Stage III Assemblage Testimony
Project: “MemeMorial”
Participatory Assemblage — Network Oracle
F 12-Dec Studio Project Workshop — Works-in-Progress
- Due project in-progress:
site re-formatted; assemblage testimonal composed (10–20 entries + tags); emblem draft (sketch or collage images)
- Activity: peer feedback (digital rhetoric: arrangement/organization) & tech support
— discuss: multimodal composing (narrative, information, expression) + effects; working in Electracy;
design software + techniques
- e.g. Pixlr for emblem collage & editing images (in testimonial)
— other media uses? (audio/video?) * custom GIFs: applications
- Brainstorm/Discuss: remaining components (emblem, peripheral, oracle interface); participatory poetics for MemeMorial (“public pedagogy”?) & network rhetoric
— on-going discussion: Q&A before/during/after class in comments
» Due (S 13-Dec) Project 3
- Sections: Emblem, Testimonial, Peripheral, Materials (page)
— Poetics & Reflection pages due S 14-Dec (see prompts)
“The MEmorial shows us not our fate, but our situation. The Internet is a living monument. The EmerAgency offers a practice for a virtual civic sphere that does for the imagination what statistics does for the intellect.” (Ulmer p.176)
“A goal of electracy”: “to do for the community as a whole what literacy did for the individuals within the community. Could a community go to school collectively? […] The Internet is the place of this scene of instruction,
and the EmerAgency provides the pedagogy for group subjects.” (Electronic Monuments xxvi)
“A monument does not commemorate or celebrate something that happened but confides
to the ear of the future the persistent sensations that embody the event:
the constantly renewed suffering of men & women, their re-created protestations, their constantly resumed struggle.”
— Deleuze & Guattari, What is Philosophy? (p. 176)