- » Reminder/Update: compose optional exercise for extra credit
(choose either prompt 4/5 or optional prompt) — due 12/6
» Due (S 07-Dec) Project 3 Prep Notes Inventory (see list below)
Stage III Assemblage Testimony
Project: “MemeMorial” → part 1: witness/testimonial (assemblage)
M 01-Dec Read/discuss: E.M. Chp. 7. “Justice Miranda (A Conceit)”
- Discussion leaders:
→ 028: Sayoni | 034: Jeremy & Juliet
- Activity/Discuss: toward testimonial — project focus & method
W 19-Nov Read/discuss: E.M. Chp. 8 “Soft Wishing Y (A Collaboration)” & Conclusion “The Web of Changes”
- Discussion leaders:
→ 028: Junior & Connor | 034: Garima & Rachel
» Blog Entry [optional if already composed 10]
- — testimonial assemblage process (discuss, toward project); or discuss Papagiannis/Gurevitch optional article
— network witness final update (suggested: disaster/event; choragraphy, “sampling” [from] popcycle databases)
F 05-Dec Read/Discuss: Carter & Arroyo (2011), “Participatory Pedagogy and YouTubeU in 2020” (PDF in D2L)
+ Digital media relays (student examples)
- Discussion leaders:
→ 028: Zach | 034: Hannah & Vince
- optional reading (relays toward Peripheral ideas): Papagiannis: “Working towards Defining an Aesthetics of Augmented Reality” or Gurevitch: “Google Warming: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima” Convergence 2014 (PDFs available in D2L)
- Freeman: School Shootings eMorial & Border Memorial
- Global Forest Watch (description @ OpenCulture)
- Internet Live Stats
- » related digital media examples:
» Due (S 07-Dec) Project Notes Inventory (see list below)
→ preparation for Studio workshops final week, led by groups
» Update! new deadline: propose by 12-Dec to present at PWR Diversity Conference
— Group EmerAgency Net-Work (project 2) would make for great presentation/panel (individually or as group)!
“Proposals can be from any discipline and in any genre – narrative, analysis, multimedia, etc.
*Preference will be given to proposals that involve digital technology* 100 word abstracts“
» Inventory of Notes for Project 3 Preparation
- Due: Sun 07-Dec
(before/concurrent with group discussion for workshops)
» Suggest: create new pages (4 subpages) for project 3 inventory.
*Note: as this counts for double blog credit; be sure to post brief notes for each item (review closely)
I. “Method”
- Electronic Monuments: notes on 8 chapters (1 through Conclusion; chp 8 optional)
- — two notes per chapter (minimum):
1. key point (instructions, description) about MEMorial or EmerAngecy
2. new concept/term or example — which helps/guides method (“deconsulting,” choragraphy, network/online thinking composing in electracy, etc.) - Carter & Arroyo: “Tubing the Future: Participatory Pedagogy and YouTubeU in 2020”
- Bonus (optional): Saper, “The Felt of Memory on YouTube”
— one note, “instruction” toward MemeMorial:
II. “Witness” (page)
- Specific event (disaster, news story, etc.) — identify “punctum” or “call” (personal resonance?)
- Pattern (or motif) noticed in your archive of network witness (page/entries) and “collage engine” (material/cultural signifers) compiled thus far
III. “Network” (page)
- Mediated/Internet social practice observed (network ecology)
— interface linking personal/private + collective/public? (note / briefly speculate)
- Contemporary cultural form as relay toward mememorial (one example)
- — note “sociopoetics” for this form, the way Arroyo & Saper discuss YouTube
- One (minimum) idea proposed for mememorial
— “native” or suited to electracy, “Internet public sphere,” dromosphere/memesphere, attention/image economy — distinct from monument (of orality or literacy), updating commemoriation for participatory culture.- Consider/review all we’ve studied this term plus your observations/experiences…
(note, this is a task for group discussion; suggest posting to group blog before studio for quick-reference and peer feedback/brainstorming)
- Consider/review all we’ve studied this term plus your observations/experiences…
IV. “Popcycle” (page)
- — for guide see Pappenheimer examples E.M. pp.224–5
» Materials (specific details, signifiers) from “personal databases”:
• Autobiography (Family/Orality):
- Detail (concrete, material) from childhood memory –or– location associated
(—review Exercise 5 prompt/pages; consider an object/detail unique to autobio. or family life “pre-” or outside discipline, like Pappenheimer’s cello & tuning fork…)
» what is the “mood of thought” (attunement, disposition, sensibility) of this personal database?
• Discipline — School/major and/or Career Field (Literacy):
- “style of thought” (or disposition) characterized by or respective to this discipline? (think in terms of method, discourse, worldview, etc.)
Optional: how would your discipline “explain” your project topic/problem?
(for example, the “investigator”/detective model in chapter 7)
• Community (including “church,” “street,” social networks online):
- Story, event, public discourse about problem/topic (briefly note; need not summarize).
— values, beliefs, ideals (whether explicit or implied)?
• Media (Entertainment/PopCulture + Digital/Networked):
- Cultural depiction of public problem? (see Ulmer’s examples of “wreckwork”)
— note, can reference your “collage engine” archive in-progress
— include media instance (image, video clip, gif, etc)
→ identify prominent sensory detail(s); what is expressed? (sensation, affect, perspective, subjective condition)
Bonus: Cultural form related to (depicting/referencing?) issue in network ecology? (online/Web)
— include example if possible
- *Observation (self-reflexive): pattern and/or “attunement” (your mood of thought) noticed, reviewing the items you’ve listed from your popcycle?
Ch.7 Notes:
“Inference does not communicate messages, it orients me in a certain direction by means of evocation.”
“There is no central processor, no fixed set of rules but a distributed memory, a memory triggered by a cue that spreads through the encyclopedia, the library, the database…”
“A chora gathers information at the level of images by the means of the repetition of signifiers.The accumulation of signifiers expresses a mood.”
“Is the Miranda decision well named.”
–Image Logic: Reasoneon
Advertising Emblems
-“I attempt to fill the inferential gap created by the ad between ‘computing’ and ‘the third degree’ testing the premise that advertising is one of the practices most committed to inventing the discourse of electracy“
–Everytime we look at an ad we have inferential logic
-“The task is to fill the gaps, constructing the two series evoked by juxtaposed semantic fields. The assignment is to find the point of conduction (electrate inference) where the two series cross.” (183)
-“The interference is a work of images rather than concepts, of associated signifiers rather than arguments.” (183)
–We design with “remembering,“
-“Oroduce the subject experience electracy that has been called terminal identity, both the end of selfhood as identity and a new cyborg experience of the spectacle in which the border between me and technology begins to blur.” (183)
Social machine
–For a network to be intelligent it must be able to generalize
-“The point is not to adapt concepts to electracy but to discover the categories native to the new apparatus.” (188)
-“The path between the personal and political, between the private and the collective passes through the discourses of the popcycle. We are building this path as we go (mystory).” (189)
–Collective values are part of thinking, even if it is subconscious
We need to have meaningful reasoning on our page in order to advertise our emblem for our topic. We don’t lack the issue that there is a significant problem but we lack the engagement from our audience and the public that makes them want to participate. We need a pattern of compiling for our issue and connect it to pop culture, the news, the facts, entertainment, etc. There should be a variety of ideas from each sphere that is personally engaging to ourselves. There are two sides to our project, the mood, atmosphere, and spirit behind the topic and then the actual physical pictures, videos, and news articles. We need to make visible this problem as a sacrifice. We don’t want our problem to be abstract, it needs to be specific that shows how you as an individual is personally engaged.
Great recap of key instructions from today’s class, Mikki!
(re: using our “network witness archive” as materials for choragraphy, composing the testimonial with pattern + “mood of thought” across various readymade signifiers/emblems that call out to us…)
» Oracle (from former student)
more soon…?
Ch 8 “Soft Wishing Y (A Collaboration)”
p211 “A relay rather than a model, these documents form a partial map of a machinic assemblage…demonstrates how to use the impresa version of the emblem concetto: consulting by adopting a public problem as a guide for personal action”
p214 “Our hybrid… cultural archive, and the mystory practice as the chance procedure used to connect the personal situation with collective wisdom. Here was an answer to the question of exactly how to use the impresa principle of the emblem as a solution to the problem of the civic sphere. The disaster…reciprocates by serving as oracle”
p215 “Divination offers a relay for composing cognitive maps connecting individual existential problems with collective information resources”
p230 “Puncepts do not replace concepts but trace alternative paths through language and across languages (macaronic puns)”
Vocabulary/concepts: choramancy(critical divination), mystory, ATH (foolishness), conduction, electracy: peripheral and testimonial, puncept, “wish”, “oracle”
Soft Wishing Y:
“Divination as an interface for consulting makes mystory intuitively intelligible. A person with an intractable problem consults with a diviner, who uses a chance procedure to connect the personal problem with the collective cultural archive, which is also what mystory does (via the popcycle mapping).” (213)
–tuning fork to the Y-tour: adaptation of tuning fork idea from the autobiography to the career as an artist who could have been the victim in 9/11.
Pappenheimer pop-cycle (224)
drift vs. ritual procession
“In devination, attunement between the individual and the collective is achieved by posing a personal question to the oracle. In either case, the effect of “situation” is the experience of responsibility that makes the events in the world personally relevant”. (215)
“Puncept” — Why Y? (230) — a category gathering and relating a semantic field based on similarity of signifier rather than of signified. Puncepts do not replace concepts but trace alternative paths through language across languages.
- Done in order to find the answer to the “burning question”
– “Will’s burning question: ‘what is the situation of my artwork?’” (237)
“Some detail of the public disaster outside is recognized (apporpriated) as a figure for the egents’ inner experience (the disaster in me). The pom-pom Y Pappenheimer traced on the streets near Ground Zero is a peripheral (it adds commemorative functionality to the official memorial).”(217)
“Will senses the analogy to conditions his own biography and this image/site becomes a background to burning questions in both private and civic spheres” (237)
Ulmer begins chapter eight by discussing the importance of the issue’s impreza which is not only an emblem but a motto for the issue as well. This symbology allows others clues as to the meaning of the issue but also how to compose it for themselves.
In the “Choramancy” section it appears Ulmer is saying that divination as tool for cognitive can be amazingly useful because it draws on previously existing “cultural archive”
Again, In the Theoria section Ulmer continues to say that the research ensemble is key for an individual or a group member to come into awareness of a given issue.
In discussing the formation and use of “mystory” Ulmer asserts that personal association is key commemorating the issue, creating a relatable testimonial, and making larger connections between the issue and aspects of society.
“Soft wishing Y is a relay rather than a model these documents…”(211)
“A relay rather than a model these documents form a partial map of machinic assemblage. “(211)
“This project demonstrates how to use the impresa version of the emblem concetto consulting by adopting a public problem as a guide for personal action.” (211)
“Wishbone/Y from your wishing why project might be the perfect symbol
This is idea is. “ Large enough to be seen from the sky for a few moments of possibility.” (211)
“The Y symbol “ The symbol would then bring into play all of the theoretical and conceptual issues that your project of the Wishing Why implies in relation to this event (not to mention the issues of “Monumentality”) it would be important to provide a key perhaps a web site that would develop the surrounding theoretical issues.”(213)
“Divination as an interface for consulting makes mystory intuitively intelligible.
A person with an intractable problem consults a dinviner who uses a chance procedure with an intractable problem consults a diviner, who uses a chance procedure to connect the personal problem with the collective cultural archive, which is also what mystory does (via the popcycle mapping).” (213)
“The disaster adopted as a personal emblem now reciprocates by serving as oracle. “(213)
Theoria– The policy issue becomes a montages of interactions is transformed from indifferent circumstances into as situation by posing to it personal problem formulated as a burning question. (214)
The remain parts of the popcycle are documented as follows: entertainment = some aspect of popular culture including tourism; community =details of the policy disaster; career=FRE theory (choragraphy) The FRE acting as diviner selects the range of the answer and the querent (the member posing the question) makes the final decision on the answer and the querent (the member posing the question)
Makes the final decision on the answer based on an emotional experience of recognition” (214)
Egents are self-appointed inventional consultants who supplement conventional utilitarian consultancies by applying arts and letters imaging methodologies to public policy issues. (215)
ATH means “foolishness” when applied to individual actions and “calamity” when applied to collective actions. (215)
Poststructual … a middle reality and ignore the macro and microcosmic dimensions of disaster” (215)
“Consulting” thus refers not only to applied expert knowledge but also divination practices. Divination offers a relay for composing cognitive maps collective information resources.
The switch or pivot between theory and wisdom is the experience and notion of “situation” (215)
Cyberpidgin– “code of oral wisdom capable of supporting cross cultural understanding and communication (216)
THi wishbone images a virtual dialogue with the scene of two wish makers each one holding an end of a “wishbone” evoking a many to many collaboration in global hope and desire.” (216)
Conduction “fourth mode of inference conduction (after abduction deduction induction the reasoning specific to image. – Moves from the given to the unknown along an associative chains of shapes” (216)
The apparatus that is to digital media what literacy is to print and alphabetic writing). (217)
Interest as a living or inhabitable monument.”(217)
To form a quintestate … whose purpose is to testify and provide witnesses for public policy decisions. (217)
Perpheral-“…as sacrifices on behalf of abject value…” (217)
Testimonial “Some detail of the public disaster outside is recognized (appropriated) as a figure for the egents inner experience (the disaster in me) (217)
“ We will project an image of ourselves onto a field of study and recognize our reflection in it”(219)
“ Compassion fatigue is eliminated since Will’s own destiny is inscribed within the details of the disaster (disaster matters) (221)
222–223– pom pom talk
The pappenheimer Popcycle – Family, Community (School), Career Discourse, Entertainment
Pappenheimer– Family becoming– (225)
If problems are dependent on category formation
Ten the deconsultancy goes outside the problems to frame of categorization itself. (227)
The repetition of the tuning fork shape in the wishing Y mediation was revealed by the mystory as a confirmation of Will’s decision to use the divination ritual. — (227)
229 – important paragraph referencing detail in the emblem
Why Y?
“ In the conditions of problem it is possible to move from aporia (dilemma) through the dialecticial stages of diaporia and euporia to untangle the knot in which the tension created by a question (why) is released and resolved” (230)
Some conditions exceed to frame of “problem” (230)
This page is important to recognize because the artist uses others to consult and gain new perspectives. “ I could add the element of time and fate” – Sal Randolph (235)
“…. But notices of an abject sacrifice on behalf of an unrecognized or unappreciated value whose importance to American identity is made accessible through its association/ juxtaposition with the public commemoration” (243)
Soft Y is adopted as an impersa associated with the undertaking a consultation on an abject value. “ (243)
“ The Memorial remembers that our values are conflicted, structured by inescapable contradictions. “ (245)
“ We are not revulsed, making a shout but mapping a value.” (246)
“Nothing is hidden. The physical smell evokes a spiritual smell.”(247)
“Here is the collusion between clarity and obscurity that we must learn to negotiate.” (247)
“This problem of the screen replacing window returns to us to the educational challenge to replace the perspective window of the tourist-guide essay form of literacy with the Memorial simulacrum of eletracy.” (248)
A shorthand way to understand reasoneon… the relationship between the classical and baroque worldviews (aesthetics.) (248)
“As this description of Lyotards figural indicates, MEmorial does not oppose or abandon the clarity of the idea, but it “blocks” (overprints) the obscurity of the scene (event) (248)
Ch. 8 Notes:
– variety of details
–critical thinking plus the arts to compose our assemblage
– the emblem will guide us to what the testimonial is referring to
– personal engagement with the testimony
–pattern thinking
–emblem serves as an oracle
–connection of emotions that relates to personally and to the issue you are addressing
–Why do we tolerate certain problems at the collective level? What is my role within this problem? Why do we continue to let this happen? What alternatives are there?
In order to fully capture the event of a disaster for our project, complexity to match the complexity of reality should be used. Being clear for the audience is insignificant, your pattern and paths of the oracle should lead to the mood that the audience feels vs. an explanation of what they should feel. This mood should be an unexpected feeling coming from the periphial and blind spot that activates engagement from the audience sparking a want to participate. This disaster needs to be specific so as to show off the true chora of the emblem. The burning question posed to the oracle is the connection to the tuning fork along with the divination connection between the individual and the collective. This burning question doesn’t need an answer within our project, the disaster we display should answer this question on its own. The tactic of aesthetic and sensory details to represent the disaster vs. writing about it dramatizes blindness and creates a feeling for collective safety. This is how we should compose our project in order to let the disaster compiling talk for itself.
Article looks at the video sharing potential of today and makes predictions about how video sharing with effect culture and society in the year 2020.
Pedagogy: the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept. Learning through an informal setting, learning by experience.
Participation Pedagogy: focusing on propagation of internet memes and the invention possibilities found in the everyday practices of video culture. This creates a historical archive, repository (a place where things are stored) of cultural patterns, and demands public participation.
The article is talking about YouTube
“tubing” as a term for video sharing, remixing elements of the network and uploaded in varying forms.
“academic turn from literacy to electracy (pg 1)
“learners [who] areactively attempting to create meaning,” (pg 2)
A participatory pedagogy is one that does not fully define all curricular needs in advance of interacting with learners. Learners are able to contribute to existing curricula. The organizational work of faculty members does not comprise the entirety of the course content and does not consist of the sole perspective used to filter content. Multiple perspectives, opinions, and active creation on the part of learners all contribute to the final content of the learner experience (p. 12).
– Goes back to writing “with” an issue not “about” it
Critique → Learning Patterns are too loose – learning process cannot be captured coherently.
1. Proairetic invention: Creating the conditions for tubing
– ““In order to operate effectively as a participant in the YouTube community, it is not possible simply to import learned conventions for creative practice, and the cultural competencies required to enact them, from elsewhere” (p. 69).
– Electracy does not just encompass a set of skills. Rather, it is part of a larger shift in what Ulmer called “the apparatus”: a social machine that produces identities, communities, relationships, laws, and conventions in a given historical era
→ In other words: electracy and participatory pedagogy are intertwined. Ulmer predicted that video sharing and watching would be a legitimate form of learning in the year 2020
– Patterns, perspectives, persistence, and performance
2. From sets to memes: Tubes in motion
– Opened-endedness of tubes
– Our future vision of composing quite often borrows from the past (pg. 4)
– Broeren argued that users tend to “align themselves less with some tradition of narrative integration, and more with the tradition of the music video, the movie trailer, and the television advertisement—in short, with the mode of attractional display” (pg. 4)
→ Interrupted routine of viewers, catching attention, disrupting repetitive thought.
– Comments as a crucial part of Youtube participation and social interaction.
– “Memes differ from dialogue in that the goal is not to come to consensus or resolve a problem; rather, the goal is to create more content with which other users will connect and invest time in re-purposing, thus participating in spreading ideas and making them more complex.” (pg. 5)
3. Rally to remix: From the “I” of Isom to the “You” of YouTube
– The MEMEmorial exists to be repurposed and continuously re-assembled, which creates a dynamic and participatory model within which serious issues can be both critiqued and performed.
– Memes raise awareness, and elicit massive cultural participation that expands in a malleable network.
– “stage two remix or social remix”: a process where one remix inspires interested participants to invent similar remixes (what we did for our group emblems) which contain nuanced, different content and, thus, divergent lines of communication.
– Videos used a platform to illustrate cultural differences. Spreadable media can influence participation, but worldwide interaction, communication, and collaboration.
4. Re-sets: Participatory pedagogy and a (world) ‘series of tubes’
– Participatory pedagogy offers a way to critique and perform simultaneously
→ Nearly instantaneous feedback and putting on a performance: constructed mediated identity.
– Memes function as counter-narratives, simultaneously outraged by their overtly entertaining spin on serious stories and captured by a desire to return to a seriousness tone.
– A “transition from literary/textual object to interface” (pg. 8)
Tubing the Future Notes
article focuses on learning through digital and video cultures
“tubing”-participatory practices found in online video culture
“participatory pedagogy”-focuses on production in every writing gesture
-“does not fully define all curricular needs in advance of interacting with learners” (Siemens)
1) Proairetic invention: Creating the conditions for tubing
“proairetic invention”-open ended approach to new media invention
–online video culture relies on proairetic invention and electorate which are important to participatory pedagogies
–By bringing “videocy” back but re-envisioning it through the technological capabilities available for video online, we can again, and perhaps more practically, look to video for its inventional and participatory possibilities.
2) From sets to memes: Tubes in motion
–views and viewer comments add elements of participation and creates “tubing” or participatory collaboration
–memes-“To participate is to act as if your presence matters, as if, when you see something or hear something, your response is part of the event.” (Clay Shirky)
3) Rally to remix: From the “I” of Isom to the “You” of YouTube
-“stage two remix or social remix”-process where one remix inspires participants to invent similar remixes, containing different content and thus divergent lines of communication
4) Re-sets: Participatory pedagogy and a (world) ‘series of tubes’
“crowd accelerated innovation”-voluntary, participatory practices are directly causing behaviors to evolve.
–works only through allowing oneself to open up in several ways
Tubing the Future: Participatory Pedagogy and YouTube U in 2020
By: Geoffrey V. Carter & Sarah J. Arroyo
–Tubing: term based off practices found on YouTube
➢ Explains current phenomena helps to explain concept of “participatory pedagogy”
➢ Practice found in online video culture
➢ “explains many of the shifts taking place as acts of writing expand to include participation in online video sharing” (p.1)
–Carter & Arroyo’s notion of “participatory pedagogy” evolves from Siemen’s (2005) idea
➢ “A participatory pedagogy is one that does not fully define all curricular needs in advance of interacting with learners. Learners are able to contribute to existing curricula” (Siemens)
1)Proairetic invention: Creating the conditions for tubing
– Electracy and electrate reasoning intersect with participatory pedeagogy
➢ Allows interaction with digital culture that cant be achieved in print-based literacy
– Electrate reasoning: crucial to the world of online video culture
– “Video and participatory cultures provide new ways of eliciting participation, remixing, and sharing these genres, not simply at the level of making video versions of personal MyStories or MEmorials, but also by transforming the genre by tapping into the participatory practices we call MEMEmorials” (P.4)
2) From sets to memes: Tubes in motion:
– “Tubes”: rich history crucial for understanding current conceptions
– YouTube videos through idea of participation
➢ Seeing the amount of viewers and comments allows one to particapte in the video
•this creates “tubing” or participatory collaboration
–Lange’s findings
➢ She reported that nearly all interviewees in her study of YouTube “expressed the view that it was desirable to reciprocate and comment on the comments that people posted to their videos.” (P.4)
–Video sharing sites are crucial to the creation of internet memes
➢ memes create more content, users connect and make them more complex
-“spreadability”: Term preferred over “memes” by Jenkins (p.5)
➢ Spreadable media, among other things, “maps the flow of ideas through social networks,” (p.5)
3)Rally to remix: From the “I” of Isom to the “You” of YouTube
–Bed Intruder Meme: one of the most provocative memes
➢ approaches something of Ulmers EMemorial: deals with traumatic situation
-“stage one remix”
➢ which involves “individuals using our shared culture as a kind of language to communicate something to an audience” (p.7)
• creates the conditions for proairetic invention and electrate reasoning to occur
-“stage two remix or social remix”
➢ “a process whereby one remix inspires interested participants to invent similar remixes” (p.7)
–Videos: have the potential to expose cultural differences, and worldwide events
4) Re-sets: Participatory pedagogy and a (world) ‘series of tubes’
-“crowd accelerated innovation.” (Anderson 2010)
➢“Anderson suggested that voluntary, participatory practices, not unlike what we have described in this article, are directly causing behaviors and ideas to evolve.” (p.9)
• From expanding the current state of the open Web, to opening up inventive possibilities, students and teachers will recreate the YouTube U. classroom: a classroom in which innovation, accelerated by crowds, propels discovery and invention by and through participatory pedagogy.” (p.9)
» Tentative Workshop Groups
Monday (08-Dec)
Section 028
Alex Denton
Jenna Wasserman
Tyler Hutton
Meagan Johnson
Sayoni Nyakoon
Dylan Cromwell
Section 034
Connor Donahue
Jeremy Heffner
Michaela Weber
Mikki Sachs
Chelsey Hill
Colin Weber
Dave Dziallo
Iris Ebert
Luke Paulus
Wednesday (10-Dec)
Section 028
Connor Drost
Tamarah Howard
Jerome Seitz
Whitney Schauer
Zach Vargas
Section 034
Garima Bhandari
Hannah Sachse
Kenneth Buchler
Vince Buzzanca
Juliet Jung
Rachael Janich
Shelby Kopf
Zach Palmer
Article from D2L Notes:
–video sharing within culture
–video sharing creates a “cultural archive“
–participation is key
–video sharing is part of cognitive learning
-“we learn through doing“
–story needs to be in motion (method)
–MEmorial creates a sense of awareness with different issues
–cultural form plus social practice (social remix) to create a
participatory culture
–innovation is key
–learn from other popular forms to compose project (sampling and repurposing)
–this invites users to do something with it and to participate
–The obtuse or indirect significance of an image or scene. It is the ability of a news item pr image to provoke feeling
–Opens up a personal network or associations or memories
–The 3rd meaning, the indirect significance of an image or scene
–Ex) New article can provoke a feeling of justice or injustice
–Relation to its origins and to the various ties and spaces it traverses through its repetitions
–original and copy merge to render the literate truth
–categorical images activated in a memorial – they emerge from repetition, without a reference to or grounding in an origin
–undecidable relation to its origin and various ties
–repeats image differently as a function of its own form of expression
–The simulacrum often appears…as a means of mapping the relation between distinct spheres of discursive and social practice, each of which ‘repeats’ the image differently
–There is a blind spot at the very core of clarity, whose effects it is the task of the memorial to document
–relation with Reasoneon
–related to the transversal assemblage of abstract machines
Mechanic Assemblage
–a set of documents that are examples of the kind of story/problem that triggers the punctum or a disavowal (defense) – feeling of significance
–MEmorial is an approach to accomplish “cognitive mapping” which helps a community to grasp their position within a historical field
–cyberspace as being a place where it is a virtual reality
–Ex) newspaper story about a transsexual – triggers a punctum for some people and a defense for others
–the most recent of the application of dream to practice
–attempt at transcendence of the body has led to efforts to produce virtual reality – an inhabitable image, a lucid dreaming as the interface that accesses universal info
–blurs identity
–dream to practice – a way to leave the body
–blurs gender roles and questions all boundaries
–provides insight into the transformation of the human experience in electracy