
Fri­day Class Activities


1. In-class writing:
  • Reflec­tion: role of technology/media related to art for you as stu­dent (study­ing) and pro­ducer
    — fast­write: post on your blog (entry can be draft/saved and pri­vate if preferred)


2. Ideas for Group-Curating Topics/Focus
  • Dis­cuss in class and post ideas pro­posed in com­ments here
    (ini­tial list, to add/modify over weekend)


    PBS Dig­i­tal Stu­dios: “The Art of Data Visu­al­iza­tion” video (2013)

      note: see video descrip­tion for links to exam­ples shown


28 thoughts on “Focal

  1. The effects of piracy on:
    – the enter­tain­ment indus­try
    – the soft­ware indus­try
    – soon: phys­i­cal goods? (3D printing)

  2. I am inter­ested in print­mak­ing and illus­tra­tion, so I would like to do a project that incor­po­rates those art medi­ums. I don’t really have a more spe­cific idea about a project yet…

  3. Social Media as global mar­ket­place.
    The inter­net black mar­ket.
    Legal and ille­gal inter­net activ­i­ties, cyber-crime.
    Rep­re­sen­ta­tions of dig­i­tal behav­iors and activ­i­ties online. Will we ever see a movie/ TV show of peo­ple reading/ brows­ing the internet?

  4. I think we should have a research project to look in to what may be the biggest, recent tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ment may be in the visual arts. It could be how we stream movies and binge watch tele­vi­sion shows. I think this is a very inter­est­ing topic because this medium pro­vides zero inter­rup­tion and gets rid of com­mer­cial­iza­tion, and cable providers.

  5. How TV has changed in the way that we can watch the episode a day later for free or even go on ille­gal web­sites to watch shows or movies. Net­flix has elim­i­nated view­ers on tv which elim­i­nates view­ers to shows and com­mer­cials. Ex. Orange is the New Black is a net­flix series that eli­mates commercials.

    How do the advance­ments of social media affect peo­ples behav­ior through edu­ca­tion or rela­tion­ships of peo­ple today? The research of how the inter­net has changed how peo­ple com­mu­ni­cate, ex. how peo­ple are afraid to talk on the phone so they text or use a dif­fer­ent type of social media.

    » Top­ics for Group Curat­ing Pro­posed thus far:

    • Print­mak­ing & Illus­tra­tion
    • Visual Design in Social Net­work­ing Plat­forms
    • Com­edy Sketch/Stand-Up (?)
    • ? New/changing cul­tural forms (e.g. “TV shows”) for online medium/platform (sites, apps)
    • Rep­re­sen­ta­tions of dig­i­tal behav­iors & activ­i­ties online
    • ? Illegal/Pirate Activ­ity (in rela­tion to visual art??)
      — re: enter­tain­ment, soft­ware, phys­i­cal goods (3D printing)


    ** We still need ideas/suggestions from a good num­ber of folks, as well as qualifying/modifying many of these (in rela­tion to visual art and dis­ci­pli­nary discourse)…

      → remem­ber, each group will be able to refine focus and develop/expand/vary top­ics as semes­ter pro­gresses. Also, each group will likely fore­ground technology/media (or at least implic­itly, given “net­work curating”).

      » pro­tip: prob­a­bly best to start with your artis­tic field/medium, then con­sider par­tic­u­lar aspects (“sub­sets”) of con­tem­po­rary top­ics:
      trends/movements, gen­res, activ­i­ties, artists/groups, loca­tions, deliv­ery (instal­la­tion, pro­jec­tion, apps, tech/software), cir­cu­la­tion, reception.

      — The lat­ter aspects each group will likely cover at some point, as the dis­course (the way the art form/medium gets “talked about” and writ­ten, online) related to your group cura­tion.
      The pri­mary and ini­tial focus of the group work is just doc­u­ment­ing what you observe (and find, delib­er­ately seek­ing while also brows­ing) in your expe­ri­ence, research, courses, extra-curricular / prof. activ­i­ties, etc.

  7. Acces­si­ble use of visual art. (i.e. music, pix­e­la­tion art, movies, lit­er­a­ture, quotes).

    Make the most cre­ative and inter­ac­tive user friendly blog site competition.

  8. How design can impact a deci­sion, or cre­ate a mood based on how it is displayed/interpreted, good or bad? **hope­fully that makes sense.

  9. I’m not sure if this would qual­ify, but since dance is my “art form” I think it would be inter­est­ing to look at how dance is rep­re­sented through film or how it can be changed by the use of technology.

    » email exchange with stu­dent about group focus idea
    “a group exam­in­ing — doc­u­ment­ing, curat­ing, dis­cussing, using — all the recent/new/emerging forms of video
    (video of course names a medium and a form, implied here: not sim­ply recorded “ama­teur footage” of our daily obser­va­tions, Instagram-style, like con­certs attended or what­ever we’ll never watch again. Vines are nice exem­plar of “ama­teur footage” edited, by some users, in very styl­ized way influ­enced by film cin­e­matog­ra­phers & editors)

    So, curat­ing emerg­ing video forms — every­thing from Vines to YouTube chan­nels (with quite var­ied forms, gen­res, audi­ences) to new forms (mul­ti­me­dia, inter­ac­tive, VR, apps, etc?) — is a fine start­ing point, with oppor­tu­ni­ties for new directions/developments as the semes­ter pro­gresses“

  11. I am inter­ested in the expres­sive aspects of mobile content-creation apps. Insta­gram and tablet-drawing apps for instance. I want to research the democ­ra­tiz­ing aspects of the smart­phone era and how that is going to change art in the future.

  12. Topic: In what direc­tion is enter­tain­ment mov­ing? It seems that block­busters today are pack­ing more and more visual/emotional stim­uli within plot lines in order to keep audi­ences enter­tained. Are movies going to keep get­ting more intense?

  13. Is it pos­si­ble to have a career in the arts today with­out an inter­net pres­ence? Can one resist the influ­ence of the internet?

    » poten­tial group top­ics

    1. Video Forms (trends & tech impact: medium, deliv­ery, cul­tural forms)

    2. “in-person art forms” (e.g. Performance/Installation) & Media/Tech/Networking

    3. Interactivity/Tech & Art

    4. Net­work Implications/Ramifications: “par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture” broadly

    • Ten­ta­tive Groups
      » Inter­ac­tiv­ity: Tech+Art
      [addi­tional member?]

      » Emerging/Recent Video Forms
      Ian *

      » Fine Arts & Net­work Media(tion)

      * = dis­cus­sion host / facil­i­ta­tor

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