Reasoneon // Make it New(s)


      » Reminder: start “net­work wit­ness” focus (indi­vid­ual con­cern — social prob­lem) & tasks (blog­ging)

Stage III   Assem­blage Tes­ti­mony
Project: “MemeMo­r­ial”

M 10-Nov   Read/discuss: E.M.   Chp 3 “The Call (Abject Mon­u­ments)” (pp. 57–81)


      Focus/topics: “Rea­so­neon” (logic) in MemeMo­r­ial — tes­ti­mo­nial
      » Discuss/Activity: “Inter­net as liv­ing mon­u­ment”; medi­ated wit­ness & tes­ti­mony

W 12-Nov   Read/discuss: E.M.   Chp 4. “Trans­ver­sal (Into Cyber­space)” (pp. 83–111)


    • Key top­ics: Assem­blage → Fig­ure (relays)
      » Dis­cuss: “cog­ni­tive map­ping” (re: Exer­cise 4 & MEmo­r­ial?)
      — “expe­ri­ence of image iden­tity” indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive
      // “the opti­cal unconscious”

    • toward project:   emblem, “impresa,” “con­cetto”   (expe­ri­enced image testimony)

» Weekly Blog Work:   “net­work wit­ness”   update (page or post/category)

F 14-Nov   Inde­pen­dent Project Work (see email):

    topic (refine); net­work wit­ness (update); class­mate comment

Due S 15-Nov (see email)   Exer­cise 4: “Cog­ni­tive Map­ping” (rela­tion to issue/topic) — Instruc­tions Page
» PSA: CU Alter­na­tive Breaks Appli­ca­tion (due 18-Nov)

About GHink

-- Gary Hink, Ph.D. Digital Composition Faculty Program for Writing & Rhetoric
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  1. Chap­ter 3 Notes: The Call (Abject Mon­u­ments) Pg. 57–81

    Abject: unac­knowl­edged

    –What is rea­so­neon? Why do we have image rea­son­ing and how does it influ­ence our audience?

    –Agency: does not have to do with an orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides a ser­vice but instead has to do with the “shift­ing site of respon­si­bil­ity for actions taken”

    –Metaphor: the sign has to be neon. This is illus­trat­ing the fact that in order to gain an audi­ence and really show­case your image, its about rea­son­ing AND the fact that’s it neon. It can­not be one or the other. It has to be both in order to really take effect.

    - a con­sul­tant has many roles, one being that there is trans­fer­ence if one per­son knows another

    –MEmo­ri­als are brought about by the image not by egents themselves

    –In a news story you need to have the “dis­as­ter” and the “book”: you need to have the shock­ing effect and you need to have the facts to show your claim

    –the task for the Emer­A­gency is to “trans­form the com­po­si­tions of order into com­po­nents of passage”

    –art and pop cul­ture– hav­ing the fac­tual infor­ma­tion and the artsy or shock­ing com­po­nents (flashy neon and writing)

    - dif­fer­ent tasks to evoke an audience

  2. Hey guys sorry I got stuck at work a lit­tle longer than usual today.
    p74: “MEmo­ri­als are intended to bring out this extra dimen­sion, the human ques­tion, the dis­as­ter as a col­lec­tive self-portrait. The por­trait is not taken as a given, but as a glimpse of a process in progress“
    Instead of ana­lyz­ing the prob­lem in terms of the quan­ti­ta­tive vari­ables (ex: traf­fic fatal­i­ties in terms of car reli­a­bil­ity, dri­ver train­ing, speed enforce­ment, etc) one needs to exam­ine the impor­tance our soci­ety places on safe dri­ving. More­over, the impor­tance of paint­ing the prob­lem in real-time is impor­tant in mak­ing it con­ceiv­able and urgent.

  3. Chap­ter 3 thoughts:

    Ulmer dis­cusses the impor­tance of reach­ing peo­ple across time and space in an effec­tive con­sul­tancy. This was our largest strug­gle in the group work and has con­sider the impor­tance of using more viral mate­r­ial espe­cially rel­a­tive to cre­ative a memo­r­ial or cre­at­ing aware­ness for a tragic issue.

    Ulmer says that although we value jus­tice, there is an obvi­ous dis­con­nect between jus­tice and our laws. As we have dis­cussed how traf­fic laws dis­play this inequal­ity it makes one aware that as Amer­i­cans we value a spe­cific set of prin­ci­pals rather than col­lec­tive jus­tice. It then falls to the mem­bers of the nation to inform them­selves and oth­ers on these issues. Grass­roots efforts seem­ingly being the only way to suc­cess­fully sway opinions.

    Ulmer also brings up the dif­fi­cul­ties of try­ing to nar­rate a dis­as­ter and in this instance the inter­net has facil­i­tated telling this story by allow us to “elec­trate” instead. In this way we are sim­ply telling sec­ond hand, we are show­ing through forms of media that may actu­ally con­tain per­sonal wit­ness­ing or testimonials

  4. Sim­u­lacrum — related to the trans­ver­sal assem­blage of abstract machines
    –The cat­e­gor­i­cal images acti­vated in a MEMo­r­ial is an exam­ple. They emerge from rep­e­ti­tion, with­out ref­er­ence to or ground­ing in an ori­gin
    – unde­cid­able rela­tion to its ori­gin and varies ties
    – repeats image dif­fer­ently as a func­tion of its own form of expres­sion
    A Machinic Assem­blage– talks about sev­eral doc­u­ments that have the fea­tures of a prob­lem that might trig­ger an alter­na­tive or defense
    –MEmo­r­ial is one way to accom­plish “cog­ni­tive map­ping”- needed to help cit­i­zens grasp their posi­tion within a subject/field
    –Cyber­space as being a place where it is a vir­tual real­ity, lucid dream­ing, a way to leave the “body“
    Cyber­space causes a blur­ring of gen­der and sex­ual iden­tity– puts all bound­aries into ques­tion– what con­sti­tutes prob­lems and solu­tions?
    Princess Diana as an exam­ple
    –How dif­fi­cult does this all make MEmorial?

  5. Punc­tum”- The obtuse or indi­rect sig­nif­i­cance of an image or scene. It is the abil­ity of a news item or image to pro­voke feel­ing.
    Sim­u­lacrum — rela­tion to its ori­gins and to the var­i­ous ties and spaces it tra­verses through its rep­e­ti­tions.
    -“The sim­u­lacrum often appears…as a means of map­ping the rela­tion between dis­tinct spheres of dis­cur­sive and social prac­tice, each of which ‘repeats’ the image dif­fer­ently…”
    –There is a blind spot at the very core of clar­ity, whose effects it is the task of the Memo­r­ial to doc­u­ment.
    –rela­tion with “Rea­so­neon”
    Machinic Assem­blage– is a set of doc­u­ments that are exam­ples of the kind of story that trig­gers the punc­tum or a dis­avowal (defense)
    –MEmo­r­ial is an approach to accom­plish “cog­ni­tive map­ping” which helps a com­mu­nity to grasp their posi­tion within a his­tor­i­cal field.
    Cyber­space– the most recent of the appli­ca­tion of dream to prac­tice
    –attempt at tran­scen­dence of the body has lead to “the efforts to pro­duce vir­tual real­ity– an inhab­it­able image, a lucid dream­ing as the inter­face that accesses uni­ver­sal infor­ma­tion”
    –blurs identity

  6. Punc­tum– Roland Barthe…The 3rd mean­ing, the indi­rect sig­nif­i­cance of an image or scene . (e.g. News arti­cles can pro­voke a feel­ing of jus­tice or injus­tice)
    – Opens up a per­sonal net­work or asso­ci­a­tions or mem­o­ries
    MEmo­r­ial– an approach to accom­plish “cog­ni­tive map­ping” which helps a com­mu­nity to grasp their posi­tion within a his­tor­i­cal field.
    *Pur­pose of MeMo­r­ial– develop a ped­a­gogy ade­quate to the data stream of the spec­ta­cle by putting “your” net­work into writ­ing prac­tices
    Simal­crum– “orig­i­nal” and “copy” merge to ren­der the lit­er­ate truth
    –cat­e­go­r­ial images acti­vated in a Memo­r­ial
    Machinic Assem­blage– set of doc­u­ments that reflect what will set off the Punc­tum ( feel­ing of sig­nif­i­cance)
    –E.g. news­pa­per story about a transexual…triggers a Punc­tum for some peo­ple and a defense for oth­ers
    Cyberspace-Dream to prac­tice, a way to “leave the body“
    – blurs gen­der roles and ques­tions all bound­aries
    –pro­vides insight into the trans­for­ma­tion of the human expe­ri­ence in electracy

  7. Ch. 3 Notes

    This chap­ter is very the­o­ret­i­cal. We talk about dif­fer­ent terms like punc­tum which is an indi­rect sig­nif­i­cance to an image and cog­ni­tive map­ping which relates to Memo­r­ial. In order to com­pose details and gain an audi­ence, we need have an indi­vid­ual impact and a col­lec­tive influ­ence as well through social net­work­ing. The indi­vid­ual needs to rec­og­nize the prob­lem first before any part of your col­lec­tive soci­ety deter­mines it first. We need com­mu­nity along with dif­fer­ent com­pos­ing of knowl­edge and dis­course cir­cu­lat­ing through the web. We need a delib­er­a­tive method of how to cir­cu­late and wit­ness image rea­son­ing and mediation.

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