Blog Setup

    We will setup our blogs Fri­day in class; in­struc­tions be­low.
    — feel to cre­ate and mod­ify yours as much as you’d like!

Once you cre­ate your blog, please post your link in a com­ment be­low.
*This is im­por­tant so I have your URL! (to up­date the blogroll)

    Note if you’d pre­fer your blog to be pri­vate,
    fol­low these in­struc­tions — be sure to give me (and class­mates?) ac­cess
  • Rec­om­mended: you can set in­di­vid­ual posts and pages to pri­vate us­ing Vis­i­bil­ity set­tings

In your first en­try (a “post,” not a com­ment):

1. briefly in­tro­duce your­self: need not to be ex­tent of “In­ter­est In­ven­tory,” and this is pub­lic in­tro­duc­tion to class­mates (sug­gested your ma­jor, minor/program, and grade level; plus, any past writ­ing courses and/or your cur­rent classes and major/field area of in­ter­est.)
2. your idea and “work­ing de­f­i­n­i­tion” of “world­view” and of “ex­pe­ri­ence”
3. any other in­ter­est­ing in­for­ma­tion or me­dia you’d like to share
(e.g. ex­am­ple of some­thing “thought-provoking” you read or saw or heard?)
or a fa­vorite im­age or video, pop cul­ture form or meme from past or present?)

Reg­is­ter @ Word­Press
WP Sup­port site

Tech­ni­cal In­struc­tions for Blog Setup:

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Reach (Scale?)

“Which ulti­mately does more good—an arti­cle or mono­graph that is read by 20 or 30 peo­ple in a very nar­row field, or a blog post on a topic of inter­est to many (such as grad­ing stan­dards or tenure require­ments) that is read by 200,000?

What if the post spurs hun­dreds of com­ments, is de­bated pub­licly in fac­ulty lounges and class­rooms, and gets picked up by news­pa­pers and Web sites across the country—in other words, it helps to shape the na­tional de­bate over some hot-button is­sue? What is it worth then?”