
Stage III   Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony
Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”
Par­tic­i­pa­tory Assem­blage — Net­work Ora­cle
F 12-Dec   Stu­dio Project Work­shop — Works-in-Progress

  • Due project in-progress:
             site re-formatted; assem­blage tes­ti­monal com­posed (10–20 entries + tags); emblem draft (sketch or col­lage images)
  • Activ­ity: peer feed­back (dig­i­tal rhetoric: arrangement/organization) & tech sup­port
    — dis­cuss: mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing (nar­ra­tive, infor­ma­tion, expres­sion) + effects; work­ing in Elec­tracy;
    design soft­ware + tech­niques

      e.g. Pixlr for emblem col­lage & edit­ing images (in tes­ti­mo­nial)
      — other media uses? (audio/video?) * cus­tom GIFs: appli­ca­tions
  • Brainstorm/Discuss: remain­ing com­po­nents (emblem, periph­eral, ora­cle inter­face); par­tic­i­pa­tory poet­ics for MemeMor­ial (“pub­lic ped­a­gogy”?) & net­work rhetoric
    on-going dis­cus­sion: Q&A before/during/after class in com­ments

» Due (S 13-Dec) Project 3

  • Sec­tions: Emblem, Tes­ti­mo­nial, Periph­eral, Mate­ri­als (page)

— Poet­ics & Reflec­tion pages due S 14-Dec (see prompts)


    “The MEmo­r­ial shows us not our fate, but our sit­u­a­tion. The Inter­net is a liv­ing mon­u­ment. The Emer­A­gency offers a prac­tice for a vir­tual civic sphere that does for the imag­i­na­tion what sta­tis­tics does for the intel­lect.” (Ulmer p.176)
    “A goal of elec­tracy”: “to do for the com­mu­nity as a whole what lit­er­acy did for the indi­vid­u­als within the com­mu­nity. Could a com­mu­nity go to school col­lec­tively? […] The Inter­net is the place of this scene of instruc­tion,
    and the Emer­A­gency pro­vides the ped­a­gogy for group sub­jects.” (Elec­tronic Mon­u­ments xxvi)

peripheral campus


    “A mon­u­ment does not com­mem­o­rate or cel­e­brate some­thing that hap­pened but con­fides
    to the ear of the future the per­sis­tent sen­sa­tions that embody the event:
    the con­stantly renewed suf­fer­ing of men & women, their re-created protes­ta­tions, their con­stantly resumed strug­gle.”

    — Deleuze & Guat­tari, What is Phi­los­o­phy? (p. 176)


Questioning Networked Activism


      Due (S 11-Oct): Exer­cise 2Prompt here

    • also continue/increase group-consulting activity
        — Gen­er­ate audi­ence: share pages (social net­works); con­tact local/campus groups

        * reminder: par­tic­i­pa­tion credit; plus, need 10 posts for anno­ta­tions by 10/31

    • (from Fri­day) Begin finding/studying cul­tural relays (memes/viral exam­ples)
      → focus / appli­ca­tion: dig­i­tal rhetoric, “meme logic,” net­work cir­cu­la­tion (recomposition)


Stage II   Net­work Engage­ment — Project Week 3


M 13-Oct    Read/Discuss: Brown, “From Activism to Occu­pa­tion”  (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Lit­er­acy    
+ (from Fri­day) Ridolfo & DeVoss: “Rhetor­i­cal Veloc­ity and Deliv­ery” Kairos 13.2 (2009)

      » Focus/topic: net­work “occu­pa­tion” through “tac­ti­cal” strate­gies and/or rhetor­i­cal veloc­ity
      (cir­cu­la­tion + “re-composition” — like meme cul­ture)?

    • Dis­cuss group’s Case Study (campaign/organization)
      reminder: see exam­ple cam­paigns by Hel­loCool­World

W 15-Oct   Inde­pen­dent Work (see email for instruc­tions)

Read/Discuss: Jones, “Net­worked Activism, Hybrid Struc­tures, and Net­worked Power” (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Literacy

    • Focus/discuss: “net­work activism” (famous exam­ples) vs. “online con­sul­tancy” (EmerAgency)

» Blog entry: dis­cuss recent approach to your group posting

    — con­sid­er­ing “rhetor­i­cal veloc­ity”? “occupy/saturation” approach? con­trast with case study or hack­tivists?
    → dis­cuss explic­itly your new under­stand­ing of net­works (2 recent read­ings) and con­sult­ing role

  • for class­mate reply, read + com­ment upon group member’s entry regard­ing lat­est efforts + topics


F 17-Oct      Read/Discuss: Portman-Daley: “Sub­tle Democ­racy: Pub­lic Ped­a­gogy and Social Media”  (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Literacy

    • Focus/Activity: group con­sult­ing (Emer­A­gency) as “net­work ped­a­gogy“
      → facil­i­tat­ing civic engage­ment vs. “slacktivist”/“clicktivism“

» Project Com­po­nents (task/assignment):

    1. Par­tic­i­pa­tion Log (create/update); 2. Rhetor­i­cal Analy­sis of Case Study (start this weekend)





      → reminder: Project 1 Poet­ics sec­tion due S 9/28
      (post on Project 1 page on your Word­Press site)
    * Resume group-site activity!


Stage II          Net­work Engagement
Project: Beyond “Clicktivism”

M 29-Sep   Read/discuss: Glad­well, “Small Change” The New Yorker (4-Oct 2010)

    » propose/discuss group Case Study (topic/issue)
    — see exam­ples: Hel­loCool­World cam­paigns  
    → Dis­cuss updates about group sites
    * continue/increase “net­work wit­ness” activ­ity (posting)

W 01-Oct   Read/Discuss: White, Micah. “Reject­ing Click­tivism.”  (4 Aug. 2010)

+“ Click­tivism is activism degraded into adver­tis­ing.”   (08 Oct 2010)

  • Group work: Find + try gen­er­at­ing audi­ence

      View & share class­mates’ groups? Pro­mote your group on social net­works?

    * Con­tact cam­pus / local organization(s)

F 03-Oct   Read/Discuss: Zuck­er­man,“New Media, New Civics?” (06-Dec 2013)  

  • Group work: progress report (con­tin­ued from Wednesday)


» Due: Blog entry — Project Reflection

    • From com­pos­ing project and read­ing your self-potrait & com­mu­nity story,
      any insights about iden­tity, expe­ri­ence, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, con­nec­tion, etc.
      in net­work media ecology?