

Win­dow / Glass / Screen (monitor/monitoring)



    » (Method) in MEmo­r­ial: imag­ing “fore­grounds the need for a poet­ics of using the vis­i­ble to write the invis­i­ble” (111)
    cf. “the opti­cal uncon­scious” (103−05)
    & “image cat­e­gory” of mate­r­ial sig­ni­fiers (in “wreck­work”); exam­ples (52−3)
    → “The goal of Traf­fic Sphere” [prototype/proposal] “is to make high­way fatal­i­ties per­cep­ti­ble, think­able, rec­og­nizble as sac­ri­fice
    to shift them from the pri­vate sphere of one-at-a-time indi­vid­ual, per­sonal loss to the pub­lic sphere of col­lec­tive val­ues.” (43)

» Net­work Wit­ness (blog tasks):

  • Mon­i­tor the daily news” — and social network(s)? — to “find a report or story that trou­bles you or stings you in some way.
    Doc­u­ment the story and do some research on the back­ground of the prob­lem and the pol­icy issues related to it.” (65)

    • “gather details” — mate­r­ial sig­ni­fiers (as dis­cussed from Chp 2)

    • The feel­ing aroused by this story con­sti­tutes the call to a con­sul­ta­tion on behalf of the Emer­A­gency” (Prob­lems B Us)


  • “start an archive of pic­tures and text [and other media] found on the Inter­net that could serve as a vocab­u­lary of stock rep­re­sen­ta­tions of your news event as a scene.” (71)

    • “the Inter­net is a col­lage engine.“
      “a sub­sti­tute image (pic­ture or text) works just as well as the actual one, since the point is gen­er­a­tive, to trig­ger or cue the atmos­phere or mood, not the empir­i­cal repro­duc­tion of a past real­ity.” (71)