Expert Fields

Unit II: Proof – Argument – Literacy 

Project 2: Rhetorical Analysis Webtext

    reminder: Project 1 Video (19-Sep) and Sum­mary (20-Sep) due

Week 5

M 9/21   Dis­cuss: Project 1 out­comes, Unit 2 goals, Web­text project

  • focus: insights from video about belief-story mode (for reflec­tion blog entry);
    about public/social genre/mode — audi­ence — cir­cu­la­tion (pub­lish to site/social media?)
  • new unit topic In-class writ­ing — sketch of your major/field (initial/current view of dis­ci­pline, infor­ma­tion, spe­cial­ized discourse)

Blog Entry 2: Project 1 Reflection

  • 200 words, infor­mal; due T 9/22
    — no class­mate com­ment required this time
  • sug­gested: share your video online (your choice) for more spe­cific dis­cus­sions of public/social con­ven­tions, audi­ence, circulation

W 9/23   hybrid work :

  • watch Unit Overview Video
  • share ini­tial “Field Sketch” (brief list + media)
    and online source in/for your dis­ci­pline (find + follow)
    — class­mate com­ment optional
  • prepa­ra­tion for Fri­day (use time Wed): iden­tify representative/recent read­ing & assign­ment from your major (another course) — to bring/reference in dis­cus­sion next class

F 9/25   Dis­cuss: Ouel­lette, “Veni, Vidi, Wiki: Exper­tise as Knowl­edge and a Tech­no­cratic Gen­er­a­tion” Recon­struc­tion 10.2 (2010)

  • Focus: “exper­tise,” rhetor­i­cal con­ven­tions, & “infor­ma­tion” of (your) field
    — use/reference major-course reading/book and assign­ment as examples
  • look­ing ahead: begin compiling/browsing (research) for Anno­tated Bib­li­og­ra­phy (due 10/03) — first exercise/component of Project 2




63 thoughts on “Expert Fields

    » Ini­tial “Field Sketch” (W 9/23)

    → sketch/map in brief com­ment (2 sen­tences, or in frag­ments) + media,
    inven­tory any of the following:

    Infor­ma­tion” (how defined, what counts, how used?)
    Insti­tu­tions (gen­eral & spe­cific; “sites” of knowl­edge, like in col­lege and “out in” profession)
    Figures/“Faces” (peo­ple past & present)
    Voices/Publications (books/journals, web­sites, offi­cial / informal)
    Images / Avatars? (per­sonal asso­ci­a­tion or pop­u­lar circulation/imagination)

      (exam­ple sketch — “map­ping” field I am ‘in’…)

      Field: Acad­e­mia
      Dis­c­pline: Writ­ing & Rhetoric (?)

      Insti­tu­tions: university/college, Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences — Pro­gram for Writ­ing & Rhetoric (UC-Boulder); Asso­ci­a­tion of Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ties, Mod­ern Lan­guage Asso­ci­a­tion, uni­ver­sity press (book pub­lish­ing), National Coun­cil of Teach­ers of English ?

      voices — (jour­nals): Col­lege Com­po­si­tion and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Com­put­ers & Com­po­si­tion, Kairos, Enculturation;
      annual Com­put­ers & Writ­ing Con­fer­ence, Bien­nial Rhetoric Soci­ety of Amer­ica Conference 

      online forums: MLA Com­mons, list­servs, indi­vid­ual blogs, #team­rhetoric (Twitter) 

      infor­ma­tion”: aca­d­e­mic writ­ing / “research” (jour­nal arti­cles, books); reports…?

      images: Google Drive/Docs, D2L, email (Inbox, noti­fi­ca­tion, com­pose); library data­bases; and


    2. Field: Law
      Discipline/Major/Focus: Intel­lec­tual Property

      Infor­ma­tion” (how defined, what counts, how used?): copy­right, trade­mark, patents, “fil­ings,” pur­chases (of com­pa­nies hold­ing patents); statutes/ordinances, cases & rul­ings (precedents)

      Insti­tu­tions (gen­eral & spe­cific; “sites” of knowl­edge, like in col­lege and “out in” pro­fes­sion): firms, state/federal/international IP laws (patent, trade­mark), reg­is­ter @ United States Patent & Trade­mark Office

      Figures/“Faces” (peo­ple past & present): attor­ney, indi­vid­u­als corporations…?

      Voices/Publications (books/journals, web­sites, offi­cial / informal)
      Images / Avatars? (per­sonal asso­ci­a­tion or pop­u­lar circulation/imagination):

    3. Field: Craft Brewing
      Dis­ci­pline/Major/Focus: Micro­brew­ery, sour/wild, aging/blending

      Infor­ma­tion” (how defined, what counts, how used?): chem­istry (e.g. pH), micro­bi­ol­ogy (e.g. fer­men­ta­tion by mixed “cul­tures” of bac­te­ria & yeasts); plus “sen­sory pro­gram” notes by cel­lar man­ager / brewer 

      Insti­tu­tions (gen­eral & spe­cific): mar­ket­place (supply/demand); World Beer Cup (inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion); Siebel Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy & World Brew­ing Acad­emy; programs/certificates in brew­ing at universities…

      Figures/“Faces” (peo­ple past & present): Peter Bouck­aert, Eric and Lau­ren Salazar (New Bel­gium); Paul Can­til­lon (founder, Brasserie-Brouwerij Can­til­lon, 1900); wl

      Voices/Publications (books/journals, web­sites, offi­cial / infor­mal): Brew­ers Asso­ci­a­tion pub­li­ca­tion, Beer­Ad­vo­cate mag­a­zine & forums; annual Craft Brew­ers Conference 

      Images / Avatars? (per­sonal asso­ci­a­tion or pop­u­lar circulation/imagination): 

      (microbes like “wild yeast” are invis­i­ble, but they’re every­where; includ­ing on beards…)

      Did you know it’s our Head Brewer’s Birth­day?! Which CMBC beer would you be help­ing him cel­e­brate the big day with ? Cheers Brian!

      A photo posted by Cape May Brew­ing Com­pany (@capemaybrewco) on


    4. Pro­fes­sional Field: Bio­log­i­cal research/ medicine
      Dis­ci­pline: Devel­op­men­tal Biology

      Infor­ma­tion: Peer-reviewed arti­cles, pub­lished text, ongo­ing research, used to teach and prac­tice in fertility/ genetic treatments

      Insti­tu­tions: Uni­ver­sity of Col­orado Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences, Dept. of Mol­e­c­u­lar, Cel­lu­lar, & Devel­op­men­tal Biol­ogy (Under­grad­u­ate stud­ies & grad­u­ate and pro­fes­sional research)

      Fig­ures: Wal­ter J. Gehring, among other researchers (many of which are based out of CU)

      Pub­li­ca­tions: Else­vier Jour­nal, Soci­ety for Devel­op­men­tal Biol­ogy, Gilbert. Devel­op­men­tal Biology

      Images: http://​cmg​.soton​.ac​.uk/​a​s​s​e​t​s​/​c​a​t​e​g​o​r​i​e​s​/​e​m​b​r​y​o​.​m​e​d​i​u​m​.​jpg

    5. Field: coun­sel­ing
      major: psychology
      Infor­ma­tion: gather infor­ma­tion through research studies
      Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU boul­der col­lege of arts & sciences
      Fig­ures: Sig­mund Freud, Albert Ban­dura, Carl Jung
      pub­li­ca­tions: the APA, online, news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, etc.
      Images: ther­apy room, lab, MRI machine

    6. Field: Anthropology&Leadership Studies
      Dis­ci­pline: Cul­tural Anthropology

      Insti­tu­tions– Amer­i­can Anthro­po­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion, CU-Boulder
      Figures/Faces– Franz Boaz, Bro­nis­law Mali­nowski, Mar­garet Mead
      Voices/Publications– AAA
      Images / Avatars–

      Amer­i­can Anthro­po­log­i­cal Association

  2. Pro­fes­sional Field: Cor­po­rate Law
    Dis­ci­pline: Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, fun­da­men­tals of busi­ness, LSATABA

    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences – Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, Mini Law School

    Infor­ma­tion: Busi­ness fun­da­men­tals, his­tory of law; contracts 

    Voices: Fletcher vs. Peck; Dart­mouth Col­lege vs. Woodward

      1. Read­ings I am cur­rently doing are the fed­er­al­ist papers and the Constitution. 

        An assign­ment I am cur­rently doing is about the Insti­tu­tions of the U.S. gov­ern­ment; which ones are more relevant/ needed.

  3. Pro­fes­sional Field: Social Work
    Dis­ci­pline: Sociology

    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boulder-Arts and Sciences

    Infor­ma­tion: Almost every­thing! There are stip­u­la­tions like ethics and sam­pling for valid­ity. Pub­lished stud­ies aren’t always reli­able. The world population’s actions are information.

    Impor­tant Voices: Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Comte

    Cir­cu­la­tion: Pub­lished arti­cles (inter­net and books)

    1. Amer­i­can Soci­o­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion is a source to get known infor­ma­tion and read impor­tant posts


      This is one of my recent soci­o­log­i­cal assign­ments for a writ­ten essay…
      “Based on the read­ings and your informed opin­ion, would you say that mass incar­cer­a­tion is mainly a result of changes in 1) cul­ture, 2) pol­i­tics, or 3) social struc­ture? Choose one topic to focus on, and describe/demonstrate how changes (or lack of change?) in this topic led to mass incar­cer­a­tion and our cur­rent sys­tem of crime control.”

  4. Pro­fes­sional Field: Finan­cial Advisor
    Dis­ci­pline: Economics

    Infor­ma­tion– Acquired date from pub­lic studies
    Insti­tu­tions– Depart­ment of Econ. Cu Boulder
    Figures/Faces– Adam Smith, Ben Bernanke
    Voices/Publications-The Economist
    Images / Avatars– The model of Sup­ply and Demand

  5. Pro­fes­sional Field: Psychiatry/Medicine

    Aca­d­e­mic Dis­ci­pline: Neuroscience
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der, Arts and Sciences

    Infor­ma­tion: Pub­lished, peer reviewed research stud­ies; data and texts from bio­log­i­cal and chem­i­cal sci­ences, as well

    Faces/figures: San­ti­ago Ramon y Cajal; Ben Car­son (retired neu­ro­sur­geon and cur­rent repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date); Joseph C. Maroon (neurosurgeon)

    Voices/Publications: Nature Reviews Neu­ro­science, Mol­e­c­u­lar Psy­chi­a­try, Nature Neuroscience

    Online Forums: Neu­rol­ogy Forum (doc​torslounge​.com), Neu­roTalk Sup­port Groups (neu​rotalk​.psy​ch​cen​tral​.com)

    Images: Brain, Neuron

  6. Field: Busi­ness
    Dis­ci­pline: Mar­ket­ing and management
    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences– Com­mu­ni­ca­tion & minor in Busi­ness & Leadership
    Infor­ma­tion: suc­cess­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Busi­ness Essen­tials & lead­er­ship skills
    Voices: Wall Street Jour­nal, suc­cess­ful busi­ness people
    Cir­cu­la­tion: Pub­lished busi­ness Articles

  7. Pro Field: Education
    Dis­ci­pline: Eng­lish lan­guage and Literature
    Infor­ma­tion: As far as the­ory and analy­sis goes– any­thing pub­lished in acad­e­mia and maybe at the low­est level– a the­sis paper that has been peer reviewed and approved. But also, opin­ions that can be backed by close read­ing analy­sis and tex­tual evi­dence. As far as Lit­er­a­ture goes: any­thing that fits within the canon, “high” art.
    Insti­tu­tions: Mod­ern Lan­guage Asso­ci­a­tion, Uni­ver­sity Press
    Voices: Pro­fes­sors, PhD’s, teach­ers, theorists

  8. Pro­fes­sional Field: Com­puter Programming
    Major: Com­puter Science
    Insti­tu­tions: Comp. Sci. BA at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of A&S, and Russ­ian Lan­guage Minor
    Infor­ma­tion: Data is a major form of infor­ma­tion in com­puter sci­ence. Infor­ma­tion can also be com­mu­ni­cated through “pseudocode”, which out­lays the con­cep­tual frame­work behind a program.
    Fig­ures: Alan Tur­ing; Steve Jobs; Mark Zuckerberg
    Pub­li­ca­tions: Can’t think of any right now, most com­puter sci­ence pub­li­ca­tions are online
    Online Forums: Stack­Over­flow (a great site for trou­bleshoot­ing code), lan­guage data­bases (dic­tio­nar­ies for pro­gram­ming languages)
    Images: Binary, Video Games

  9. Field: Crim­i­nal Justice
    Dis­ci­pline: Soci­ol­ogy and Business
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences and minor in Business
    Infor­ma­tion: Social skills, learn­ing social work and peo­ple, Busi­ness skills
    Voices: Lawyers, The Week Magazine
    Cir­cu­la­tion: News on TV

  10. Pro­fes­sional Field: Man­age­ment & Operations
    Dis­ci­pline: Economics
    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sciences-Economics
    Infor­ma­tion: The study of money and the mar­kets of sup­ply and demand. Also the trends of how peo­ple spend their money with bud­gets and constraints.
    Voices: Hon­or­able Tony Clement(President of the Trea­sury Board)
    Images: Money, Goods&Services, and Markets

    1. Prob­lem Set 2Solutions
      1.Suppose the demand for lychees is given by the fol­low­ing equation:Qd= 4000 –100P+ 500PM,where Pis the price of lychees and PMis the price of mangoes.a.What hap­pens to the demand for lychees when the price of man­goes goes up? Are lychees and man­goes sub­sti­tutes or complements?

      To fol­low the econ­omy many econ­o­mists fol­low the stock market

  11. Pro­fes­sional Field: Con­flict Resolution
    Dis­ci­pline: Inter­na­tional Affairs
    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der — Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences with major in Inter­na­tional affairs, minor in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence and cer­tifi­cate in Mid­dle East­ern and Islamic studies.
    Infor­ma­tion: his­tor­i­cal stud­ies, pub­lic opin­ion stud­ies, effec­tive and suc­cess­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the­ory of con­flict and war, human psychology
    Voices: Politi­cians, World Lead­ers, Mediators
    Images: Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion Con­fer­ence Mod­els, World Gov­ern­ment and Domes­tic Gov­ern­ment Modes, Resource Allocation
    Cir­cu­la­tion: World Conflict

  12. Pro­fes­sional Field: Broad­cast News
    Dis­ci­pline: Mass Communications
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boulder-Arts and Sciences
    Infor­ma­tion: Opti­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, knowl­edge of cur­rent affairs, mas­tery of spo­ken language/public speaking.
    Impor­tant Voices: The Today Show, 20/20, CNN, Fox News, NBC, Operah Winfrey
    Cir­cu­la­tion: Tele­vi­sion news sta­tions, inter­net news sites, the radio

  13. Field: Clas­si­cal studies
    Dis­ci­pline: Latin Language
    Institution(s): CU Boul­der (under­grad­u­ate), Col­lege of Arts and Sciences
    Infor­ma­tion: the read­ing and under­stand­ing of man­u­scripts and trans­la­tions; pub­lished texts are also used, but are not very common
    Voices: teach­ers, professors
    Images: papyrus scroll, mytho­log­i­cal figures/monsters, et cetera…

  14. Pro­fes­sional Field: Pub­lic Relations/ Broad­cast Journalist
    Dis­ci­pline: Communications/ Journalism
    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sciences
    Infor­ma­tion: Com­mu­ni­ca­tions is the study of human inter­ac­tion. Pub­lic Rela­tions is the prac­tice of focus­ing that study to man­ag­ing the spread of infor­ma­tion (ex. from an orga­ni­za­tion to the public)
    Voices: Elliot Schrage, VP communications/public pol­icy at Facebook
    Images: Faces, fame, money

    1. 1. I will be look­ing for the source of where Pub­lic Rela­tions Rep­re­sen­ta­tions read for cur­rent infor­ma­tion in their field
      / Broad­cast Journalists
      (I will reply with a fol­low up post upon find­ing the source(s))

      2. From a book, “The Chang­ing Fam­ily” by Sharon Hays (2005). Read­ing 5, titled “The Mommy Wars, Ambiva­lence, Ide­o­log­i­cal Work, and the Cul­tural Con­tra­dic­tions of Motherhood”

  15. Field: Audi­ol­ogy and Speech Pathology
    Dis­ci­pline: Speech Lan­guage and Hear­ing Science
    Insti­tu­tions: Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences– SLHS program
    Infor­ma­tion: The study of reha­bil­i­ta­tion for those with recep­tive and expres­sive obsta­cles with using and hear­ing com­mu­nica­tive sys­tems of language
    Fig­ures: Noam Chom­sky, ASHA, NSSLHA
    Images: Ear, Voice, Language

  16. Pro­fes­sional Field: Edu­ca­tion and Psychology
    Dis­ci­pline: Early Child­hood Development
    Insti­tu­tions:Under­grad­u­ate at CU Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences, Ele­men­tary Teacher Licen­sure Program
    Infor­ma­tion: The study of how to become an Ele­men­tary School teacher by learn­ing ade­quate ways to teach stu­dents that will pro­mote growth and development.
    Voices:Ashley Car­tun, Joel Klien
    Images: Teach­ers, Stu­dents, Professors

  17. Field: Neuroscience/Biological Sciences
    Discipline/Major/Focus: Genetics 

    Infor­ma­tion: The Human Genome, gene map­ping, exper­i­ments, journals
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der research labs, other uni­ver­sity research labs, Genet­ics Soci­ety of America
    Figures/“Faces”: Gre­gor Mendel– stud­ied trait inher­i­tance, Charles Dar­win, James Wat­son and Fran­cis Crick, Ros­alind Franklin and Mau­rice Wilkins
    Voices/Publications: http://​www​.genet​ics​.org/ for jour­nals, http://​www​.ncbi​.nlm​.nih​.gov/​g​e​n​o​m​e​/​g​u​i​d​e​/​h​u​m​an/ and http://​www​.genome​.gov/ about the human genome, Jour­nal of Human Genetics
    Images / Avatars? Dou­ble helix structure

    1. Source: Spe­cial­ists in the field get infor­ma­tion from their own exper­i­ments and dis­cussing with other sci­en­tists and researchers about their find­ings. Some­times there are con­fer­ences and soci­eties like the Genet­ics Soci­ety of Amer­ica where peo­ple dis­cuss their information.

      Exam­ple reading/assignment: Read­ing and asso­ci­ated online quiz from book “Mol­e­c­u­lar Biology.”

  18. Field: Real Estate
    Dis­ci­pline: Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Business
    Infor­ma­tion: The real estate mar­ket coun­try wide pri­vate and commercial
    Insti­tu­tions: REMAX
    Fig­ures: David Pater­son, David Jack­son are a few big names in New York Real Estate
    Pub­li­ca­tions: http://​observer​.com/​2​0​0​8​/​0​5​/​t​h​e​-​1​0​0​-​m​o​s​t​-​p​o​w​e​r​f​u​l​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​i​n​-​n​e​w​-​y​o​r​k​-​r​e​a​l​-​e​s​t​a​te/

  19. Pro­fes­sional Field: Geography
    Dis­ci­pline: Social/human Geographer
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der, col­lege of arts and sci­ences, school of geography
    Infor­ma­tion: Ana­lyz­ing spa­tial rela­tion­ships and pat­terns in pop­u­la­tions, land­scapes and built environs.
    Fig­ures: Lewis and Clark, Mag­el­lan, Carl Ritter
    Voices: news agen­cies, social media, Google, World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, polit­i­cal lead­ers, mil­i­taries, nor­mal people…
    Images: Map, GPS/phone/computer screen, pub­lic infor­ma­tion dis­plays and flyers
    Pub­li­ca­tions: print and dig­i­tal media, United States geo­log­i­cal survey
    Online: http://​www​.usgs​.gov/ , Google, many oth­ers online
    Other sources: uni­ver­sity libraries, fed­eral archives, museums

    1. Forum for com­mu­ni­cat­ing: World Health Orga­ni­za­tion con­fer­ences, USGS field offices, local offices, national and regional conferences. 

      Read­ing: Reimag­in­ing Global Health, by Farmer,Kim,Kleinman an Basil­ico — Read a chap­ter on the last­ing effects of colo­nial health pol­icy and how those poli­cies still shape the health care sys­tems in Africa.
      Assign­ment: GIS assign­ment, I had to deter­mine what por­tions of an old growth for­est was on pri­vate land ver­sus BLM land.

  20. Field: Research
    Dis­ci­pline: Psychology
    Insti­tu­tions: Uni­ver­sity of Col­orado Boul­der, Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity, Yale University.
    Infor­ma­tion: Peer review arti­cles, aca­d­e­mic jour­nals, DSM 5
    Faces: Freud (unfor­tu­nately), John B. Wat­son, Pavlov, B.F. Skinner
    Pub­li­ca­tions: Trends in Cog­ni­tive Sci­ences, Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence, Psy­cho­log­i­cal Bulletin
    Images: The brain, Ψ.

    1. This is the DSM 5, the diag­nos­tic and sta­tis­ti­cal man­ual ver­sion 5. Fun­nily enough the web­site is down http://​www​.dsm5​.org/
      Peo­ple will con­tact each oth­ers through the var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions and the peer review process.

      A read­ing i had to do was Ajzen and Mad­den 1986, on their The­ory of Planned Behav­ior. Its rather easy to find, my copy was on d2l.

      I had to start a paper on an aspect of the TPB, namely on the effect of norms amd self-efficacy on inten­tions to exercise.

  21. Field: Lan­guage Edu­ca­tor, Trans­la­tor, Com­pu­ta­tional linguist
    Dis­c­pline: Lin­guis­tics and Span­ish & Portuguese

    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der Col­lege of Arts & Sci­ences — Lin­guis­tics and Spanish, 

    Infor­ma­tion: The deep­ened study of lan­guages and/or cul­tures. With lin­guis­tics, you can study Phonol­ogy, Seman­tics, and/or mor­phol­ogy and Syntax.
    Fig­ures: Noam Chompsky, 

    Images: IPA, verb charts, Dic­tio­nar­ies, Trans­la­tion databases,

  22. Pro­fes­sional field: Psy­chol­ogy and Leadership
    Dis­ci­pline: sports psy­chol­ogy & coaching
    Infor­ma­tion: Exper­i­ments and data col­lec­tion of case studies
    Insti­tu­tions: Psy­chol­ogy therapists/motivators on pro­fes­sional teams as well as for Col­le­giate ath­letes such as Chris Bader here at CU.
    Pub­li­ca­tion: http://​break​ing​mus​cle​.com/​s​p​o​r​t​s​-​p​s​y​c​h​o​l​o​g​y​/​t​h​e​-​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​-​a​n​d​-​p​s​y​c​h​o​l​o​g​y​-​o​f​-​m​o​t​i​v​a​t​i​o​n​-​f​o​r​-​a​t​h​l​e​tes

  23. Pro­fes­sional Field: Chemistry

    Aca­d­e­mic Dis­ci­pline: Organic, physical
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der, Arts and Sci­ences, scripts (San Diego), Pfizer among many others

    Infor­ma­tion: Pub­lished, peer reviewed research stud­ies; data and texts from research labs all over the world, many pub­li­ca­tions here at CU from many research professors.

    Faces/figures: Any­one with a reac­tion named after them, such as clayson, birch etc.

    Voices/Publications: Amer­i­can chem­i­cal soci­ety is big in the states, every­thing pub­lished can be found through them.

    Online Forums: Scifinder​.com, ACS​.org. And every research lab group has their own group page with their pub­li­ca­tions and interest. 

    Images: Peri­odic table. Explo­sions. Chem­i­cal devel­op­ments, like med­i­cine etc.

    1. Many chemist look at pub­li­ca­tions from the Amer­i­can chem­i­cal soci­ety, and they hold con­fer­ences in var­i­ous places to move the con­cepts that research has proven. And exam­ple of this is some­thing that can be used is the fol­low­ing link. http://​pubs​.acs​.org/​#​/​d​o​i​/​f​u​l​l​/​1​0​.​1​0​2​1​/​a​c​s​.​i​n​o​r​g​c​h​e​m​.​5​b​0​0​578

      Assign­ments in my field often deal with hypo­thet­i­cal sit­u­a­tions. For exam­ple in lab we are told the objec­tive and we either design an exper­i­ment our­selves, or we fol­low a pro­ce­dure that is given to us. Either way, the pro­ce­dure comes from ACS, and we try to obtain the same results.

    1. 1) Source of info: Doing experiments.
      2) Assigned read­ing: Chap­ter 3 of “Phys­i­cal Chem­istry” book. Then Prob­lems 3.5,3.7,3.10,3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.20, 3.23, 3.25, and an addi­tional prob­lem online.

  24. Cur­rent Majors: Speech, Lan­guage, and Hear­ing Sci­ences (SLHS) and Inte­gra­tive Phys­i­ol­ogy (IPHY)
    Desired Field: Audi­ol­ogy (Military)
    Insti­tu­tions: Amer­i­can Speech, Lan­guage, and Hear­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (ASHA), CU Boul­der (fol­lowed by grad­u­ate school), col­lege of arts and sci­ences, SLHS and IPHY departments
    Images: the ear and the brain
    Voices: Yvgot­ski, Chom­sky, New­ton, ASHA NSSLHA
    Cur­rent View: This job basi­cally entails test­ing for and diag­nos­ing hear­ing and bal­ance prob­lems and cor­rect­ing said prob­lems by fit­ting peo­ple for hear­ing aids, rec­om­mend­ing them as can­di­dates for cochlear implants, or pro­vid­ing them with dis­abil­ity ser­vices. I feel like the demand for audi­ol­ogy is not excru­ci­at­ingly high, but the mil­i­tary is always look­ing for audi­ol­o­gists because as you can imag­ine, loud guns, fly­ing high, div­ing deep, and loud machines leave peo­ple with dam­aged ears.

    1. 1. Sources: http://​asha​.org
      There are places to com­mu­ni­cate with other SLP or AuD.
      2. Read­ing: Text­book, “The Sense of Hear­ing” by Christo­pher J. Plack
      Assign­ment: using Audac­ity to nav­i­gate, decom­pose, com­pose, and ana­lyze a sound scape.

  25. Field: Music
    Discipline/Major/Focus: Performance

    Infor­ma­tion” (how defined, what counts, how used?): music man­u­scripts, journals/books on history/theory and com­men­tary, usu­ally asso­ci­ated with edu­ca­tional system

    Insti­tu­tions (gen­eral & spe­cific; “sites” of knowl­edge, like in col­lege and “out in” pro­fes­sion): Uni­ver­si­ties, Col­leges, spe­cific orches­tras, Pop­u­lar music industry/labels and pro­duc­tion companies

    Figures/“Faces” (peo­ple past & present): famous composers/artists depend­ing on genre, both past and present

    Voices/Publications: books/journals, web­sites, universities
    Images / Avatars: music nota­tion, instruments

  26. Field: Film Production
    Dis­ci­pline: Cinematography
    Insti­tu­tions: C.U. Boul­der FILM BFA Program
    Infor­ma­tion: Fram­ing, com­pos­ing, and light­ing the mov­ing image.
    Pub­li­ca­tions: Amer­i­can Cin­e­matog­ra­pher, ect.
    Faces: Tak Fuji­moto, Gregg Toland, Gor­don Willis
    Images: Cin­ema cam­eras, ect.

    1. Basic info resource: Inde­pen­dent film mak­ers who need cast and crew will often turn to friends, aca­d­e­mic peers, or com­peti­tors to help crew their film.

      Sam­ple assigned read­ing: Russ­ian National Cin­ema, 3 views, an arti­cle on the 3 sup­posed pur­poses of early Russ­ian cinema. 

      Sam­ple assign­ment: write a 10 page paper on the films of Tarkovskii, Shep­itko, and Para­janov, in the con­text of the Russ­ian thaw.

  27. Field: Eng­lish, Stu­dio Art
    Discipline/Major/Focus: Major Eng­lish w/ Empha­sis of Cre­ative Writ­ing, Minor Stu­dio Art
    Infor­ma­tion: Visual Poetry, Con­crete Poetry, Dadist Poetry, Futur­ist Poetry, Word Art, Graph­ics, Col­lage, Pho­tog­ra­phy, Book Making,
    Insti­tu­tions: CU Boul­der Arts & Sci­ences, Inn­is­free Book­store, CU’s Media Archae­ol­ogy Laboratory
    Voices: Steve McCaffrey’s Car­ni­val, Tom Phillips’ A Humu­ment, CU Pro­fes­sor Lori Emerson
    Pub­li­ca­tions: can­not access with­out per­mis­sion: google the works of the the above artists.

  28. Field: Eng­lish
    Major: Cre­ative Writing

    Infor­ma­tion: Fic­tion, Poetry, Imag­i­na­tive writ­ing (Short sto­ries, poems, novellas)
    Insti­tu­tions: Uni­ver­sity of Col­orado at Boul­der, Col­lege of Arts and Sciences
    Fig­ures: Anna Win­tour, John Stein­beck, F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Voices/Publications: Inspi­ra­tional Blogs, East of Eden, Count of Monte Cristo, Vogue

  29. Online Source Infor​ma​tion​-Forbes​.com “Why Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Is Today’s Most impor­tant Skill”
    Read­ing: Intro­duc­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Theory

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