Questioning Networked Activism


      Due (S 11-Oct): Exer­cise 2Prompt here

    • also continue/increase group-consulting activity
        — Gen­er­ate audi­ence: share pages (social net­works); con­tact local/campus groups

        * reminder: par­tic­i­pa­tion credit; plus, need 10 posts for anno­ta­tions by 10/31

    • (from Fri­day) Begin finding/studying cul­tural relays (memes/viral exam­ples)
      → focus / appli­ca­tion: dig­i­tal rhetoric, “meme logic,” net­work cir­cu­la­tion (recomposition)


Stage II   Net­work Engage­ment — Project Week 3


M 13-Oct    Read/Discuss: Brown, “From Activism to Occu­pa­tion”  (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Lit­er­acy    
+ (from Fri­day) Ridolfo & DeVoss: “Rhetor­i­cal Veloc­ity and Deliv­ery” Kairos 13.2 (2009)

      » Focus/topic: net­work “occu­pa­tion” through “tac­ti­cal” strate­gies and/or rhetor­i­cal veloc­ity
      (cir­cu­la­tion + “re-composition” — like meme cul­ture)?

    • Dis­cuss group’s Case Study (campaign/organization)
      reminder: see exam­ple cam­paigns by Hel­loCool­World

W 15-Oct   Inde­pen­dent Work (see email for instruc­tions)

Read/Discuss: Jones, “Net­worked Activism, Hybrid Struc­tures, and Net­worked Power” (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Literacy

    • Focus/discuss: “net­work activism” (famous exam­ples) vs. “online con­sul­tancy” (EmerAgency)

» Blog entry: dis­cuss recent approach to your group posting

    — con­sid­er­ing “rhetor­i­cal veloc­ity”? “occupy/saturation” approach? con­trast with case study or hack­tivists?
    → dis­cuss explic­itly your new under­stand­ing of net­works (2 recent read­ings) and con­sult­ing role

  • for class­mate reply, read + com­ment upon group member’s entry regard­ing lat­est efforts + topics


F 17-Oct      Read/Discuss: Portman-Daley: “Sub­tle Democ­racy: Pub­lic Ped­a­gogy and Social Media”  (2013) Cur­rents in Elec­tronic Literacy

    • Focus/Activity: group con­sult­ing (Emer­A­gency) as “net­work ped­a­gogy“
      → facil­i­tat­ing civic engage­ment vs. “slacktivist”/“clicktivism“

» Project Com­po­nents (task/assignment):

    1. Par­tic­i­pa­tion Log (create/update); 2. Rhetor­i­cal Analy­sis of Case Study (start this weekend)





    M 22-Sep   Stu­dio (project work­shop): led by Groups 1 & 2 (list of groups here)

    Due: Inven­tory of Notes (class prepa­ra­tion) — see below

      » Focus: review/discuss dig­i­tal iden­tity & net­worked com­mu­nity?
      — 4 “per­sonal data­bases” & com­pos­ite “self-portrait“
      — Review/Discuss Assign­ment objec­tives + approach


      Dis­cuss notes + project ideas in com­ments below (before + after class)

    » Due (late/updated): Notes (page on your blog)

    W 24-Sep   Stu­dio (project work­shop): led by Groups 3 & 4 (list of groups here)

    • prepa­ra­tion for “assem­blage por­trait” (lists, notes, sketch, out­line — using 4 data­bases)
      test site (Word­Press pages, Wix, etc) & soft­ware
      » Focus/Activity: dis­cuss + test dig­i­tal com­po­si­tion tech­niques
      — Review/Discuss Com­pos­ing Guide & begin Web-work

    » Weekly Blog Entry: optional / extra credit

    F 26-Sep   Project Work­shop (praxis):

      » Activ­ity: “tech-support” + peer feed­back
      (work-in-progress due)

    » Due (S 27-Sep): Project 1

      update: Poet­ics sec­tion due S 9/28
      (post on Project 1 page on your Word­Press site)

    Con­tinue reading


        notes toward com­pos­ing poetics/praxis, Project 1


        » task: “To extrap­o­late from lit­er­acy to elec­tracy, we need to find some pop­u­lar behav­ior in our medi­ated expe­ri­ence that is as famil­iar to us as hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion was to peo­ple in an oral appa­ra­tus.”
        — Ulmer, Inter­net Inven­tion p.143

        con­duc­tive logic? (infer­ence, “flash” of insight?)

        just as Plato invented the dia­logue as a hybrid with oral and lit­er­ate fea­tures,
        so too now is our con­sul­tancy a hybrid selected from oral, lit­er­ate, and elec­trate ele­ments.”
        — Ulmer, p.156



      modes of information

      Con­tinue reading

      Networked Generation

      » from Zadie Smith’s 2010 review of The Social Net­work & You Are Not a Gad­get: A Man­i­festo:


        “Soft­ware may reduce humans, but there are degrees. Fic­tion reduces humans, too, but bad fic­tion does it more than good fic­tion, and we have the option to read good fic­tion. Jaron Lanier’s point is that Web 2.0 “lock-in” hap­pens soon; is hap­pen­ing; has to some degree already hap­pened. And what has been “locked in”? It feels impor­tant to remind our­selves, at this point, that Face­book, our new beloved inter­face with real­ity, was designed by a Har­vard sopho­more with a Har­vard sophomore’s pre­oc­cu­pa­tions. What is your rela­tion­ship sta­tus? (Choose one. There can be only one answer. Peo­ple need to know.) Do you have a “life”? (Prove it. Post pic­tures.) Do you like the right sort of things? (Make a list. Things to like will include: movies, music, books and tele­vi­sion, but not archi­tec­ture, ideas, or plants.)

        But here I fear I am becom­ing nos­tal­gic. I am dream­ing of a Web that caters to a kind of per­son who no longer exists. A pri­vate per­son, a per­son who is a mys­tery, to the world and—which is more important—to her­self. Per­son as mys­tery: this idea of per­son­hood is cer­tainly chang­ing, per­haps has already changed. Because I find I agree with Zucker­berg: selves evolve.”

      — Zadie Smith: “Gen­er­a­tion Why?“
      Novem­ber 25, 2010 | The New York Review of Books

      Network Experience

          **Impor­tant: com­plete urgent group tasks over week­end (see prior email)


      Stage I Medi­ated Com­mu­nity— Project: “Ensem­ble Experience”


      M 09-Sep   Read for dis­cus­sion: Face­book & Phi­los­o­phy (2010) (PDF in D2L)

        — chap­ters by: Bogost (21–32), Butera (201–12), and Fraser & Doyle (215–30)

          » Focus/Activity: Media Stud­ies + Rhetor­i­cal Sit­u­a­tion 2.0
          — notes/quotes here (Google Doc;   sign-in with @CU iden­tikey required to see form)

      W 10-Sep   Read for dis­cus­sion: Face­book & Phi­los­o­phy (2010) (PDF in D2L)

        — chap­ters by: Wan­del & Beavers (89–96), Vejby & Wit­tkower (97–108), and Scholz (241–52)
          » Activity/Discuss: using new terms/concepts for ana­lyz­ing net­work plat­form
          (rhetoric & social exchange in media ecol­ogy   — Exer­cise 1 warm-up)

      » Note: *Drop Dead­line (Wednes­day 10-September)

      » Blog Entry (due 11pm)   — plus class­mate com­ment (due Thurs.)

      F 12-Sep     Inde­pen­dent Activ­ity: Group Work

      • Draft group’s ini­tial “mis­sion state­ment” (Google Doc)

      • Setup group’s web / social-network account(s):
        — Face­book (page/group), blog (Word­Press), Twit­ter, Tum­blr, Pin­ter­est, Insta­gram, Vine
        → begin post­ing about issue (social prob­lem, civic action, com­mu­nity concern)

      » Due (S 13-Sep): Exer­cise 1   — Instruc­tions Page

      Blog Setup

      For class:


        We will setup our blogs Wednes­day 27-Sept
        feel free to cre­ate, mod­ify, and update yours as soon as you’d like — instruc­tions below.


      Once you cre­ate your blog, please post your link in a com­ment below.
      *This is impor­tant so I have your URL! (to update the blogroll ASAP, as well)

        Note if you’d pre­fer your blog to be pri­vate,
        fol­low these instruc­tions — be sure to give me (and class­mates?) access


      In your first entry (a “post,” not a com­ment), briefly intro­duce your­self: flex­i­ble para­me­ters for this, but please include your major and grade level, as well as any other writ­ing courses you’ve taken; your ratio­nale for (or inter­est in) tak­ing this course;
      a recent/on-going social issue (com­mu­nity prob­lem, civic con­cern, etc.);
      your idea (“work­ing def­i­n­i­tion”) of “net­work engage­ment”;
      plus, any other inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion or media you’d like to share
      (e.g. maybe a favorite image or video, meme from past or present? favorite or most-used “social media” platform?)



      Reg­is­ter @ WordPress
      WP Sup­port site


      Tech­ni­cal Instruc­tions for Blog Setup:

      Click Con­tinue reading