of iden­tity in Elec­tracy, using rep­re­sen­ta­tive “sam­ples” (fig­ures) but not need­ing to cre­ate exhaus­tive account/overview—fragments (sketches / snap­shots, anec­dotes) in your com­pos­ite self-portrait that stand for aspects/dimensions of iden­tity expe­ri­ence.*In aes­thetic mode (play + express), “per­form” — doc­u­ment, dis­play, sim­u­late, express — this idea of iden­tity, with­out discussing/explaining. 
    (Com­pose just like famil­iar cul­tural forms such as mash-up songs, games, memes, com­edy sketch, remake/par­ody video, etc. The com­pos­ite por­trait does not need to “make sense”; it should be sensory/sensation, with affec­tive per­sonal con­nec­tion for you)

    This is the per­spec­tive of media stud­ies (tech + cul­ture) to apply and attempt, rather than defin­ing/explaining in “ratio­nal argu­ment,” (for instance, cause-and-effect case of “Face­book users”). Avoid gen­er­al­iz­ing or draw­ing broad con­clu­sions; instead, use spe­cific details per­son­ally mean­ing­ful to evoke mood or sub­jec­tive dimen­sion of iden­tity experience.

  • Reflex­ive knowl­edge: leave expe­ri­ence (“topic”/“subject”) implicit in project; do not explain or dis­cuss all this on “por­trait” pages. Instead, dis­cuss explic­itly in required Poet­ics section/document.
    The self-portrait site is not eval­u­ated for its objec­tive mean­ing, design, func­tion (i.e. present stan­dards for clear eas­ily “read­able” web­site) or out­comes; instead, the out­comes are valu­able for the exper­i­ment (method, process, com­pos­ing) and the insights gen­er­atedto dis­cuss in Reflec­tion section/document.