Transition Material


    » reminder: Ana­lytic Web­text Due (finalized)


Act II                “Data­base Aes­thet­ics“
Project: Group-Curating Wrap-Up


M 23-Feb Activity/Focus: Group­Site Work (resume/increase)

  • Dis­cuss: “Data­base Aes­thet­ics” (using Project ideas)
    Mini-lecture: Tech­no­log­i­cal Media & Art
  • Group Activity/Tasks: find/generate audi­ence (share pages, social net­works?)
    — iden­tify mod­els (sites, blogs, groups) to follow

  • Refine/update approach (and/or cura­tory state­ment?)
    → new direction/focus for Group­Site Curat­ing?
  • site progress/update (group coor­di­na­tion): resume post­ing sched­ule!

W 25-Feb Dis­cuss: Parikka, “Cir­cuit Bend­ing Media Archae­ol­ogy into an Art Method” Leonardo (2012)

  • Activity/Focus: Research + Prospec­tive Art Praxis (appli­ca­tion, inno­va­tion, inven­tion?)
    — exam­ple (from Parikka): “zom­bie media” (arch. research) & “circuit-bending” art

Blog entry (due Wed PM): Project 1 Reflection

    » from com­pos­ing essay/project: insights about field (schol­ar­ship = dis­course com­mu­nity) and your own artis­tic prac­tice?
    — spec­u­late poten­tial praxis (applied the­ory) or innovation?


F 27-Feb   Hybrid Activ­ity: group dis­cus­sion — curat­ing focus, audi­ence, materials/examples

  • In com­ments below, post updated/revised cura­tion focus and intended audi­ence of Group­Site — thought­ful com­ment (2–3 sen­tences), due by 1230pm (dis­cuss dur­ing class time)
  • Reply to group member(s) — brief yet pro­duc­tive response, due by 130pm. Sug­gested replies:
    revise Cura­tory Vision and/or Edi­to­r­ial State­ment? (how to indi­cate to read­ers, espe­cially about future posts?) Site/blog to model? (iden­tify con­ven­tions) Appeal to audi­ence from posts thus far? (imag­ine par­tic­u­lar read­ers in field, i.e. “dis­course com­mu­nity”) Poten­tial of cre­ative praxis (from research/curating to art-making?) to inter­est additional/specialized readers?

Optional Exer­cise (extra credit): Critique

  • Due (S 28-Feb); post on per­sonal blog

  • 250 words → 25 words / 140 char­ac­ters → image


PBS Dig­i­tal Stu­dios: “Will 3D Print­ing Change the World?” (2013)


GHink posted this in Blog, Class and tagged it , , , , , on .


  • GHink says:

    » “Circuit-bending Art”?

    Super Mario Bros. Crossover (remixed playable game)


    — by MrSolidSnake745

  • GHink says:

    » Hertz & Parikka:
    “In short, what gets bent is not only the false image of lin­ear his­tory but also the cir­cuits and archive that form the con­tem­po­rary media land­scape.
    For us,‘media’ is approached through the con­crete arti­facts, design solu­tions and var­i­ous tech­no­log­i­cal lay­ers that range from hard­ware to soft­ware processes,
    each of which in its own way par­tic­i­pates in the cir­cu­la­tion of time and mem­ory.

    Media is itself an archive in the Fou­cauldian sense, as a con­di­tion of knowl­edge, but also as a
    con­di­tion of per­cep­tions, sen­sa­tions, mem­ory and time.

    In other words, the archive is not only a place for sys­tem­atic keep­ing of doc­u­ments, but is itself a con­di­tion of knowl­edge.” (“Zom­bie Media” p.427)

  • GHink says:

    » Hertz & Parikka: “if tem­po­ral­ity isin­creas­ingly cir­cu­lated, mod­u­lated and stored in tech­ni­cal media devices—
    the dia­gram­mat­ics and con­crete cir­cuits that tap into the microtem­po­ral­ity that is below the thresh­old of con­scious human per­cep­tion—
    we need to develop sim­i­lar cir­cuit bend­ing, art and activist prac­tices as an ana­lyt­i­cal and cre­ative method­ol­ogy:
    hence, the turn to archives in a wider sense that also encom­passes cir­cuits, switches, chips and other high-tech processes.

    Such epistemo-archaeological tasks are not only of artis­tic inter­est but tap into the eco­soph­i­cal sphere in under­stand­ing and rein­vent­ing rela­tions between the var­i­ous ecolo­gies across sub­jec­tiv­ity, nature and tech­nol­ogy.” (429−30)

  • GHink says:

    » CU Boul­der Media Arche­ol­ogy Lab

    “Dig Up Dead Tech At The Media Archae­ol­ogy Lab” — Cre­ators Project

  • For the film group I think it would be good to con­tinue to focus on tech­nol­ogy and film, but focus our audi­ence more on younger peo­ple who are per­haps film­mak­ers them­selves like we dis­cussed, and maybe even the new effects that these tech­nolo­gies might have on the audi­ence. Some­times appeal­ing to the younger gen­er­a­tion doesn’t always mean dis­cussing about the new and upcom­ing though and I think we all bring some­thing dif­fer­ent and ben­e­fi­cial to the table. I hon­estly think what we have been doing is good, which is par­tial edu­ca­tional posts com­bined with our own opin­ions.. It might also be inter­est­ing to not only dis­cuss new tech­nolo­gies but talk more about the emo­tional effect on the audi­ence that these tech­nolo­gies can poten­tially pro­vide because it’s not always the most inter­est­ing thing to read (or write) about purely tech­ni­cal things.

    • Jessica Wilcox says:

      Kayla, I really like your idea about explor­ing the emo­tional effect cer­tain tech­nolo­gies have. I agree that only talk­ing about specif­i­cally tech­ni­cal things could become bor­ing. I know that with your focus on the hor­ror genre, emo­tion is cer­tainly easy to talk about. How­ever, we may have to brain­storm as a group to fig­ure out how we could apply emo­tion to our other focus areas.

    • Jordan Shiparski says:

      The edu­ca­tional, emo­tional, and indi­vid­ual opin­ion is a great com­bi­na­tion. Tap­ing into the mind of the audi­ence is some­thing I def­i­nitely agree that we’ve been slack­ing on and should focus in on more. Great thought! I think we need to uti­lize our per­spec­tive as young/student film­mak­ers to val­i­date our posi­tion, if we are try­ing to speak to a younger audi­ence demographic.

    • Jesse Lee Pacehco says:

      As a reader and audi­ence mem­ber for your blog, I for one would be more inter­ested in the “emo­tional” or artis­tic appeal of a piece of new equip­ment. Some of the more mov­ing pieces of film i’ve had the plea­sure of see­ing have been on film, so what’s the artis­tic argu­ment behind dig­i­tal or even shoot­ing on RED? what oppro­tu­ni­ties are artisits afforded with a dig­i­tal cam­era as opposed to a traidi­tonal film cam­era (not ben­e­fits of con­ve­nience but of communication).

      Also, will you be reivew­ing tech­nolo­gies?
      If your audi­ence is fil­mak­ers, will you be let­ting us know what to rent for our next project, where to get it, etc. ?

    • sarah may says:

      yes, we have decided to approach our site with some his­tor­i­cal con­text first, but now that we are a few weeks in our new direc­tion is young film­mak­ers that want to know about the best of the best for the medium. Con­nect­ing our site to cur­rent events and new films com­ing out is very impor­tant for our tar­get audi­ence. Adding hyper­links is a good way for us to achieve this.

  • Jessica Wilcox says:

    As Kayla said above, the film group is plac­ing our focus on an audi­ence of new film­mak­ers, roughly around our age group. We want to post about the newest tech­nolo­gies in film and our opin­ions of them to use as a sort of guide for young film­mak­ers to see what tech­nol­ogy is avail­able and how it may be ben­e­fi­cial to them. I view our blog as pri­mar­ily edu­ca­tional, with an under­tone of opin­ion that will hope­fully aid future film­mak­ers in learn­ing how to use tech­nol­ogy to their advantage.

    • campbell says:

      The Design group will take notes from your blog Film crew! In the past we were con­fused and had writ­ten arti­cles about areas of design, but we now learned the way of the future is cura­tion, and I think we should refine our process from writ­ing to curat­ing a blog where inter­est­ing design arti­cles are shared with peo­ple who care about design news, and specif­i­cally about how new tech­nol­ogy is chang­ing the way peo­ple are design­ing objects. Check our blog in the upcom­ing weeks if this is inter­est­ing to you.

    • I think this is a good, more con­cise and focused ver­sion of the very first com­ment on the film group from Kayla. I think it is a super good idea focus­ing you audi­ence in on film­mak­ers them­selves. I bet they will ben­e­fit the most from dis­cussing new tech­nol­ogy! Focus­ing on a younger audi­ence is inter­est­ing. I won­der why? like I’m inter­ested in a spec­i­fi­ca­tion on why you guys would want to gear towards a younger audi­ence? Cool stuff.

    • Jordan Shiparski says:

      Jes­sica, I agree, I like our com­bi­na­tion of edu­ca­tion and our own indi­vid­ual insights. Look­ing at it in the light of us guid­ing other young/student film­mak­ers is great in shap­ing how we com­pose our posts going for­ward. What is it that we all bring to the table, and maybe how do our indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ences con­tribute to an over­all mes­sage or les­son we’re try­ing to teach? Just food for thought!

    • These are all good thoughts and ideas and I think it would be great to have our over­all goal be to purely show the poten­tial power that film has, by dis­cussing new innovations/technologies as well as the effects film can have.

  • The Installation/Performance group has a new rede­fined mis­sion
    “We like look­ing at spaces, whether its the aes­thetic of a play you are putting on, found loca­tions to put up your orig­i­nal per­for­mances, or you are installing your own gallery/piece. If you are another artist (Director/performer/sculptor/visual artist) and you are work­ing on cool things fol­low us and talk to us so we can repost your stuff and have cool con­ver­sa­tions about the present and future of immer­sive and expe­ri­ence art.”

    Our refined focus is on immer­sive and expe­ri­ence art pro­duc­tion and our audi­ence are the peo­ple who are also cre­ators. Not stu­dents, not web design­ers, but work­ing, pro­duc­ing artists.

  • Jordan Shiparski says:

    For the Film group as we dis­cussed in class, and as said by Kayla and Jes­sica, we will be chang­ing to appeal to a younger demo­graphic. Also I think we have laid a good foun­da­tion of his­tor­i­cal post on tech­nol­ogy, and there may still be room for more of it as needed through­out the project, but we def­i­nitely want focus on new tech­nolo­gies more going for­ward. I would also like to see our group posts incor­po­rate more video media. I think our audi­ence would ben­e­fit from see­ing more than just still photo exam­ples. To fur­ther val­i­date, I think the use of video media would appeal to younger film­maker audi­ences. After all, our blog is cen­tered around film and video, we need to bet­ter tap into this.

  • Keana Cowden says:

    The rest of the film group has said that we are putting our empha­sis on a younger audi­ence and genre. I think that we can con­tinue to expand on our top­ics and areas of inter­est. We have begun to curate a group state­ment that embod­ies what we want our site to be.

  • John Wittbrodt says:

    The per­for­mance group is look­ing at audi­ence reac­tion and influ­ence across dif­fer­ent forms of visual media. We each intend to focus on a dif­fer­ent type of live artis­tic per­for­mance. I intend on focus­ing on the rela­tion­ship between audi­ence and actor, from an actors per­spec­tive. Per­haps the rest of my group would like to post their focuses?

    • Jesse Lee Pacehco says:

      Will the per­for­mance group be lim­it­ing your­selves to live per­for­mance and events?

      Or are you expand­ing to film/web content/ audio performances?

  • ryan winchester says:

    IJohn already stated our group direc­tion, but my per­sonal direc­tion will be infor­ma­tional posts about dif­fer­ent pieces of light­ing technology

  • Jesse Lee Pacehco says:

    We in the inter­me­dia group dis­cussed the use of space in both instal­la­tion and per­for­mance art. We want to ded­i­cate the Group site to uses of space, both how an artiusts uti­lizes an exist­ing per­for­mance venue/gallery as well as the art of found spaces and pub­lic dis­plays. I per­son­ally am inter­ested in the lat­ter, due to my desire to fol­low in the foot­steps on Grotowsky’s “Poor The­atre” phi­los­o­phy; which basi­cally manes all you need to per­form is bod­ies and a space. I will ded­i­cate my posts on the blog “Fridays/Saturdays” to this phi­los­o­phy and how it influneces mod­ern per­for­mance and theatre.

    Here’s a video for any­one inter­ested in Gro­towski and his work:

    My audi­ence should be the same: per­for­mance artisits seek­ing inpira­tion for stag­ing new pieces in uncon­ven­tial locations.

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