Touring (Theoria)


        » ReminderProject 2 tasks due : Rhet. Analy­sis, Reflec­tion, Proposal


Stage III   Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony
Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”

M 03-Nov   Dis­cuss Elec­tronic Mon­u­ments   Pref­ace + “Intro­duc­tion: The EmerAgency”

  • Re-read/review for overview   (PDF in D2L)

  • New focus + method (Project 3) introduced

W 05-Nov   Read/discuss: Elec­tronic Mon­u­ments   Chp 1 “Metaphoric Rocks (Found­ing Tourists)”

    Focus: Emer­A­gency; “tar­get” (project) — MemeMo­r­ial
    — Method for inven­tion: “CATTt” (from Intro­duc­tion))

  • Dis­cus­sion lead­ers:
    • 028: Tyler & Meagan
    • 034: Zach & Kenneth

→ for blog­ging, shift “net­work wit­ness” focus   (from group to indi­vid­ual con­cern, social problem)

F 07-Nov   Read/discuss: E.M.   Chp. 2 “The Traf­fic Sphere (A MEmo­r­ial Prototype)”

» Due: Blog entry — begin “net­work wit­ness” (com­ment optional)



» Net­work Wit­ness (blog tasks)


  • Mon­i­tor the daily news” — and social network(s)? — to “find a report or story that trou­bles you or stings you in some way.
    Doc­u­ment the story and do some research on the back­ground of the prob­lem and the pol­icy issues related to it.” (65)

    • “gather details” — mate­r­ial sig­ni­fiers (as dis­cussed from Chp 2)

    • The feel­ing aroused by this story con­sti­tutes the call to a con­sul­ta­tion on behalf of the Emer­A­gency” (Prob­lems B Us)


  • “start an archive of pic­tures and text [and other media] found on the Inter­net that could serve as a vocab­u­lary of stock rep­re­sen­ta­tions of your news event as a scene.” (71)

    • “the Inter­net is a col­lage engine.“
      “a sub­sti­tute image (pic­ture or text) works just as well as the actual one, since the point is gen­er­a­tive, to trig­ger or cue the atmos­phere or mood, not the empir­i­cal repro­duc­tion of a past real­ity.” (71)


About GHink

-- Gary Hink, Ph.D. Digital Composition Faculty Program for Writing & Rhetoric
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  1. On wednes­day I will start of dis­cus­sion with the idea of how tourism could be applied to Emer­A­gency and elec­tronic mon­u­ments.
    — Boos­t­er­ism
    — Theo­ria (tourism & the­o­rists)
    — Phys­i­cal mon­u­ments such as Mt. Rush­more help­ing form col­lec­tive identities.

  2. pg 19
    The “pop­cy­cle” “the matrix of lan­guages and admin­is­tra­tive orders that every cit­i­zen learns, and that serves to inter­pel­late (hail) or social­ize peo­ple into the cul­tural order of their com­mu­nity“
    It sounds sim­i­lar to what we have been in our projects by adopt­ing the nat­ural, com­mon lan­guage of social media

  3. The Emer­A­gency approach is to inter­vene in tourism at the level of prac­tice, and to pro­pose not more pro­mo­tion of what already exists but to pro­duce a new kind of tourist des­ti­na­tion and behav­ior, around which might form an elec­trate civic sphere” (Ulmer 4).

    The Emer­A­gency is not pro­mot­ing what already exists, but try­ing to use tac­tics that have sim­i­lar results in order to cre­ate a civic sphere; to pro­mote electracy.

  4. Tourism
    Boos­t­er­ism – Miss Amer­ica is the embod­i­ment of our national wom­an­hood, Mt Rush­more is the achieve­ments of the United States
    Chora – the space or region in which being and becom­ing interacted

    Theo­ria – the com­bi­na­tion of the­ory and tourism
    Rhizomatic/Rhizome – to make col­lec­tive idea (tourism offers a pos­si­ble point of access to a group sub­jec­tiv­ity)
    The Pop­cy­cle – the cir­cu­la­tion of ideas and memes through all institutions

  5. Chap­ter 2 The Traf­fic Sphere

    MEmo­r­ial has a qual­ity of “as if” spec­u­la­tion. A proposal.

    As related to chap­ter 1, Mon­u­ments play a large role in main­tain­ing the rela­tion­ship between the pub­lic sphere and pri­vate cit­i­zens. Helps form a pre­serve a community.

    The idea that mourn­ing forms communities.

    Traf­fic Sphere, the cross­ing of chance and neces­sity (chora) pg. 39. sort­ing chaos into order.

    The Genre of Memo­r­ial Pg48.

    Wreck-thoughts, con­sist mostly in pic­to­r­ial sit­u­a­tions. pg 51.

  6. When dis­cussing what is a memo­r­ial and how we can gen­er­ate our own based off an ongo­ing social prob­lem, i pic­tured myself in an inter­ac­tive museum. Mod­ern muse­ums tar­get var­i­ous senses and dif­fer­ent medi­ums. The holo­caust museum in DC gives each vis­i­tor an iden­tity card when they enter the museum that tells the story of some­one who actu­ally expe­ri­enced being a Jew in Europe dur­ing WWII. There are per­sonal nar­ra­tives, videos and recon­struc­tions through­out the museum that try and give vis­i­tors the sense of authen­tic­ity. While this was an event in our recent his­tory, there is still the oppor­tu­nity for sur­vivors to share there story to be added to the col­lec­tion. Sim­i­larly, the 9/11 memo­r­ial in DC has a room ded­i­cated to record­ing people’s sto­ries who wit­nessed the events.

  7. Chap­ter 2– The Traf­fic Sphere (A Memo­r­ial Prototype)

    dis­cus­sion points:

    –prob­lem acci­dent: (p.36) the neg­a­tive side of inven­tion also has an impor­tant function.

    ex) an auto­mo­bile acci­dent = a link between two options/crises. It is the mate­r­ial basis of elec­tronic mon­u­men­tal­ity: it is an acci­dent, but also teaches us some­thing (future inventions).

    *how­ever we decide to mourn accidents/crises, we could always learn some­thing from them but we don’t always decide to

    –Wreck­work: a space for thought– an inter­face within which peo­ple and machines mat com­mu­ni­cate (p. 41)

    –Traf­fic sphere: (p. 39) a work of chora con­cern­ing three cater­gories of being and dis­course: mythos, logos, and genos.
    *maps a rela­tion­ship b/w an indi­vid­ual and those places that reveal a cat­e­gory within society

    –dis­sem­i­na­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of ideas: how ideas spread through cul­tures and his­tory
    *through the mail– from plants to weeds

    –sac­ri­fice: (p.41) a way to under­stand soci­ety
    *reveal con­ti­nu­ity through death of dis­con­tin­u­ous beings (mon­u­men­tal func­tion), those who wit­ness sac­ri­fice expe­ri­ence con­ti­nu­ity
    *ex) a pho­to­graph shows us sac­ri­fice
    * traf­fic fatal­i­ties are a sac­ri­fice on behalf of some “value” that is more imor­tant to the soci­ety than the annual loss of motorists

    –Goal of the traf­fic sphere: to make high­way fatal­ies per­cep­ti­ble, think­able, rec­og­niz­able as “sac­ri­fice“
    *to shift them form the pri­vate sphere (indiv.) to the pub­lic sphere of col­lec­tive values

    –Periph­eral mon­u­ments: (p. 46 + 47) the periph­eral estab­lished a con­nec­tion between an acknowl­edged value (ex: Viet­nam Wall) and the unac­knowl­edged but lived value of the loss in the pri­vate sphere (traf­fic fatal­i­ties)
    ex) miss­ing per­son posters around ground zero
    ex) AIDS blan­ket: indi­vid­ual loss to col­lec­tive sacrifice

    –Abject Genre exam­ple: disaster=traffic fatal­i­ties
    *select exist­ing mon­u­ment (Viet­nam wall)
    * select organization/agency asso­ci­ated with the dis­as­ter (MADD)
    *select a the­ory of the ratio­nale inform­ing the con­sul­ta­tion (Bataille)
    * place an elec­tronic dev­ide at the site, designed to link sym­bol­i­cally the estab­lished sac­ri­fice with the unac­knowl­edged sac­ri­fice (com­puter list­ing traf­fic fatal­i­ties)
    *rep­re­sent this all on a Web site, includ­ing links to rel­e­vant sites and orga­ni­za­tions and a sim­u­la­tion of the peripheral

    = jux­ta­pos­ing traf­fic vic­tims with war dead

    • I think it is really inter­est­ing how he con­nects the idea that when we invent a new tech­nol­ogy or prod­uct, we are also invent­ing the acci­dent. We can deve­l­ope a new prod­uct of idea with­out hav­ing some sort of neg­a­tive back­lash. I also appre­ci­ate the con­cept he devel­oped on page 52 that there is mul­ti­ple dif­fer­ent ways to view or pre­vent an acci­dent. He had many dif­fer­ent exam­ples of how peo­ple view a car acci­dent which is sim­i­lar to how we should view all “acci­dents” or a cri­sis. When some­one views the acci­dent or dies in the acci­dent, there is sac­ri­fice being made to help oth­ers improve through wit­ness­ing it. This shows the idea that we are try­ing to nar­row our focus onto what we view is “more impor­tant to our society”.

  8. I find par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing about CH2 is not only the ret­ro­spec­tive look back on inher­ent sac­ri­fices with our soci­etal ideals (ex: free­dom of dri­ving sac­ri­fices lives to main­tain), but Ulmer also makes the push to get one to try and imag­ine the con­se­quences of future ideals/technologies as they are devel­oped, which requires a sig­nif­i­cant self-knowledge about our soci­etal values.

  9. In the dis­cus­sion today,I had thoughts regard­ing Amer­i­can ideals. As a coun­try that val­ues indi­vid­u­al­ism on such a vast and high level, I feel its dif­fi­cult to cat­e­go­rize the Amer­i­can iden­tity as any­thing more than gen­eral, arguably, shal­low terms.
    Per­haps I’m just an opti­mist who believes Amer­i­cans obey the speed limit mainly because they do not wish to be the cause of someone’s death. Maybe its ego­tis­tic to believe many Amer­i­cans hold the same ideals and moti­va­tions I do.

  10. In chap­ter two, we dis­cuss this idea of the Traf­fic Sphere. We are con­nect­ing our own nor­mal habits that we obtain from the com­mu­nity in order to show our own auton­omy and free­dom. We use this exam­ple of tex­ting and dri­ving and why is this okay to do in soci­ety. It’s part of our iden­tity to fol­low the herd but at the same time we want our own free­dom to do what­ever we want. We really want to col­lec­tively see as a group what is impor­tant to soci­ety and how we deal with each and every situation.

  11. What exactly does the term Wreck­work mean? And how does it con­nect to our civic concerns?

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