Project 3 Part 2

  • Poet­ics section/document: 5 points; due 12/07; 300–400 words
  • Reflec­tion section/document: 5 points; due 12/07; 500 words
    • post on page on your blog (or in D2L)


Poetics section/document

  • 300–400 words; aca­d­e­mic dis­course (ratio­nal, “crit­i­cal think­ing”; direct account, not multimodal)
  • optional for­mat: this can also/instead be com­posed as a screen­cast (video of your site with commentary)

Dis­cuss con­cisely & thought­fully your design attempts and ratio­nale: how address­ing key aims and using media forms pur­pose­fully. Describe the process of com­pos­ing, explic­itly stat­ing your method & rea­son­ing (dig­i­tal rhetoric); while you need not explain every aspect of your project, you should men­tion spe­cific aspects and how they present seg­ments of your dig­i­tal iden­tity in mul­ti­ple modes.



Reflec­tion section/document

  • 500 words (min­i­mum; 700 words max); thought­ful and effi­cient composition

Dis­cuss your “Self-reflexive” knowl­edge, result of com­pos­ing and read­ing your project. First (most impor­tant) present spe­cific insights, about your dig­i­tal iden­tity and medi­ated expe­ri­ence; rather than describe aspects of the project (state in Poet­ics), state your real­iza­tions, reflec­tions, con­nec­tions from your com­pos­ite self-portrait—especially con­sid­er­ing various/diverse aspects of iden­tity expe­ri­ence (visible/invisible, public/private, singular/networked) in net­worked conditions.
Addi­tion­ally, dis­cuss any insights about our broader top­ics: tech­nol­ogy, media, cul­ture, iden­tity, social con­ven­tions
any/all devel­op­ments in con­tem­po­rary soci­ety and emerg­ing con­di­tions of tech­nol­ogy & cul­ture. While this can be tentative/speculation (instead of argument/conclusion), try propos­ing new/consequent ideas at the end of the course and with this projectpar­tic­u­larly con­nec­tions, effects, impli­ca­tions (e.g. medi­ated iden­tity experience/knowledge con­cern­ing tech­nol­ogy and media/culture).