Invention — Workshops


Stage III   Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony
Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”
M 08-Dec   Project Work­shop — led by groups

  • Review key instructions/method (from notes) & project com­po­nents + pro­pose spe­cific com­pos­ing ideas/techniques (dig­i­tal rhetoric)
  • Main top­ics: Emer­A­gency, net­work wit­ness, assem­blage tes­ti­mo­nial, dis­as­ter (event), memo­r­ial con­sul­ta­tion (for future, decision)
  • For groups lead­ing work­shop: dou­ble par­tic­i­pa­tion creditcom­ment before class what spe­cific com­po­nent reviewing/proposing
    (on-going dis­cus­sion: Q&A before/during/after class in com­ments)


      “The term sociopo­etic describes heuretic texts that use social sit­u­a­tions or social net­works as a can­vas; inti­mate bureau­cra­cies being a type of sociopo­etic work. […] an aes­thetic approach that asks to shift the focus from for­mal issues or cul­tural con­texts or social sci­en­tific sur­veys, toward exam­in­ing how sit­u­a­tions func­tion poet­i­cally” — Saper

W 10-Dec   Project Work­shop — led by groups

  • Review key instructions/method (from notes) & project com­po­nents
    + pro­pose spe­cific com­pos­ing ideas/techniques (dig­i­tal rhetoric) with exam­ples
  • Main top­ics: Emblem (con­cetto), Periph­eral, Net­work Inter­face (ora­cle func­tion, indi­vid­ual + col­lec­tive), con­sul­ta­tion design for par­tic­i­pa­tory culture
  • For groups lead­ing work­shop: dou­ble par­tic­i­pa­tion creditcom­mentbefore class what spe­cific com­po­nent reviewing/proposing
    on-going dis­cus­sion: Q&A before/during/after class in com­ments
    — includ­ing replies to stu­dents’ email questions


F 12-Dec   Stu­dio Project Work­shop — Works-in-Progress

  • Due project in-progress:
             site re-formatted; assem­blage tes­ti­monal com­posed (10–20 entries + tags); emblem draft (sketch or col­lage images)
  • Activ­ity: peer feed­back (dig­i­tal rhetoric: arrangement/organization) & tech sup­port
    — dis­cuss: mul­ti­modal com­pos­ing (nar­ra­tive, infor­ma­tion, expres­sion) + effects; work­ing in Elec­tracy;
    design soft­ware + tech­niques
  • Brain­storm: remain­ing com­po­nents (emblem, periph­eral, ora­cle inter­face); par­tic­i­pa­tory poet­ics (MemeMor­ial) & net­work rhetoric (on-going dis­cus­sion: Q&A before/during/after class in com­ments)

» Due (S 13-Dec) Project 3
— Poet­ics & Reflec­tion due S 14-Dec


John Craig Free­man: Oper­a­tion Green­run II Rocky Flats, Col­orado. Novem­ber, 1990


chor­ag­ra­phy (cog­ni­tive map­ping):
“The Berlin Wall fell in Novem­ber 1989, the same month Rocky Flats was shut down.“
— Free­man, “Rocky Flats Then & Now
method: mate­r­ial link — across pop­cy­cle — via Rte 93 Bill­boards — mood of thought (attune­ment)?


Participatory Culture — and Civics?


    • continue/increase group-consulting activity

        — Gen­er­ate audi­ence: share pages (social net­works); con­tact local/campus groups

        * reminder: par­tic­i­pa­tion credit; plus, need 10 posts for anno­ta­tions by 10/31

    • project com­po­nents (start this week­end):
      1. Par­tic­i­pa­tion Log (create/update)
      2. Rhetor­i­cal Analy­sis of Case Study
    • (from Fri­day) Begin finding/studying cul­tural relays (memes/viral exam­ples)
      → focus / appli­ca­tion: dig­i­tal rhetoric, “meme logic,” net­work cir­cu­la­tion (recomposition)


Stage II   Net­work Engage­ment — Project Week 4


M 20-Oct    Read/Discuss: Lessig, Remim (free eBook, 2008)
excerpts from chap­ters 4 + 5   (*read­ings PDF in D2L)
notes/quotes Doc here

    » Dis­cuss lessons of “read-write cul­ture“
    + par­tic­i­pa­tory exam­ples: mash-ups, viral videos, meme cul­ture (stu­dent exam­ples)
    → focus/application: 1. analy­sis (Exer­cise 3)
    2. using exam­ples as “relays” for net­work rhetoric (group-project techniques/innovation, com­pos­ing emblem)

W 22-Oct    Read/Discuss: Reed, “Emo­tional Rhetorics Meet Videogame Aes­thet­ics” Cur­rents in Elec Lit­er­acy (2010)

    » Dis­cuss: con­tem­po­rary cul­ture + ideas for par­tic­i­pa­tion (look­ing toward group emblem composition)

» Weekly Blog Post: exam­ple of network/participatory cul­ture (to ana­lyze for Exer­cise 3)

  • Embed media in entry + label genre of par­tic­i­pa­tory cul­ture (this all that is required)
  • Class­mate com­ment: com­mu­ni­ca­tion mode or logic of media (image, GIF, video, etc) posted?
    (dig­i­tal rhetoric observed: “lan­guage” or ver­nac­u­lar of the meme­sphere?)
    optional / e.c.: dis­cuss in terms of “pub­lic ped­a­gogy” (Portman-Daley + Lessig readings)

F 24-Oct      Group Progress Report (brief updates)

  • Prepa­ra­tion: review/compile notes on recent read­ings (use 3 in Exer­cise); choose rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ple to ana­lyze (posted Wed. or update)


    Optional — read for e.c. blog entry:
    Papa­gian­nis: “Work­ing towards Defin­ing an Aes­thet­ics of Aug­mented Real­ity” Con­ver­gence 2014 (PDF in D2L)
    or Gure­vitch: “Google Warm­ing: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima” Con­ver­gence 2014   (PDF in D2L)

    • Dis­cuss (optional entry): new tech­nolo­gies & emerg­ing plat­forms; poten­tial for (increased) net­work engagement?


Due (S 26-Oct): Exer­cise 3 “Meme­sphere Poet­ics” — Prompt