- continue/increase group-consulting activity
— Generate audience: share pages (social networks); contact local/campus groups
- project components (start this weekend):
1. Participation Log (create/update)
2. Rhetorical Analysis of Case Study
- (from Friday) Begin finding/studying cultural relays (memes/viral examples)
→ focus / application: digital rhetoric, “meme logic,” network circulation (recomposition)
* reminder: participation credit; plus, need 10 posts for annotations by 10/31
Stage II Network Engagement — Project Week 4
M 20-Oct Read/Discuss: Lessig, Remim (free eBook, 2008)
— excerpts from chapters 4 + 5 (*readings PDF in D2L)
→ notes/quotes Doc here
- » Discuss lessons of “read-write culture“
+ participatory examples: mash-ups, viral videos, meme culture (student examples)
→ focus/application: 1. analysis (Exercise 3)
2. using examples as “relays” for network rhetoric (group-project techniques/innovation, composing emblem)
W 22-Oct Read/Discuss: Reed, “Emotional Rhetorics Meet Videogame Aesthetics” Currents in Elec Literacy (2010)
+ View: Jane McGonigal, “Gaming can make a better world” (2010)
— Quotes Docs below
- » Discuss: contemporary culture + ideas for participation (looking toward group emblem composition)
» Weekly Blog Post: example of network/participatory culture (to analyze for Exercise 3)
(digital rhetoric observed: “language” or vernacular of the memesphere?)
— optional / e.c.: discuss in terms of “public pedagogy” (Portman-Daley + Lessig readings)
F 24-Oct Group Progress Report (brief updates)
- Also, Activity: Exercise 3 warm-up (Due S 26-Oct)
- Preparation: review/compile notes on recent readings (use 3 in Exercise); choose representative example to analyze (posted Wed. or update)
Optional — read for e.c. blog entry:
- Discuss (optional entry): new technologies & emerging platforms; potential for (increased) network engagement?
Papagiannis: “Working towards Defining an Aesthetics of Augmented Reality” Convergence 2014 (PDF in D2L)
or Gurevitch: “Google Warming: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima” Convergence 2014 (PDF in D2L)
» related: Global Forest Watch (description @ OpenCulture)
// Internet Live Stats
Due (S 26-Oct): Exercise 3 “Memesphere Poetics” — Prompt