» Reminder: start “network witness” focus (individual concern — social problem) & tasks (blogging)
Stage III Assemblage Testimony
Project: “MemeMorial”
M 10-Nov Read/discuss: E.M. Chp 3 “The Call (Abject Monuments)” (pp. 57–81)
- Discussion leaders:
→ 028: Connor | 034: Mikki
- Focus/topics: “Reasoneon” (logic) in MemeMorial — testimonial
» Discuss/Activity: “Internet as living monument”; mediated witness & testimony
W 12-Nov Read/discuss: E.M. Chp 4. “Transversal (Into Cyberspace)” (pp. 83–111)
- Discussion leaders:
→ 028: Dylan | 034: Michaela & Connor
- Key topics: Assemblage → Figure (relays)
» Discuss: “cognitive mapping” (re: Exercise 4 & MEmorial?)
— “experience of image identity” individual and collective
// “the optical unconscious” - toward project: emblem, “impresa,” “concetto” (experienced image testimony)
» Weekly Blog Work: “network witness” update (page or post/category)
F 14-Nov Independent Project Work (see email):
topic (refine); network witness (update); classmate comment
Due S 15-Nov (see email) Exercise 4: “Cognitive Mapping” (relation to issue/topic) — Instructions Page
» PSA: CU Alternative Breaks Application (due 18-Nov)
Chapter 3 Notes: The Call (Abject Monuments) Pg. 57–81
Abject: unacknowledged
–What is reasoneon? Why do we have image reasoning and how does it influence our audience?
–Agency: does not have to do with an organization that provides a service but instead has to do with the “shifting site of responsibility for actions taken”
–Metaphor: the sign has to be neon. This is illustrating the fact that in order to gain an audience and really showcase your image, its about reasoning AND the fact that’s it neon. It cannot be one or the other. It has to be both in order to really take effect.
- a consultant has many roles, one being that there is transference if one person knows another
–MEmorials are brought about by the image not by egents themselves
–In a news story you need to have the “disaster” and the “book”: you need to have the shocking effect and you need to have the facts to show your claim
–the task for the EmerAgency is to “transform the compositions of order into components of passage”
–art and pop culture– having the factual information and the artsy or shocking components (flashy neon and writing)
- different tasks to evoke an audience
Hey guys sorry I got stuck at work a little longer than usual today.
p74: “MEmorials are intended to bring out this extra dimension, the human question, the disaster as a collective self-portrait. The portrait is not taken as a given, but as a glimpse of a process in progress“
Instead of analyzing the problem in terms of the quantitative variables (ex: traffic fatalities in terms of car reliability, driver training, speed enforcement, etc) one needs to examine the importance our society places on safe driving. Moreover, the importance of painting the problem in real-time is important in making it conceivable and urgent.
Chapter 3 thoughts:
Ulmer discusses the importance of reaching people across time and space in an effective consultancy. This was our largest struggle in the group work and has consider the importance of using more viral material especially relative to creative a memorial or creating awareness for a tragic issue.
Ulmer says that although we value justice, there is an obvious disconnect between justice and our laws. As we have discussed how traffic laws display this inequality it makes one aware that as Americans we value a specific set of principals rather than collective justice. It then falls to the members of the nation to inform themselves and others on these issues. Grassroots efforts seemingly being the only way to successfully sway opinions.
Ulmer also brings up the difficulties of trying to narrate a disaster and in this instance the internet has facilitated telling this story by allow us to “electrate” instead. In this way we are simply telling second hand, we are showing through forms of media that may actually contain personal witnessing or testimonials
Simulacrum — related to the transversal assemblage of abstract machines
–The categorical images activated in a MEMorial is an example. They emerge from repetition, without reference to or grounding in an origin
– undecidable relation to its origin and varies ties
– repeats image differently as a function of its own form of expression
A Machinic Assemblage– talks about several documents that have the features of a problem that might trigger an alternative or defense
–MEmorial is one way to accomplish “cognitive mapping”- needed to help citizens grasp their position within a subject/field
–Cyberspace as being a place where it is a virtual reality, lucid dreaming, a way to leave the “body“
Cyberspace causes a blurring of gender and sexual identity– puts all boundaries into question– what constitutes problems and solutions?
Princess Diana as an example
–How difficult does this all make MEmorial?
“Punctum”- The obtuse or indirect significance of an image or scene. It is the ability of a news item or image to provoke feeling.
Simulacrum — relation to its origins and to the various ties and spaces it traverses through its repetitions.
-“The simulacrum often appears…as a means of mapping the relation between distinct spheres of discursive and social practice, each of which ‘repeats’ the image differently…”
–There is a blind spot at the very core of clarity, whose effects it is the task of the Memorial to document.
–relation with “Reasoneon”
Machinic Assemblage– is a set of documents that are examples of the kind of story that triggers the punctum or a disavowal (defense)
–MEmorial is an approach to accomplish “cognitive mapping” which helps a community to grasp their position within a historical field.
Cyberspace– the most recent of the application of dream to practice
–attempt at transcendence of the body has lead to “the efforts to produce virtual reality– an inhabitable image, a lucid dreaming as the interface that accesses universal information”
–blurs identity
Punctum– Roland Barthe…The 3rd meaning, the indirect significance of an image or scene . (e.g. News articles can provoke a feeling of justice or injustice)
– Opens up a personal network or associations or memories
MEmorial– an approach to accomplish “cognitive mapping” which helps a community to grasp their position within a historical field.
*Purpose of MeMorial– develop a pedagogy adequate to the data stream of the spectacle by putting “your” network into writing practices
Simalcrum– “original” and “copy” merge to render the literate truth
–categorial images activated in a Memorial
Machinic Assemblage– set of documents that reflect what will set off the Punctum ( feeling of significance)
–E.g. newspaper story about a transexual…triggers a Punctum for some people and a defense for others
Cyberspace-Dream to practice, a way to “leave the body“
– blurs gender roles and questions all boundaries
–provides insight into the transformation of the human experience in electracy
Ch. 3 Notes
This chapter is very theoretical. We talk about different terms like punctum which is an indirect significance to an image and cognitive mapping which relates to Memorial. In order to compose details and gain an audience, we need have an individual impact and a collective influence as well through social networking. The individual needs to recognize the problem first before any part of your collective society determines it first. We need community along with different composing of knowledge and discourse circulating through the web. We need a deliberative method of how to circulate and witness image reasoning and mediation.